I wish that I was more technalogically talented to permit me to send photographs. At any rate found this web site with some interesting photos. It is entitled Pulptoon and one can access it by going to www.pulptoon.com. Once on webpage, click on Forums and then on forum titled Canntoon Island. Once opened go to page 6 and scroll down to blog entitled :Equity in Meat" . This blog has some excellent pictures of male prime meat labeled as USDA Grade A+ and with cock tags and numbers inked on chest. Also inked on arm is statement of either meat selection or volunteer. Several situations are presented including processing and cooking. As this is primarily a cannabistic site, topics tend to navigate toward that item and most blogs deal with shapely young women being cooked.
Also, if I learn how to post pictures, I will send one showing 4 good looking males strapped to a table and being milked by commercial milking machines. Wish BSBII would come up with a similar video starring Jason, Blake, Cody , Collin, Spencer Todd, Paul Canon and Brandon Beal. I think it would be really neat to see how many times they could ejaculate. Once done, they could then pretend to be butchered and served as a meal.
Also, if I learn how to post pictures, I will send one showing 4 good looking males strapped to a table and being milked by commercial milking machines. Wish BSBII would come up with a similar video starring Jason, Blake, Cody , Collin, Spencer Todd, Paul Canon and Brandon Beal. I think it would be really neat to see how many times they could ejaculate. Once done, they could then pretend to be butchered and served as a meal.