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Ferguson - what's going on ?


BSB Addict
Nov 2, 2008
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leeds england
I am quite shocked that no one on the forum is talking about what is happening in Ferguson, Missouri. Here is a clip from the latest bbc news.

The National Guard has been deployed to Ferguson, Missouri, following days of civil unrest after the police shooting of an unarmed black teenager.
The state's governor Jay Nixon said the additional resources meant a curfew currently in place would be lifted.
Michael Brown, 18, was killed by a police officer on 9 August, sparking clashes between police and protesters.
An independent autopsy commissioned by his family showed he was shot at least six times, including twice in the head.

Full report - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-28839522
What utter insanity. On both sides. This kid shouldn't have been shot but the supporters rioting and looting because of it? Madness
What utter insanity. On both sides. This kid shouldn't have been shot but the supporters rioting and looting because of it? Madness

It's Tottenham revisited

The riots began in Tottenham following the shooting by police of 29-year-old Mark Duggan in August 2011. Copycat rioting spread to other parts of the country over four days. The riots left five people dead and are believed to have cost the taxpayer £300 million.
It's Tottenham revisited

The riots began in Tottenham following the shooting by police of 29-year-old Mark Duggan in August 2011. Copycat rioting spread to other parts of the country over four days. The riots left five people dead and are believed to have cost the taxpayer £300 million.

Yup, creepily similar. That was a horrible few days
I am quite shocked that no one on the forum is talking about what is happening in Ferguson, Missouri. Here is a clip from the latest bbc news.

The National Guard has been deployed to Ferguson, Missouri, following days of civil unrest after the police shooting of an unarmed black teenager.
The state's governor Jay Nixon said the additional resources meant a curfew currently in place would be lifted.
Michael Brown, 18, was killed by a police officer on 9 August, sparking clashes between police and protesters.
An independent autopsy commissioned by his family showed he was shot at least six times, including twice in the head.

Full report - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-28839522

In all honesty, I think this has been a long time coming. In recent months, attacks like these have been too numerous and people are getting sick of it.

Stories like this are popping up all over the nation. Oh, and let us not forget Trayvon. No one should be shot or beaten or killed for simply walking in the street. There's a difference between protecting the people and terrorizing innocent citizens. Damn right people are rioting. They should be.
It's craziness, total craziness. I haven't written about it because we have been overwhelmed by all the news coverage. Besides, this story does hit close to home. My granddaughter's father is African-American. Throughout the years I have seen how people at times looked at her and heard some of the comments they have made concerning her. She is now in her junior year of high school. She just celebrated her one year anniversary with her blond haired, blue eyes boyfriend who totally adores her. She is an honor student and accomplished violinist in her orchestra. She recently got a part-time job and within a week was promoted because of her skills and talents. If anything like this happened to her, I ................................!

Let me tell you a little story. When my granddaughter was 3 years old, she, my wife and I traveled to a neighboring state to camp out for a week and participate in a Native American ceremony. On our return home we stopped for lunch at a country restaurant on the Florida/Georgia line. While we were waiting our order, a local family came in and sat in the next table. With them was a blond, curly haired girl about my granddaughter's age. My granddaughter got off her seat and said hi to the other girl. As the girl turned her head, the grandmother grabbed the girl's face and said, "Don't talk to her, she's not like us!" I immediately got off my seat and grabbed my GD and in a friendly way I said to them, "Sorry about that, she just loves people." They totally ignored me.

However, in this country, injustice does not only occur against black people. It also occurs everyday against Native Americans, Asians, Muslims, Latinos and the list goes on. I am a proud American but I am not proud of how some of our people can be so cruel to others. I have had a difficult life walking in three different worlds; that as a Native American, a Hispanic, and a gay man. I would like to think that at the age of 68 my struggles are over, but I never know what I will encounter the next time I walk out my front door.

Thank you, Jon, for posting this and your concerns.

It's craziness, total craziness. I haven't written about it because we have been overwhelmed by all the news coverage. Besides, this story does hit close to home. My granddaughter's father is African-American. Throughout the years I have seen how people at times looked at her and heard some of the comments they have made concerning her. She is now in her junior year of high school. She just celebrated her one year anniversary with her blond haired, blue eyes boyfriend who totally adores her. She is an honor student and accomplished violinist in her orchestra. She recently got a part-time job and within a week was promoted because of her skills and talents. If anything like this happened to her, I ................................!

Let me tell you a little story. When my granddaughter was 3 years old, she, my wife and I traveled to a neighboring state to camp out for a week and participate in a Native American ceremony. On our return home we stopped for lunch at a country restaurant on the Florida/Georgia line. While we were waiting our order, a local family came in and sat in the next table. With them was a blond, curly haired girl about my granddaughter's age. My granddaughter got off her seat and said hi to the other girl. As the girl turned her head, the grandmother grabbed the girl's face and said, "Don't talk to her, she's not like us!" I immediately got off my seat and grabbed my GD and in a friendly way I said to them, "Sorry about that, she just loves people." They totally ignored me.

However, in this country, injustice does not only occur against black people. It also occurs everyday against Native Americans, Asians, Muslims, Latinos and the list goes on. I am a proud American but I am not proud of how some of our people can be so cruel to others. I have had a difficult life walking in three different worlds; that as a Native American, a Hispanic, and a gay man. I would like to think that at the age of 68 my struggles are over, but I never know what I will encounter the next time I walk out my front door.

Thank you, Jon, for posting this and your concerns.


Jeez Louis - just goes to show that racism is as bad now in the states as it ever was. Whilst parents drum that sort of attitude into their kids then it will just go from generation to generation.
No country is immune from racism unfortunately. England has had its moments with the Irish, and currently with black immigrants from Africa, and Muslim immigrants.
No country is immune from racism unfortunately. England has had its moments with the Irish, and currently with black immigrants from Africa, and Muslim immigrants.

The Irish issue is a religious one Stowie - I thought you would have known that. There is indeed an immigration issue here at the moment but that is because of European legislation which forced the uk to open it's borders.

That is a lot different to the issue that Louis quoted. In fact if that was to happen over here in our PC society, then the black family could report the white family for racism. It is the same for homophobia: We get monthly newsletters from the local police force and at the bottom of each letter is a telephone number for reporting homophobic incidents, such as your next door neighbour calling you a queer or faggot. Times have changed.
No country is immune from racism unfortunately. England has had its moments with the Irish, and currently with black immigrants from Africa, and Muslim immigrants.

Oh, Stowe, don't you realize everything is perfect in England and they have no social problems. It's the land of peace and harmony.

Here all this time I thought the Irish problem was that they didn't want to be subjugated by England. I knew there was an Irish problem in Ireland amongst the Catholics and protestants but I didn't think that had anything to do with why the English don't like them. What about the Indians and Pakistanis? Oh yes, England the great melting pot.
I can't comment on anything that's happening is Ferguson because we don't really know what happened. It seems pretty clear that the young man who was killed was in trouble a lot and probably not a nice person but that's not a reason to kill him, if there is more to it, we haven't heard about it yet. It's pretty hard to gather evidence and press charges when the whole place has been rioting since it happened. I don't believe having violent riots where more people are harmed and killed by civilians is anyway to promote you cause or give your story credibility.

With budget cuts and a reduced police force all over the country and violent criminals who have more guns than the police and show no respect toward officers it has to be pretty scary to be a cop right now. If a cop doesn't assume that each trouble maker he comes upon isn't armed the cop would be stupid. I'm actually surprised more people aren't shot by cops, I think they show a great deal of restraint in most circumstances.

Yes, there is still racism here but I don't see how anyone can say things haven't changed. Things have changed a lot in my lifetime and I think as a nation we have come a long way, yes we still have a way to go. Tell me, how many countries are there were racism isn't an issue, besides England of course.
Oh, Stowe, don't you realize everything is perfect in England and they have no social problems. It's the land of peace and harmony.

Here all this time I thought the Irish problem was that they didn't want to be subjugated by England. I knew there was an Irish problem in Ireland amongst the Catholics and protestants but I didn't think that had anything to do with why the English don't like them. What about the Indians and Pakistanis? Oh yes, England the great melting pot.

Why don't you dig a great big hole and bury yourself in it. You know nothing about the UK and that is clear when you mention England rather than the UK. This thread is about Ferguson and not the UK and you choose not to comment on it, as does Stowe, which I am surprised about. Or maybe people outside of America should be banned from opening a thread for what is happening in your great country ? You are indeed a pathetic individual and I wish there was something within the forum that would block you from seeing my threads rather than likewise.
Why don't you dig a great big hole and bury yourself in it. You know nothing about the UK and that is clear when you mention England rather than the UK. This thread is about Ferguson and not the UK and you choose not to comment on it, as does Stowe, which I am surprised about. Or maybe people outside of America should be banned from opening a thread for what is happening in your great country ? You are indeed a pathetic individual and I wish there was something within the forum that would block you from seeing my threads rather than likewise.

Normally I would disagree with your position but as a Northern Irish catholic (formerly thank god/Allah/Yahweh etc) that grew up with this bullshit I couldn't agree with you more!
Why don't you dig a great big hole and bury yourself in it. You know nothing about the UK and that is clear when you mention England rather than the UK. This thread is about Ferguson and not the UK and you choose not to comment on it, as does Stowe, which I am surprised about. Or maybe people outside of America should be banned from opening a thread for what is happening in your great country ? You are indeed a pathetic individual and I wish there was something within the forum that would block you from seeing my threads rather than likewise.

Jon, Please don't judge all of us Americans by one or two members on this forum. I stand by your side as a brother and respect you in all you do and say.

all politics is local. the civil, business political class simply turned up the air conditioner when fires burn in the basement. the answer to this problem is simple. inclusion in the political system and the right to pursue happiness, life, and liberty, equal protection, and due process.
the political class opens the system to anyone who knows the secret word and secret handshake. the guy with the right friends wins.
you got a house with an attic fire and a basement flood. what do you do, when your home? local. personal.
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