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Happy Memorial Day Weekend


Well-known Member
Mar 17, 2018
Reaction score
Vero Beach Fl.
In today's world we tend to forget the men & woman, who have given their lives to preserve our freedoms.(which some take for granted). Let's give thanks to those men & women, who made the ultimate sacrifice, also give thanks to their families who made those sacrifice & continue to do so. Happy Memorial Day Weekend.
Great sentiment Pete and I echo your thank you to all who have served and defended our country over the years, and a Happy Memorial Day to all forumites throughout the land.

In today's world we tend to forget the men & woman, who have given their lives to preserve our freedoms.(which some take for granted). Let's give thanks to those men & women, who made the ultimate sacrifice, also give thanks to their families who made those sacrifice & continue to do so. Happy Memorial Day Weekend.

As a Vietnam war era veteran myself, I both appreciate and share your sentiments.
As a Vietnam war era veteran myself, I both appreciate and share your sentiments.

Thank you for your service, kgmets. And thanks to all the men and women who make it possible for us to be safe and free to be who we are.
Happy Memorial Day everyone.

My partner is an Air Force vet from the Cold War era. We deal with the VA a lot and I appreciate the service of all our veterans.

I’m having to go work on my property today. Grass and weeds are out of hand and I’m going to do my best to not flirt too much with my big tall dirty blond Gardner. Lol. My veteran boyfriend gets to sleep in.
My partner is an Air Force vet from the Cold War era. We deal with the VA a lot and I appreciate the service of all our veterans.

I’m having to go work on my property today. Grass and weeds are out of hand and I’m going to do my best to not flirt too much with my big tall dirty blond Gardner. Lol. My veteran boyfriend gets to sleep in.

Thank your partner from all of us for his service. I am an Army vet myself from the Vietnam era, and swallowed my first load of cum while stationed at Fort Benning, GA (yes, from a fellow soldier with whom I had a short lived affair)...changed my life forever!
Thank your partner from all of us for his service. I am an Army vet myself from the Vietnam era, and swallowed my first load of cum while stationed at Fort Benning, GA (yes, from a fellow soldier with whom I had a short lived affair)...changed my life forever!
I didn't know you were going to go there Robb.....but as long as you brought it up, I have to say that you certainly did "serve" both your country and your fellow soldier. LOLOLOL

Thank your partner from all of us for his service. I am an Army vet myself from the Vietnam era, and swallowed my first load of cum while stationed at Fort Benning, GA (yes, from a fellow soldier with whom I had a short lived affair)...changed my life forever!

Thank you for your service, Buckeye to our country. It's greatly appreciated.
I didn't know you were going to go there Robb.....but as long as you brought it up, I have to say that you certainly did "serve" both your country and your fellow soldier. LOLOLOL


On that note, I once had a fuck buddy relationship with a hot young man in the Army reserve, who took it up the butt like a champ. I would often compliment him both on his service to the country of his military service, and his service of the country, when he took my dick up his ass.
Thank your partner from all of us for his service. I am an Army vet myself from the Vietnam era, and swallowed my first load of cum while stationed at Fort Benning, GA (yes, from a fellow soldier with whom I had a short lived affair)...changed my life forever!

I would love to hear more. Brings a whole new meaning to a few good men!

My old boss had a boyfriend who was in WWII. He was gay and he was found out and transferred to a unit where they sent gays. He was in horrible fear of what would happen at this new post but when he got there and reported to his CO, he was met with these words, “Mary where have you been all of my life”. Needless to say he enjoyed the rest of his tour and met his long time partner there.
In today's world we tend to forget the men & woman, who have given their lives to preserve our freedoms.(which some take for granted). Let's give thanks to those men & women, who made the ultimate sacrifice, also give thanks to their families who made those sacrifice & continue to do so. Happy Memorial Day Weekend.

I agree whole heartedly peter. Thank You for you service KG!!
In today's world we tend to forget the men & woman, who have given their lives to preserve our freedoms.(which some take for granted). Let's give thanks to those men & women, who made the ultimate sacrifice, also give thanks to their families who made those sacrifice & continue to do so. Happy Memorial Day Weekend.

Thank you for that Pete and thanks for starting the thread.
This thread is from 2018, but the sentiment is the same six years later. Our country and our politics are a mess today. But despite all that I can’t think of anywhere I’d rather live than here, and I do thank my dad and all veterans who served over the years.
