I will try to make this simple, but that will probably not be possible. I'll do my best and hope my friends can help me. Obviously we are all familiar with the studies of Alfred Kinsey. The question that has haunted me recently in the past several years is how have the gains we as gays have made in the past decade had an influence on the accuracy of these studies. I expected a greater number of gays in American Society than the most recent studies would indicate. If your interested you can review the article at http://www.kinseyinstitute.org/resources/bib-homoprev.html The most recent study that I found was by G.J. Gates in 2011 and it states "Gates analyzed information from four recent national and two state-level population-based surveys. The analyses suggest that there are more than 8 million adults in the US who are lesbian, gay, or bisexual, comprising 3.5% of the adult population. He estimated an additional 700,000 individuals identified as transgender." For the time being, with no insult intended to our transgender population I am interested in a poll of our members concerning your opinions on the accuracy of the percentages stated concerning the accuracy of the most recent data published by Mr. Gates. Please take the time to participate in my poll. Yeah I know I'm a poll junky. I realize that this poll will not cover all aspects but I am not an expert in statistics. Just a curious guy.