Well that didn't transfer very well. I don't know how to fix it. So just have a nice birthday without all of Johnny's last year message.
I fixed it for you Robb. I am not good at a lot of things in life but navigating this forum is one of my fields of expertise. lol
Happy Birthday Mikeyank
The Nicest Man I Know... xoxoxo
I fixed it for you Robb. I am not good at a lot of things in life but navigating this forum is one of my fields of expertise. lol
Thanks for the birthday wishes guys and a special thanks to Robb for bringing me one more birthday wish from Johnny. It brought a smile to my face as well as some tears to my eyes.
Thank you to my friends for making this place still feel like home for me after all these years!
Wanted to be the first to wish my dear friend, Mikeyank, the happiest of birthdaays yet. May you be blowing........out those birthday candles for years and years to cum, I mean, "come",
Thank you so much to one and all who've helped make my birthday special for me. And whenever I begin to doubt if I still belong as a member of this site, it is an occasion like today when I remind myself that even if Broke Straight Boys-2018 isn't "my cup of tea", this forum and the friends both old and new and some who are no longer members of the site and some including one special one who are no longer around at all, I count my blessings for stumbling upon this silly little porn site back in 2008, and how my life has been enriched by the people I've met from all over the country and the world.
My first forum friend was a very classy lady who we knew as Ms. K. And she said, "I came for the porn and stayed for the forum". And while I sometimes think I may have overstayed my time here, I still love Broke Straight Boys and my friends including those who took the time to wish me a Happy Birthday today. Thank you one and all. I do love each and everyone of you!
Me thinks you doth protest too much Peter. LOLYou know Jon and I don't like it when you get all sappy! lol