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JJ Masters here wanting to get to know the fans of BSB


BSB Model
BSB Model
Mar 3, 2014
Reaction score
Hey hows it going everyone its JJ just wanted to see how everyone was doing and wanted to get to know the fans. Lets talk :)
Welcome JJ, nice to have you on the forum!
me too Y&C!!! After the Colby suck off scene I looked forward to his fucking. JJ I hope this means you have a scene coming up??
Hey hows it going everyone its JJ just wanted to see how everyone was doing and wanted to get to know the fans. Lets talk :)
I was curious of what Nationality you are. I'm half Native Indian and have some Cousins who you resemble quite a bit. Of course I'm also half Mexican and you look like that side of my family also!!!
Bigger picture of JJ


  • 1098-pic-2.jpg
    94.1 KB · Views: 97
Not impressed.
Hey hows it going everyone its JJ just wanted to see how everyone was doing and wanted to get to know the fans. Lets talk :)

Welcome back JJ. Thanks for this opportunity to get to know you and for you to get to know the fans! Based on your interview, you indicated your upbringing was somewhat strict. Would you classify yourself as having some traits of a type "A" personality? One who is driven, strives for perfection, punctuality, somewhat competitive? And if so, how will this impact your modeling (if at all) as you won't always be working with models with similar qualities or personal characteristics?
Welcome back JJ. Thanks for this opportunity to get to know you and for you to get to know the fans! Based on your interview, you indicated your upbringing was somewhat strict. Would you classify yourself as having some traits of a type "A" personality? One who is driven, strives for perfection, punctuality, somewhat competitive? And if so, how will this impact your modeling (if at all) as you won't always be working with models with similar qualities or personal characteristics?

Curious about all the diagnoses on here. Is not the casting couch enough? Why not just enjoy what a model brings instead of what the model sings? While I am not the least impressed with this JJ returnee, that hardly means I am wanting to enter his mindset or that I do not wish him well. If we question others, are we not truly questioning ourselves? And in all frankness, I hardly believe JJ is even remotely interested in "knowing the fans." The scenes are not duplexed.
Well thank you I'm glad you enjoyed my scene with Colby there more scenes to come
Hey how's it going Nobleegg. I would not say my personality is an A plus personality no one is perfect no matter how hard they try. But even though I'm not perfect I still strive to give everything 100%. And yes some people probably don't like me but that's okay I will still do my best to entertain the fans. Lastly about the fans. I am interested in what they have to say because everyone has a fantasy and everyone has a goal in their own life. Yes even though this is a porn forum I feel it doesn't hurt to talk about a certain goal or dream a fan has in their life. I do enjoy talking about different philosophies and different ways to achieve goals that seem unattainable
Hey how's it going Nobleegg. I would not say my personality is an A plus personality no one is perfect no matter how hard they try. But even though I'm not perfect I still strive to give everything 100%. And yes some people probably don't like me but that's okay I will still do my best to entertain the fans. Lastly about the fans. I am interested in what they have to say because everyone has a fantasy and everyone has a goal in their own life. Yes even though this is a porn forum I feel it doesn't hurt to talk about a certain goal or dream a fan has in their life. I do enjoy talking about different philosophies and different ways to achieve goals that seem

You are totally right. Not every forum member will like you but don't let that bother you or get u down. If you give 100% in every scene you should never be upset. I personally am I huge fan of you and can't wait for the your future scenes. I wish you the best.
Hey how's it going Nobleegg. I would not say my personality is an A plus personality no one is perfect no matter how hard they try. But even though I'm not perfect I still strive to give everything 100%. And yes some people probably don't like me but that's okay I will still do my best to entertain the fans. Lastly about the fans. I am interested in what they have to say because everyone has a fantasy and everyone has a goal in their own life. Yes even though this is a porn forum I feel it doesn't hurt to talk about a certain goal or dream a fan has in their life. I do enjoy talking about different philosophies and different ways to achieve goals that seem unattainable
I hope you do become a regular on the forums JJ, posting about whatever you feel like talking about, including your own philosophies of life. Many members here enjoying getting to know you guys as well as we can, including the non sex stuff. Very often, the better we feel we know who a model is, the more we enjoy your scenes. :welcome: to the forum JJ!
You are totally right. Not every forum member will like you but don't let that bother you or get u down. If you give 100% in every scene you should never be upset. I personally am I huge fan of you and can't wait for the your future scenes. I wish you the best.

JJ (and for Youngandconfused), you are hardly "totally" right. If you were to re-read my post, you shall see I did not wish you anything except success and the best on here, as I believe all models should be rendered a fair chance at creating and building a fan base. Just because I am not attracted to you (and believe me, that is something in your favour), that does not mean I want you and success to be alienated.
As for your statement where everyone has a fantasy, there you are indeed mistaken. I have no reason to fantasize, as I create results in my everyday life more than making excuses. I believe in myself to where I can endure, regardless as to what life hurls at me sans any need to wish I were entrapped between a model's legs and not have to beg for mercy. I married my fantasy right after I graduated from high school, only to lose her seven years ago. Since then, I do not search for another fantasy because no one else can fulfill my life as did she.
I understand you are interested in what viewers have to say, but my comment was directed more toward your not being interested in each subscriber as an individual. It is far easier for a thousand subscribers to be interested in one person than for one person to be sincerely interested in the opinions and lustful yearnings (there is the fantasy I do not incorporate) of a thousand subscribers.
I have no doubt you do your best to "entertain" your fans. I also believe you recognize you cannot please and "entertain" everyone due to different tastes and preferences. That is one of your strongest assets I have recognized.
Lastly, if you are serious about wanting to talk about a certain goal or dream a fan may have in his/her (cannot omit Ms. Beth!) life, I have Yahoo IM. Be that as it may, I hardly ascribe to your statement where you enjoy talking about different philosophies and different ways to achieve goals that seem unattainable due to the fact I question your time and interests will avail you such luxuries and leisure.
There it is. (Congratulations, JJ: you just encountered the forum cynic most others abhor and prefer to chide simply because my opinions far differ than theirs, not to mention my opinions tend to burst their balloons of lustful fantasy I cannot possibly deny them. We all have rights, and I respect those of others even before my own.)
Welcome to the Forum JJ. Nice to have you boy's posting..(( YOU HAVE A GREAT ASS ))...Hope we get to see more of it. In your upcoming scenes. And get to know you better.
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Hey how's it going Nobleegg. I would not say my personality is an A plus personality no one is perfect no matter how hard they try. But even though I'm not perfect I still strive to give everything 100%. And yes some people probably don't like me but that's okay I will still do my best to entertain the fans. Lastly about the fans. I am interested in what they have to say because everyone has a fantasy and everyone has a goal in their own life. Yes even though this is a porn forum I feel it doesn't hurt to talk about a certain goal or dream a fan has in their life. I do enjoy talking about different philosophies and different ways to achieve goals that seem unattainable

Thanks for your response JJ and I really appreciated how you answered the inquiries. "Striving for perfection" as I see it, means exactly what you said, giving everything 100% effort! I look forward to scenes you'll be in going forward, as I have enjoyed your scenes to date!