Thank you MsK. I'm glad you're the one who opened the door. I didn't want to be the only one to say something.
Dearest Colin,
Since I am assuming that you will read this thread I wanted to ask you if you would reconsider the military hairstyle. I don't claim to speak for a majority in here, but I did not care for your new haircut. You didn't have especially long hair before but what you did have looked so much better on you. The longer hair enhances and softens all of your best features. When framed with more hair, your smile really glows. The haircut you had in this scene looked very stark and harsh under the bright lights. Like you had been drafted into the military against your will or otherwise punished in some way. lol I just don't think that the really short hair flatters you nearly as much.
You wouldn't think that haircuts would be such a big deal here in the forum. Unfortunately we just had a huge dust-up over a model who recently gained some weight and cut his once long hair, very short. I don't want to restart the hullabaloo all over again. You can check out Jimmy's thread, "Can members be anymore RUDE and MEAN???" It might as well have been called "The Thread That Wouldn't Die".
Again I'm sure you would find it kind of silly that indeed we have been discussing haircuts for a few months now. That's because when the new models started appearing several months ago, with the launch of the newer site, a few things became obvious right way. Suddenly we started to realize that many of the new models wore their hair very short. There were a few exceptions like Rocco and Bobby. Both of whom not only did not have short hair, but actually had long opposed to just a medium length.
Then we started to see that these very short and military haircuts seemed to be becoming the majority. Which of course is not a horrible apocalyptic event. haha But it just seemed that they had gotten into a rut of only hiring models with hair 1 1/2" or much less in length. Many of us tried to make the point that having a few models with very short hair was fine...but variety is the spice of life and all that. Our
Broke Straight Boys models were starting to look very cookie cutter and clonish. Then believe it or not, it got worse. (In my opinion at least)
One of our favorite models Rocco cut his especially long hair down to practically a shaved look. The change in his appearance was shocking. I commented at the time that while he has the right to cut his hair any way he wants that he looked like a slightly darker haired clone to the rest of his scene partners.
Then Bobby cut his especially long hair to a very short hairstyle. And again it was a drastic change in his appearance. The negative reaction to his haircut is one of the factors that precipitated the huge dust-up to which I referred to earlier.
Thankfully Jimmy grew his hair out a little more. Not by a lot, but it does look better. (To me at least)
So I've gone to this long-winded explanation to ask you to consider keeping your hair at least the length that you had it before. It helps you to stand out from the crowd. Although you do that in many other ways also by the sheer force of your endearing personality.
If you really like the shorter hair maybe you could grow it out a little more just prior to doing your scenes? Because you know in advance when they will be. And then after you have done your set of scenes you could have it cut shorter again. Just a thought...
And as if to prove the point, the next model named Anthony (who starts on Monday) has the same kind of cookie cutter haircut. Oh well...