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Gay marriage legal!

My liberty to express myself and form personal relationships is the core of my personal dignity. equal dignity in the eyes of the law is all I could desire. justice and equity! now the fight is to bring that dignity into the workplace. a gay man can be married in the morning and fired in the afternoon for being a gay man. this was a great victory, but the struggle continues.
let's just call it marriage.
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I never thought I would live to see this day. In fact if someone had told me this was going to happen back when I was in my 20s or 30s I would have laughed at them and called them delirious. I am delighted to see the dignity and rights of all people respected when it comes to marriage. Now we need to work on protecting people from discrimination in employment and public accommodations.
The fact that Justice Kennedy rooted the right of same sex couples to marry in the Equal Protection and Due Process clauses of the 14th Amendment should be a big help in arguing for extending equal protection of the law to GLBT people in the areas of employment, housing, and public accommodations.
Awsome feed back guys I am also happy about the whole situation I know it has made many many people happy and that's all that matters
I never thought I would live to see this day. In fact if someone had told me this was going to happen back when I was in my 20s or 30s I would have laughed at them and called them delirious. I am delighted to see the dignity and rights of all people respected when it comes to marriage. Now we need to work on protecting people from discrimination in employment and public accommodations.

My sentiments exactly Juanjo. Thank you! :)