BluMedia Programmer
Thanks Clay for the preview. Something so hot is coming.
Thanks Clay for the preview. Something so hot is coming.
Thanks Clay for the preview. Something so hot is coming.
You did leave me scratching my head on that one Webmonkey. I was looking for clues in other posts. haha But thanks for the tease. haha I look forward to whatever it is.
Thanks Clay for the preview. Something so hot is coming.
How about changing "skimpy outfit" to "in the buff". Just a thought.
Dear Robb,
No matter how much you might wish to give Kodi a "neighborly buff-up", frying bologna is serious business prone to having splatter cuming from the frying pan. This seems to burn upon contact with skin. Kodi's being totally "in the buff" seems more than risky and potentially painful should the grease get out-of-control. Kodi is simply too pretty to have burn marks on any part of him, but especially his front side.
Robb, this message is not intended to be a punishment. Just remember these words of wisedom! Being in such a hurry can have unexpected consequences, just like the guy that reversed the usual order of the proverbial saying "getting the horse before the carriage". His consequence has been to personally bear the load by clenching down on the briddle in his mouth as the horses took over the reins. There is a lesson to learn in there somewhere. I just can't quite figure it out!
So much for my moment of inspiration,
Even better though I'd like to watch him in a speedo cleaning a swimming pool.
I dont care how he cooks em, they taste fantastic.
Thank you Stimpy for your "been here forever" wise words of wisdom. But let's be real here. How much "protection" do you think Mike's "skimpy outfit" is going to offer? My guess.....not much. However it will protect Kodi's greatest asset which I guess is the focus of all of our hungry eyes.
The real solution to this whole problem would be for Kodi to turn down the heat (of the range of course) and fry the bologna slower.....then the grease won't splatter at all. And as an added bonus for us, we could watch Kodi much longer.
Sincerely, slow cooker and still for "in the buff".
Sorry to say, WebMonkey, we don't get to taste the bologna. We have to "taste" with our eyes. Maybe start out in speedos, then change into "in the buff". Maybe by the pool would be splattering grease coming out of the pool.
Dear Robb,
Only you could arrive at a solution of turning down the heat to HEAT things UP again! As they say, sometimes the best solution is no solution(or almost no solution)!
We did that in the Carter administration where the national speed limit was lowered to 55, which we all interpreted as at least 60 - 65, so long as you didn't get caught. Radar detector sales went to the moon and we all learned that lying was only to be expected! So much for my
Ok I agree safety first. But I bet Kodi doesnt really care either, a very smart young man who is unusually respectful to others, and always makes sure he addresses you by your name. Very cool young man.
I like my meat raw! lol