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"GERONTOPHILIA" ~ new movie from Bruce LaBruce


BSB Addict
Jul 15, 2009
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Hi, guys,

Well - I will say this past week on the forum, hasn't been my pleasantest one, ever. But, ever the happy warrior, I'm happy to soldier on!!! LOL!!!

Those of you who are connoisseurs of gay cinema are likely familiar with the Canadian director, Bruce LaBruce, a quite unusual auteur, who has written and directed a number of feature-films upon extremely transgressive subjects. And some of these films are quite disturbing, in both their imagery, and import. His whole cinematic career has been about the breaking, of taboos. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bruce_LaBruce

Quite recently, Mr. 'LaBruce' has released what some critics have described as the sweetest, gentlest, least sexually graphic, and most ROMANTIC film of his career, Gerontophilia ~ which some have described as a gay version of Harold and Maude: a superb movie, which I imagine some of you have chanced to see.

I haven't seen it yet, but, it is all about a young straight guy, 18 years old, who at some odd point discovers that he is EXTREMELY ATTRACTED to much, much, older men. (In this case, men in their 80's.) As always, LaBruce takes the paradigm, to an extreme. Here is the director, talking about the film: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rolJzXToOS8

And here is the trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JsajwxEYSxQ

I thought some of the forumites might be interested in this, because, I for one, have a b/f who is quite a bit younger than I am (I'm almost 50; he's in his late 20's). . . and many of us love and appreciate men who are in their 20's, while we are. . . a bit further on, in life! But, in the director's words, the scandal of this movie is that there IS no scandal ~ and that, sometimes, people who are quite a bit older, and quite a bit younger, CAN, in fact, love one other: both emotionally, and romantically and physically, also.

I'm not seeking to "stir the pot", and I'm not seeking comments. This movie is rated "R", was shown at the Venice film-festival, and I don't imagine it will cause anyone's acid-reflux to act up. Variety actually thought it was way too TAME. But I thought the subject was interesting, and the star CUTE, and so - - - I thought you might like to know about it!!!

That's all.


Gerontophilia 001.jpg

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Looks like a good movie...the body wants what the body wants!
Here's another trailer for it:

Thank you Beth, for being the bravest of them ALL!!! (XOXOXOXO) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LGOv3Mcg_OM

I sometimes think that the possibility of older and younger people getting together, is kind of the "elephant in the room." (Or one of them ;-) A lot of members here are a little north of 40. . . but still love to see 20-something guys, put through their paces ;-)

I am super-lucky, to have a younger boyfriend, who has always loved and appreciated older men - not to the extreme depicted in Bruce LaBruce's latest film. . . but still, men who are quite a lot older, than he is. And he has always dated older guys.

And I take nothing for granted, Beth. The day may very well come when my Mr. K. says, "A - I just met this beautiful, beautiful guy MY AGE. . . and I have to be with HIM." I hope not, but it may happen.

But the fact remains that, even though it is a TINY subculture, there ARE some younger men who do like and love older ones (even in an erotic sense). In one of his last interviews, Truman Capote talked about a club in Manhattan, which he dubbed "The Twilight Club" ~ populated by cute 20-something stockbrokers in Brooks-Brothers' suits, cruising for men THREE TIMES their age ;-)

Beth, I am not saying this is good, bad, or indifferent. All I'm saying is - sometimes it DOES happen. And I would say, the most important thing is: as long as the partners in older-younger relationships treat each other with love, and kindness, and honesty, and respect - - - if it works for them, there is nothing wrong with it.

I bet we won't hear another WORD about this, from any of our friends, but, Beth - thanks for having the courage to check this out, and write a letter, about it ;-) I bet more members feel deeply about this "fetish", than are ever willing to admit it!!!



Thank you Beth, for being the bravest of them ALL!!! (XOXOXOXO) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LGOv3Mcg_OM

I sometimes think that the possibility of older and younger people getting together, is kind of the "elephant in the room." (Or one of them ;-) A lot of members here are a little north of 40. . . but still love to see 20-something guys, put through their paces ;-)

Well hell, you know I'm 50 and I just figure if you put it out there in the universe....are you listening Paul?!:scared:

I am super-lucky, to have a younger boyfriend, who has always loved and appreciated older men - not to the extreme depicted in Bruce LaBruce's latest film. . . but still, men who are quite a lot older, than he is. And he has always dated older guys.

I think he's lucky he found you; you are quite a catch, at least "orally." And when much older guys date much younger women, we think nothing about it.

And I take nothing for granted, Beth. The day may very well come when my Mr. K. says, "A - I just met this beautiful, beautiful guy MY AGE. . . and I have to be with HIM." I hope not, but it may happen.

Nothing is ever guaranteed; life.

But the fact remains that, even though it is a TINY subculture, there ARE some younger men who do like and love older ones (even in an erotic sense). In one of his last interviews, Truman Capote talked about a club in Manhattan, which he dubbed "The Twilight Club" ~ populated by cute 20-something stockbrokers in Brooks-Brothers' suits, cruising for men THREE TIMES their age ;-)

Beth, I am not saying this is good, bad, or indifferent. All I'm saying is - sometimes it DOES happen. And I would say, the most important thing is: as long as the partners in older-younger relationships treat each other with love, and kindness, and honesty, and respect - - - if it works for them, there is nothing wrong with it.


I bet we won't hear another WORD about this, from any of our friends, but, Beth - thanks for having the courage to check this out, and write a letter, about it ;-) I bet more members feel deeply about this "fetish", than are ever willing to admit it!!!

Honey, that would be fisting, just sayin'.



Now, enjoy the short film "James." I would say the older gentlemen leaves James with experiences that all others will be judged by.

This is a recent photo of Niall Wright, who played James. What a looker!