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Happy Birthday Stimpy


BSB Addict
Nov 2, 2008
Reaction score
leeds england
Happy Birthday Stimpy aka Cumrag lol. I sincerely hope you have a good day - well I know you've had a great start with todays update. Keep smiling my friend and enjoy the water sports lol. xx
Happy Birthday Stimpy :par50:

One of the unexpected joys of being on this forum has been the real true friends I have made being part of this community and Stimpy, you are a true joy to know!!!!

Have a wonderful day and a fabulous year.

:birthday: my friend.
Oh yaaaaa, happy birthday, Stimpy! :15:

I wish you good health and happiness in the coming year, and cheers to all your birthday wishes coming true.

Long distance love and hugs,
Grace x
Happy birthday to you my friend.

Cum rags galore

Happy birthday to you my friend.


Dear Robert,

I am told that cum rags are made to be washed without any damage. Personally, that distinctive odor has always been a pleasing one to me, it smells clean, and also smells of new life! Just think of how boring it would be if they introduced a "scent free" version. I can just see it now with the new and improved cum being scent-free and people sharing their personal cum rags to determine which one has the most pleasing smell. And outside of some samples being saltier tasting than others, as package clearly explains, they say "it all cums out in the wash"!

To be on the safe sides, some prolific cummers like Mick & Skyler will plan to use at least 2 of the crusty creatures to capture the entirety of their bountiful mother-load they both are capable of producing. Don't want to leave pecker track casting blame on them later on! I just heard that Bounty, the quicker-picker-upper, is planning on introducing NEW disposable cum rags that are on a tear off roll just like the paper towels in basic white.


Thank you very much!

Thank you jon, Mark, Mikeyank, grace17. keylow, Robert and PeterH for your well wishes for my birthday. You guys make Broke Straight Boys seem like family, my gay-family!!! Thank you for putting up with me and my hit-or-miss sense of humor. May God Bless you all!


Stimpy :angeldevil:

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my dear old (old, old, old, old, old, old) friend. (you're only a couple of months older than me).

You’re so old that the date on your birth certificate is in Roman numerals and has expired.

You are so old that when you walked into an antique shop they put a price tag on you.

You are so old that when you were a child, rainbows were in black and white.

You’re so old you have a first edition of the Ten Commandments.

You’re so old that when you were born the Dead Sea was only just getting sick.

You're so old that you can remember when the "Star Spangled Banner" was in the top ten.

Happy Birthday, My friend and may you have another thousand years.

:par50: :par50: :par50: :par50:
Dear Stimpy:

I want to wish you a very happy birthday and offer you my best wishes for many more to come! Hope you are having a great day.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Stimpy!! I wish you all the best! :birthday:
happy birthday to you too stimpy..hope its been a good one, and if not, theres always next year! :p