Working fine here so it is probably an issue with your internet provider or somewhere in between. A good website to check when you think a site is down is
Hi Mark,
Thank you for the quick reply, I just tried again not working somrthing to do with my user name and password. I had this problem a month ago with Broke Straight Boys Amber changed my user name. I really did not understand the reason why as my previous user name work fine since I started with Broke Straight Boys Can you look into this for me when you have a chance
I was having trouble last night getting on College Dudes as well. I opened a ticket. This morning, it let me in finally. There IS something going on, and it's very annoying not to be able to access a site you paid for.
There is some issues with our password management so if you do have an issue just open a ticket at Sorry for the inconvenience.
We are looking into this issue more so we can keep this from happening. Its more of an issue to the billers updating our database, like Mark mentioned please open a ticket at for quick help.