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Good thing in Japan - Messed Up thinking in USA


Well-known Member
Jul 1, 2015
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Japan has decided to start issuing same-sex partner marriage licenses.

US Congressman states that homosexuals need to be rounded up and put on an island implies extermination-scenario.

A teacher in Kansas fired for showing an anti-bullying film that features gay students.

Ben Carson suggests that transgendered people are bizarre and need separate restrooms.

Ukraine refuses to pass EU anti-gay discrimination laws.

The city of Houston rejects anti-LGBT discrimination law by a landslide.

Is there a line to be drawn?
Which groups should be defined-in or selected-out as full citizens?
How much protection of human dignity is to be given to Syrian refugees without demanding that recipients of the human rights protections must give up their embedded religious discriminations of Islam against homosexuals and the demeaning of women as second-class people meant to serve and service men?
These mother>:{<:%^ that think the LGBT community is bizarre and need to be segregated and think gay marriage is an abomination are speaking against their own sons, daughters, fathers and mothers. Are you kidding me? What a crying shame we cannot live in this world togeather with same rights as all. People need to look in the mirror and ask themselves WHAT IF? What if it was me? I just don't understand.