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how damnably imbecilic can they be?


Well-known Member
Jun 13, 2011
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what the hell is wrong with a bunch of men and women elected by their public constituencies to promote the general welfare and ensure the blessings of liberty who make spurious arguments and promote outright lies about why they are against the vast majority of Americans having access to affordable healthcare?
why is it that the rest of the First World nations (western europe and japan and canada) all believe that and so have decided some 60 years ago that all of their citizens will be better producers of individual wealth if they collectively care for one another by paying through their taxes for:
1) well-funded public education at the primary, secondary, and university level;
2) universal /national public health insurance wherein no one is denied care although there are reasonable waits for some procedures yet one has the option of paying out of pocket for the same procedure to get it faster;
3) affordable and dependable national/public transportation that connects all to all.

Yet the Republicans are against all of them while the Democrats somehow believe that they can cut a deal with big businesses, who hate regulations that would force them to pat livable wages and not provided substandard products and outlandish interest rates to provide all three.
The first Kenyan-American president (half-white + half-black = all black according to the one drop rule established in Plessy v. Ferguson and centuries of slavery throughout the world), B. H. Obama, a Harvard-trained lawyer, has proven to be a smoocher of corporate ass every bit as much as every "pure" white American president. His top priority was to help businessmen, super-rich ones, who had supped unencumbered at the biggest wealth transfer from the bottom 90% to the top 10% during the Bush administration, after they has destroyed their own nationally funded monopoly game with their own shitty, crooked rules sheparded by Dick Cheney. Obama has done what every other Harvard trained lawyer president has done - he favored big business and the rich while millions more fell into poverty. Who gives a damn about gays getting married when most will have to live on the streets or move back in witht eir parents or live in communes with little or no access to health care?
Integrity is a value the rich can afford to ignore.
we will know the answer to your question in about a year. you make good points. I find myself agreeing with you, in general terms. the only people who will vote, will be people who are mad their vote may not count and people who are mad.
NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll on blame for government shutdown

A new poll released on Thursday shows that the American public is not being fooled by the rhetoric of the Tea Party. According to reports from Washington today, the Republicans have taken 'Obamacare' off the table in their negotiations with the President on a new budget. Perhaps progress is being made.

--Only 24% of Americans had a favorable view of Republicans, the lowest figure in the poll’s multi-year history and four percentage points lower than last month. Another low: only 21% had a favorable view of the tea party.

--President Obama’s standing was relatively stable, the pollsters said, moving from 45% favorable last month to 47% now, within the poll’s margin of error of 3.5 points. Democrats overall were at 39% positive, with congressional Democrats at 36%.

--70% of Americans said Republicans were putting politics ahead of what was best for the country. A lesser 51% said that about Obama.

Not a Repub just want to make that clear, but I just saw a poll by the AP (a very liberal group) that put the Dems favorable rating at 32%. My point being this is NOT just a Repub problem...they are both equally to blame IMO and are BOTH hurting the country. Not looking for an argument, but there is enough blame to go around. Thats it. :sleeping:
Not a Repub just want to make that clear, but I just saw a poll by the AP (a very liberal group) that put the Dems favorable rating at 32%. My point being this is NOT just a Repub problem...they are both equally to blame IMO and are BOTH hurting the country. Not looking for an argument, but there is enough blame to go around. Thats it. :sleeping:

Good point Nick but it goes much further than the USA. It is having ramifications around the world and America's biggest trading partners such as China and Europe will not thank the US administration for bringing their share prices down. If it goes on for much longer China for example may choose to trade with others.
Good point Nick but it goes much further than the USA. It is having ramifications around the world and America's biggest trading partners such as China and Europe will not thank the US administration for bringing their share prices down. If it goes on for much longer China for example may choose to trade with others.
Even with the USA in turmoil, countries who trade with the USA can't afford to lose them as their main goods buyer. We buy way more unnecessary crap then any other country in the world, so to shut off the USA would damage a countries economy worse then whats happening now.
The Blame For The Current Debt Crisis And The Government Shutdown Is Not Equal!

Not a Repub just want to make that clear, but I just saw a poll by the AP (a very liberal group) that put the Dems favorable rating at 32%. My point being this is NOT just a Repub problem...they are both equally to blame IMO and are BOTH hurting the country. Not looking for an argument, but there is enough blame to go around. Thats it. :sleeping:

I think the notion that all parties are equally guilty in the government shutdown and the impending default situation is completely wrongheaded. It shows a complete lack of knowledge of current U.S. politics. It is the radicalization of the Republican Party which has changed everything. The Republicans have CHOSEN to adopt the tactic of demanding they get their way or they will greatly harm America's economy. It is not good enough to win elections and get the votes and enact laws. Instead, the party that currently controls the House of Representatives; but, actually got approximately 600,000 few votes in the total vote cast for the House of Representatives want to get its way over the other two branches of government. The House seats are so gerrymandered that the Democrats have to win in excess of 750,000 more total votes in order to win a majority.

You need to check your facts and wake up to the fact that it is the Republican Party which is driving this crisis.

Unless you recognize this, you are missing the forest for the trees.
I think the notion that all parties are equally guilty in the government shutdown and the impending default situation is completely wrongheaded. It shows a complete lack of knowledge of current U.S. politics. It is the radicalization of the Republican Party which has changed everything. The Republicans have CHOSEN to adopt the tactic of demanding they get their way or they will greatly harm America's economy. It is not good enough to win elections and get the votes and enact laws. Instead, the party that currently controls the House of Representatives; but, actually got approximately 600,000 few votes in the total vote cast for the House of Representatives want to get its way over the other two branches of government. The House seats are so gerrymandered that the Democrats have to win in excess of 750,000 more total votes in order to win a majority.

You need to check your facts and wake up to the fact that it is the Republican Party which is driving this crisis.

Unless you recognize this, you are missing the forest for the trees.
To anyone who looks at the facts of the situation it is crystal clear that you have correctly stated the facts of the situation Blue. This small faction of the right wing of the Republican Party who plotted this out are responsible for the shutdown but apparently they are feeling the heat from the rest of the Republicans and apparently this latest version of "America held hostage" will be drawing to a close in a few days............for now.
Even with the USA in turmoil, countries who trade with the USA can't afford to lose them as their main goods buyer. We buy way more unnecessary crap then any other country in the world, so to shut off the USA would damage a countries economy worse then whats happening now.

Peter, i didn't say they would take such a drastic step - AT THE MOMENT - but if your childish government carries on behaving like kids in a creche then it wont be long before they do change partners. Other countries have learnt from crisis such as the prime market issue that originated in the US and flooded the worlds banks into turmoil that they cannot and will not let situations in the US affect their own economy much longer. To lose such respect in the world is pretty bad and surely you lot know you cannot survive on your own
Sorry but thats my opinion and I have done the research on this. There is enough blame to go around here for both parties and no need to tell me I am missing anything, I got your point BUT this is my opinion from what I have seen and read. My Grandma always told me to NEVER discuss political issues. She would be turning over in her grave right about now lol. Have a nice day...:angel:
FOXNEWS does not have a monopoly on reporting objectively!

I think the notion that all parties are equally guilty in the government shutdown and the impending default situation is completely wrongheaded. It shows a complete lack of knowledge of current U.S. politics. It is the radicalization of the Republican Party which has changed everything. The Republicans have CHOSEN to adopt the tactic of demanding they get their way or they will greatly harm America's economy. It is not good enough to win elections and get the votes and enact laws. Instead, the party that currently controls the House of Representatives; but, actually got approximately 600,000 few votes in the total vote cast for the House of Representatives want to get its way over the other two branches of government. The House seats are so gerrymandered that the Democrats have to win in excess of 750,000 more total votes in order to win a majority.

You need to check your facts and wake up to the fact that it is the Republican Party which is driving this crisis.

Unless you recognize this, you are missing the forest for the trees.

Dear Blue,

I must agree with your considered opinion. It would be nice if each party were equally to blame, but that just simply does not jive with the facts. Unfortunately, we have a bipolar news industry where we have the major networks giving a mostly mainstream objective view of the news and then we have FOXNEWS where then make up the news to insight the Republicans and pay little attention to any facts unless it happens to put the Democrats in a bad light.

For you Fox fans, just try to remember when if ever the Democrats or Pres. Obama ever did something, anything correctly. For a minute just ask yourself, why is it only FOX that has a MONOPOLY FOR GETTING THINGS CORRECT in this 24 hour news reporting cycle society we live I? The answer is obvious!

