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Jamie & Slink


BSB Addict
Nov 1, 2010
Reaction score
Slink does the sucking and Jamie gets paid for leaning back on the Futon.

It's not hard to predict the comments that will follow...
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Wow talk about surprise ending! Hey guys don’t give up this one until you watch it all. It starts out pretty much like the rest and I didn’t think I was going to like it but decided to stick it out and I am glad I did as there is a big surprise at the end that will blow you away. I am still not sold on Jimmie but he is improving rapidly. At times in this shot it was actually sort of funny to hear them squirm and fiddle back and forth. Because it started slow I won’t give it a 5 but for how it ended I will gladly give it a 4.
What's in a name?

"That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet"

Welcome Clay - and goodbye to your temporary name Matthew -

Slink didn't had a cumshot, more so he creamed. That slight lick, frustrated Clay too. He sounded a bit disappointed.

Good to hear that BJ wants to help you! :biggrin:
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This was essentially nothing more than another jack off scene, which included two very small, and brief a la carte items (a few moments of one sided oral, and Slink touching the tip of his tongue onto the tippy top portion of Jamie's dick at the end after he had cum, for a fee).

Yet another snooze fest in my book, but I am sure there are those who loved it.

I must disagree with you, abush11, although we didn't see Slink actually shoot, this episode was, overall, more like it.

It was more believable, especially when Slink's dick got soft as soon as he agreed to suck Jamie's cock.

I, for one, am looking forward to more action between these two.
I must disagree with you, abush11, although we didn't see Slink actually shoot, this episode was, overall, more like it.

It was more believable, especially when Slink's dick got soft as soon as he agreed to suck Jamie's cock.

I, for one, am looking forward to more action between these two.

Well I'm glad for you that you enjoyed seeing Slink's dick get soft at the prospect of having to suck Jamie's cock.

I only meant that comment to show that this episode was more realistic than those that came before.

Good point, perhaps the College Boy Physicals scenes should start featuring the guys sitting in the waiting room and filling out insurance papers, or watching the lab tech process the urine sample forms in order to make those scenes more realistic too.
OMG it was snore time for a LONG while with this one. Damn, Slink is cute, but you gotta get guys that do it and like it!!
I watched this video.

Is self-loathing now part of the script?

(And don't tell me these aren't scripted. If you go into a shoot like this without a script, you are wasting your time. In this case the script doesn't have specific lines of dialog for the actors but it does have the acts to be performed, and topics of discussion for the actors and director. It may even have camera angles. Possibly David just needed a 5 minute talk and no script with his most experienced models before a shoot, but we know he did walk-throughs in many cases. I can't believe Clay is winging these shoots as he's using unexperienced models. He would need a script and probably a rehearsal. And if he isn't doing that, then that's part of the problem. Movies which are just a camera rolling never work. I hate to tell you this, but the Blair Witch Project was very tightly scripted.)

If self-loathing isn't part of the plan, then tell these guys to shut up. It's very unattractive.

It is really hard to identify with these guys. I'm trying my best to find one I like. Rocco is it so far. He seems loose and, yes, I do have a thing about his hair. But more, he seems like a nice guy. I'd like to meet him in a bar. I don't care if I ever see Slink and Jamie again.

Mark, Clay, you have to make your characters likable and let the viewer identify with them. But then, you must know that. This is Film School 101. Films have been made this way for 100 years.

Characters we can identify with just isn't happening here.

OK sex but as emotionally involving as a pile of turkey giblets. I give it a 2.
And before this thread devolves into film theory, yes, I know you can have a villian the viewer can hate, a clown they can laugh at, a love interest they can lust over, yadda, yadda, yadda.

But think of the best videos from the past. They always had one character we could like. Maybe it was the funny, confident top (MikeR and Diesal) or the cocky, willing newbie (Alden, Jordan and Logan), the hesitant straight boy (Zakk and Nu when they first started) or even a clown (Married Mike). In this case I'm talking about the hero of the scene. A director has to be able to make his hero likeable. Even an anti-hero is a bad boy we at least respect.

In a drama you can have a hero you like, a villian you hate and a best friend between the two (Torin, Aiden and Steve, anyone?). But still, you have to have someone the viewer is rooting for to succeed.

I think one of the reasons Tyler was so popular was we could easily identify with him. He was the wise-ass little bother or the cute kid from down the block. We all know a Tyler and we like that guy in real life, so we liked Tyler.
The X-factor

All those guys that you name Smiley had something you can't buy or script: the likeability factor. (the reason why I love your posts more than some of the others, is because you are adorable too) :001_tongue:

PS: My preference for Vinnie is based on raw sex appeal.
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I liked this one

I thought it was good. It got the job done, so to speak. ;)

I understand that there are those that thought this was boring, but honestly, there were a hell of a lot of episodes prior to the reboot that were less interesting than this one.

I enjoyed this one. I think Jamie is hot. Slink's not bad, but the name kinda fits. I liked the surprise ending.

Now, if we can occasionally work in some more of the "damn, this is better than I thought" episodes, I'll be all set.
Good point, perhaps the College Boy Physicals scenes should start featuring the guys sitting in the waiting room and filling out insurance papers, or watching the lab tech process the urine sample forms in order to make those scenes more realistic too.

Wow Abe, back to whining? You must be having a bad day.

Btw, did you notice he licked the cum while Jamie was cumming, not after he had cum. Jamie still had cum oozzing out when he licked it.
OMG it was snore time for a LONG while with this one. Damn, Slink is cute, but you gotta get guys that do it and like it!!

Um no you don't. First of all Jamie said he did like it, but no they shouldn't just automatically like it.. they are straight, not gay.. this goes back to the big philosophical divide between people on this site that want it to be broke gay boys.
Um no you don't. First of all Jamie said he did like it, but no they shouldn't just automatically like it.. they are straight, not gay.. this goes back to the big philosophical divide between people on this site that want it to be broke gay boys.

Boy do I agree. This is the closest to Broke STAIGHT guys they have had on this sight in a while. The problem is not with the models it is with the filming and editing. They negtiate to have Slink let Jamie pop in his mouth and missed the negotiating or the scene. Slink looked like he was doing something he did not like or want to, da Broke Straight Boys