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Jaxon Ryder Please Stay!!!


Well-known Member
Nov 6, 2013
Reaction score
Seattle, Washington
First of all Jaxon is one of my favorites. I wish he would stay!!!! What happened why is he going/ Lets start a petition to get him to stay.
He was fired. On October 27, Admin, aka Bryce told us the following:

Hello All,

Just wanted to let you know that we decided in September not to invite Austin or Jaxon back after that week of shoots. We wish them both the best bu,t as you all have already pointed out in your comments, we also realized during shoot week that neither of them had a future here with us.

While we have some scenes featuring the two of them that will need to be pushed out over the coming weeks, we want to let you know that we hear you loud and clear and came to the same realization ourselves back when they came down to shoot. So, we won't be using either of these guys in any future scenes and the only updates you'll see are the ones that were already shot back in September.

As always, thanks for the feedback. We've spent over $100,000 in model search and recruitment this year and are always trying our best to find new hot boys to bring you. It's increasingly tougher and tougher to find models, but we are vigilant and have been doing our darndest to get better guys in here for you!

At the end of each scene, there is a popup asking you to rate each models performance in that particular scene. Most models have thousands of votes which cumulatively provide invaluable data which determines who stays and who goes. There are only a couple of dozen people on the forums but we have thousands of members so if you like guys be sure to vote for them at the end of the scenes. That is the top metric used to evaluate a models performance.

Every once in a while you get models who "fuck" up while we have them in the studio (attempting to buy alcohol or drugs, stealing, inviting prostitutes over, really you name it) and so very rarely you might have an outstanding model but due to extreme circumstances they pose a danger to the safety of other models, staff and the business. But that is very rare, but we always stay vigilant and it does happen.

So keep rating those guys at the end of the scene... Those cue points are way more accurate that the ratings on the "model" page itself which is why we use those. The performance rating which only we can see can differ greatly from the model's profile rating on their bio page which gets far fewer inputs.

Jaxon is a great and wonderful guy. We really like him a lot and we really do wish him the best but you guys skewered him in his ratings. Additionally, he is really just over doing this and while he personally is a great dude, we need guys who bring enthusiasm into the studio and I think he has just moved on and couldn't get his mojo like he once could.
So keep rating those guys at the end of the scene... Those cue points are way more accurate that the ratings on the "model" page itself which is why we use those. The performance rating which only we can see can differ greatly from the model's profile rating on their bio page which gets far fewer inputs.
I'm a bit confused by what you are saying Bryce. We see the ratings on each scene, but we do not see the rating on each model who performs in the scene. Are those the "cue points" that you speak of? And then how are the ratings on the model page determined if they are different from the "cue" points?

If I am asking questions which are private matters, please tell me, but I am confused by your comments. One more factor to add in. One of your predecessors as spokesman for Broke Straight Boys on the forum was called "webmonkey" and he once told us that the most important factor in determining the popularity of a model was the number of "hits" on their scenes, which was a number not shared with membership. Are "hits" the same as "cue" points?????

I guess I am a "yenta" when it comes to Broke Straight Boys, but I hope I am not considered a "miserable member" for asking these questions, :001_rolleyes: Thanks Bryce. I guess you can determine my interest in this site by looking at my time here and the number of posts I've made, and you can also ask your buddy Sha about me, as the one time I met him, we spent a good deal of time talking about "inside Broke Straight Boys" stuff, which I eat up like a fat kid eats ice cream and cake. lol
Hi Yenta :)

So basically there are a few things that we look at to Gage Owens how a model fairs with the community. In order of importance, we look at the rating of the scenes they are in (the stars you can see underneath the player), the models performance rating (the popup where you rate each model in the scene individually), and to a much lesser extent the rating on their individual bio page, comments on the scene page, and comments in the forum. Finally, we monitor the full tour page and can track what people click on and join for. So when you came to Broke Straight Boys, we will track what thumbs on the tour you click on and track which one it is that gets you to the join page and convert. This is the sales funnel and is an important factor in what models come back.

When we put up a scene anywhere between 600 - 1500 people will use the stars under the player to rate what they thought of the scene. Up to a thousand people will rate the individual models in the popup after the scene finishes playing. Only about a hundred will ever go to the models bio form and use that, you might get a couple of dozen people that will leave comments under a scene, and then there are a couple of dozen people here that regularly use the forum. The people in the forum account for significantly less than 1% of our membership base. Most people that are members, never make it into the forum. So we have a real silent and significant majority. But they will use the ratings system. The two most important factors for models are... which ones get people to pull out their credit cards and join and how are the rated cumulatively in the individual scene performance rating.

We don't track hits to a scene for determining if a model will come back. The metrics we use are way more advanced than that now. It's funny because there will be major backlash in the forum for certain models where they get roasted alive over here, but we've seen it where they will have the highest sales funnel conversion from the tour or have stellar performance ratings from the larger user base rating the scene performance. We constantly have to resist the urge to give the squeaky wheel the grease (no shade, but the forum) and let the number's guide our decision process.

So after everything is tabulated (which happens in real time, all day, every day) we can still end up with a model that is a "absolute must come back" based on the numbers but they may not want to do porn anymore, they might have psychological issues (no lie, it happens) and any of a myriad factors that will cause a rejection for the sheer fact we can't trust them or are fearful of them. Only a couple of months ago a new model showed up at a College Dudes shoot and pulled a knife on the director as soon as he walked in the door. Luckily it turned out ok and the director and other model where able to get him back out the door without injury. There is a crazy vetting process we go through and most guys are 100% awesome like our current stable of boys. But, peaking behind the curtain, there is a lot that goes on that would cause the hair on the back of your neck to stand on in end... if you only knew. I say all of that to say that there are so so many factors that go into model selection and retention and its not nearly as simple as some think.
I am confused! the first scene with jaxon was released on October 7, 2015. the first scene with Austin was released on October 14, 2015. the scene with them both was released on October 25, 2015. admin said on October 27, 2015 that neither would be invited back. a decision make after the shoot week in September. I don't understand how performance rating gathered long after the September shoot week could have played any role in this decision.
also, I didn't realize that the ability to sort models by their rating was merely decorative. with no real meaning. I wonder if the episode ratings have the same purpose and function.
Wow! Thank you Bryce.

For me I believe that's one of the most substantive posts from management that I've seen here in a good year. Not to throw shade (as you say) at any other posts from management recently...for which I'm grateful.

I was tempted to join in for strongly advocating another chance for Jaxon. I didn't like him at all when he first arrived nearly 2 years ago. But he came back this year much more humble and likeable. On camera at least. If it is just a matter of getting bad ratings in several of his most recent scenes... Well, I didn't watch many of them myself because I didn't care for his scene partners. So I can't rightfully speak to any of his performances there. I thought he did very very well in his most recent scene with Vadim Black though.

If Jaxon was let go only for getting bad ratings for scenes in which the models he was paired with didn't arouse or inspire him...then I would respectfully ask for a reconsideration. But I sense that even if that first part is true, that there is more to the story. You seem to intimate that there were "issues" shall we say, during his latest stay that led you all to the decision not to have him back. IF that's the case...and I won't ask or expect you to elaborate in detail...then I trust your guys' judgment and decision.

Even though we represent maybe 1% of the overall membership in here, I think you'll agree that we are very loyal to the models in the sense of wanting them to be treated very respectfully and with care. Even though they are technically legal adults, we still want to know that there are concerned and caring grownups in charge. We want the models to feel safe when in the company's care. We don't them to have to worry about whether they will be peer pressured into doing illegal drugs. (For which they might not yet have the maturity and self-confidence to be able to say no to.) We don't want them to have to worry for their personal safety from weapons, knives, firearms, etc. We don't want them to have to put up with being around guys with psychological problems so profound that they become unstable or violent. We don't want them to have to worry about catching STD's because one or more of their co-workers is screwing around with female hookers, male hustlers or any others from outside the house
in-between filming...and thereby negating or at least throwing into doubt the clean test results they completed just after arriving.

We have love for so many of these guys regardless of whether we will ever meet them in person. As the mature grownups in charge, please do whatever it takes to keep them safe and allow them to feel safe, protected...and hopefully even quite happy while they are there. :)

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I'm probably .00001% of the 1% who placed Jaxon in my favorites after his latest scene. He was "redeemed" for me in that scene with Vadim Black. I guess I truly feel sorry for him after hearing him say in the banter prior to getting down to business how he was so appreciative of his returned opportunity. He is a believable "straight" boy and does, always it seems, show up "broke". Oh well... just sayin....
I'm probably .00001% of the 1% who placed Jaxon in my favorites after his latest scene. He was "redeemed" for me in that scene with Vadim Black. I guess I truly feel sorry for him after hearing him say in the banter prior to getting down to business how he was so appreciative of his returned opportunity. He is a believable "straight" boy and does, always it seems, show up "broke". Oh well... just sayin....

I'm sad about it too Ertas. For many of the same reasons you state above.
At the end of each scene, there is a popup asking you to rate each models performance in that particular scene. Most models have thousands of votes which cumulatively provide invaluable data which determines who stays and who goes. There are only a couple of dozen people on the forums but we have thousands of members so if you like guys be sure to vote for them at the end of the scenes. That is the top metric used to evaluate a models performance.

Every once in a while you get models who "fuck" up while we have them in the studio (attempting to buy alcohol or drugs, stealing, inviting prostitutes over, really you name it) and so very rarely you might have an outstanding model but due to extreme circumstances they pose a danger to the safety of other models, staff and the business. But that is very rare, but we always stay vigilant and it does happen.

So keep rating those guys at the end of the scene... Those cue points are way more accurate that the ratings on the "model" page itself which is why we use those. The performance rating which only we can see can differ greatly from the model's profile rating on their bio page which gets far fewer inputs.

Jaxon is a great and wonderful guy. We really like him a lot and we really do wish him the best but you guys skewered him in his ratings. Additionally, he is really just over doing this and while he personally is a great dude, we need guys who bring enthusiasm into the studio and I think he has just moved on and couldn't get his mojo like he once could.

Hi Yenta :)

So basically there are a few things that we look at to Gage Owens how a model fairs with the community. In order of importance, we look at the rating of the scenes they are in (the stars you can see underneath the player), the models performance rating (the popup where you rate each model in the scene individually), and to a much lesser extent the rating on their individual bio page, comments on the scene page, and comments in the forum. Finally, we monitor the full tour page and can track what people click on and join for. So when you came to Broke Straight Boys, we will track what thumbs on the tour you click on and track which one it is that gets you to the join page and convert. This is the sales funnel and is an important factor in what models come back.

When we put up a scene anywhere between 600 - 1500 people will use the stars under the player to rate what they thought of the scene. Up to a thousand people will rate the individual models in the popup after the scene finishes playing. Only about a hundred will ever go to the models bio form and use that, you might get a couple of dozen people that will leave comments under a scene, and then there are a couple of dozen people here that regularly use the forum. The people in the forum account for significantly less than 1% of our membership base. Most people that are members, never make it into the forum. So we have a real silent and significant majority. But they will use the ratings system. The two most important factors for models are... which ones get people to pull out their credit cards and join and how are the rated cumulatively in the individual scene performance rating.

We don't track hits to a scene for determining if a model will come back. The metrics we use are way more advanced than that now. It's funny because there will be major backlash in the forum for certain models where they get roasted alive over here, but we've seen it where they will have the highest sales funnel conversion from the tour or have stellar performance ratings from the larger user base rating the scene performance. We constantly have to resist the urge to give the squeaky wheel the grease (no shade, but the forum) and let the number's guide our decision process.

So after everything is tabulated (which happens in real time, all day, every day) we can still end up with a model that is a "absolute must come back" based on the numbers but they may not want to do porn anymore, they might have psychological issues (no lie, it happens) and any of a myriad factors that will cause a rejection for the sheer fact we can't trust them or are fearful of them. Only a couple of months ago a new model showed up at a College Dudes shoot and pulled a knife on the director as soon as he walked in the door. Luckily it turned out ok and the director and other model where able to get him back out the door without injury. There is a crazy vetting process we go through and most guys are 100% awesome like our current stable of boys. But, peaking behind the curtain, there is a lot that goes on that would cause the hair on the back of your neck to stand on in end... if you only knew. I say all of that to say that there are so so many factors that go into model selection and retention and its not nearly as simple as some think.

Finally, management has found someone who can explain things in a clear, concise manner. Bryce, I am a luddite when it comes to the details of the things you addressed; but I understand the thrust of your remarks and the points you were trying to make.

Thank you for taking the time to explain this matter. While I will take management to task for matters that I consider it handles poorly, I also will be first to compliment it for doing something top-notch. And your posts here not only were top-notch but also are in a class by themselves.
I just wish people would stop using the term " Miserable Members" Thanks...Johnny....

Oh no, johnny. Wear it as a symbol of your willingness to express your views as you see them despite criticism and barbs from others.
Finally, management has found someone who can explain things in a clear, concise manner. Bryce, I am a luddite when it comes to the details of the things you addressed; but I understand the thrust of your remarks and the points you were trying to make.

Thank you for taking the time to explain this matter. While I will take management to task for matters that I consider it handles poorly, I also will be first to compliment it for doing something top-notch. And your posts here not only were top-notch but also are in a class by themselves.
You just got tired of sparring, didn't you, Stowe? lol
Oh no, johnny. Wear it as a symbol of your willingness to express your views as you see them despite criticism and barbs from others.
I most certainly intended it as a "badge of honor", as I unashamedly am an admirer of the men on that list!!! :thumbup:
i dont understand why evreybody is fithing for Jaxon Ryder

I'm a bit confused by what you are saying Bryce. We see the ratings on each scene, but we do not see the rating on each model who performs in the scene. Are those the "cue points" that you speak of? And then how are the ratings on the model page determined if they are different from the "cue" points?

If I am asking questions which are private matters, please tell me, but I am confused by your comments. One more factor to add in. One of your predecessors as spokesman for Broke Straight Boys on the forum was called "webmonkey" and he once told us that the most important factor in determining the popularity of a model was the number of "hits" on their scenes, which was a number not shared with membership. Are "hits" the same as "cue" points?????

I guess I am a "yenta" when it comes to Broke Straight Boys, but I hope I am not considered a "miserable member" for asking these questions, :001_rolleyes: Thanks Bryce. I guess you can determine my interest in this site by looking at my time here and the number of posts I've made, and you can also ask your buddy Sha about me, as the one time I met him, we spent a good deal of time talking about "inside Broke Straight Boys" stuff, which I eat up like a fat kid eats ice cream and cake. lol

because if you see good all of his scens they were not that good , and he did not like it at all , there are beter models from the passed ho are much beter end they get not back . now i think he is happy to begone and am happy that he is gone .
because if somebody dont like it don do gay porn but do straight porn .

and to be real most of the model now are not that good , if you look on the old stuff there you head real straight guys .how doing the scens find out that they liked gay sex , but that long ago like the guys from 2009-2010-2011-2012 ther were model wen you were suprissed as member that they were willing to do gay porn .and most of them stayd for years , now days most of them are bi or gay , and stay for a little time and they are gone .only Vadim Black and Zander Floyd are from long a go , and the reason that they are still here is becaus Vadim Black works with oder studios and Zander Floyd was most of the time gone .if you look at scens form the past . there were model ho did 20 or 25 scens and they are stil good but they are gone like . Tyler White, Damien Kyle, pal cannon, iaden troy ,iendemtie, Gage Owens , Ryan Fields .all models how did more then 20 scens and they are still good mike king. i dont understand the deal with jaxon .for me Broke Straight Boys has changed . and not for beter at all. thats it
You just got tired of sparring, didn't you, Stowe? lol

I'm sure that management doesn't give a hoot what I think, but the sparring is fun!!!