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Facebook, Twitter, and BSB


BSB Addict
Jul 10, 2012
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I have a few comments regarding Broke Straight Boys and the use of Broke Straight Boys Facebook and Broke Straight Boys Twitter.. First, let me say that I am probably a little cranky today, given the 117 degrees outside, so kind of stuck in the air conditioning environment.

I am not a user of Facebook or Twitter. Occasionally I will look at the links from this site, as was the case today. To my surprise I saw that there are several hot guys photo's, along with links to their own Twitter pages, that have already filmed scene's this month, yet they are so new to Broke Straight Boys that we, as dues paying members, wouldn't even know about them if not for their names and pictures all over Twitter. They certainly haven't shown up in the scene's coming up section, even as an introduction to a new boy. Some examples of this are: Justin Dean & Chris, Tanner (yes we all know him) and Damien, Ashton & Justin, and Tanner & Justin.......While I realize that there are more scene's in the can than the usual 3 or 4 we are told and see will be upcoming, it does seem a little strange to me that we dues paying members (those of us not on social media) would be the last to know about new horses in the stable....It makes good business sense to think down the road, have more than just a couple new ones lined up and ready to roll, and multiple scenes filmed as well. My objection is that unless your on Twitter, you wouldn't know half of what has already been filmed (new guys included).

My routine is pretty simple. I usually check once a day to read new posts, look to see if StudddAndy has responded/posted to anything (If he has, I usually read that first before watching the scene), watch a new scene if it has just come out, and see what in on the horizon for future release. It just somehow doesn't seem right that the whole world knows more about new boys/scene's from social media than the paying membership of this site does......

Maybe the "Behind the Scene's" section could be expanded to include the little snippets of new guys/scene's pictures, etc., before they are posted on social media. You know, kind of like keeping the members MORE informed than the rest of the world.

Sorry, but just needed to get this off my chest. I like this site and very much enjoy the ability to interact with other members. And should the dues paying members come first?
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I have a few comments regarding Broke Straight Boys and the use of Facebook and Twitter.. First, let me say that I am probably a little cranky today, given the 117 degrees outside, so kind of stuck in the air conditioning environment.

I am not a user of Facebook or Twitter. Occasionally I will look at the links from this site, as was the case today. To my surprise I saw that there are several hot guys photo's, along with links to their own Twitter pages, that have already filmed scene's this month, yet they are so new to Broke Straight Boys that we, as dues paying members, wouldn't even know about them if not for their names and pictures all over Twitter. They certainly haven't shown up in the scene's coming up section, even as an introduction to a new boy. Some examples of this are: Justin Dean & Chris, Tanner (yes we all know him) and Damien, Ashton & Justin, and Tanner & Justin.......While I realize that there are more scene's in the can than the usual 3 or 4 we are told and see will be upcoming, it does seem a little strange to me that we dues paying members (those of us not on social media) would be the last to know about new horses in the stable....It makes good business sense to think down the road, have more than just a couple new ones lined up and ready to roll, and multiple scenes filmed as well. My objection is that unless your on Twitter, you wouldn't know half of what has already been filmed (new guys included).

My routine is pretty simple. I usually check once a day to read new posts, look to see if StudddAndy has responded/posted to anything (If he has, I usually read that first before watching the scene), watch a new scene if it has just come out, and see what in on the horizon for future release. It just somehow doesn't seem right that the whole world knows more about new boys/scene's from social media than the paying membership of this site does......

Maybe the "Behind the Scene's" section could be expanded to include the little snippets of new guys/scene's pictures, etc., before they are posted on social media. You know, kind of like keeping the members MORE informed than the rest of the world.

Sorry, but just needed to get this off my chest. I like this site and very much enjoy the ability to interact with other members. And should the dues paying members come first?
GREAT POST SFPSO1..You would think Management would give us loyal Members a heads up. Telling us we have some good looking guys coming.
Especially after the Last few months. You get a little on there Twitter Page. But You have to go to the Real Twitter to get it all. Oh Well..
There was a time when Mark post stills from upcoming scenes to the forum.
That was long ago. Twitter has replaced the forum as the preferred method of communication.

Good point. We'll try to do better about providing links to see the latest photo shoots. We now have 36 episodes in the can and will be shooting again in July. Shooting 3 episodes a week plus whatever BTS we manage to do is a pretty aggressive schedule. We try to stay ahead to prevent any hiccups should we have unforeseen problems (getting hit by a bus, etc. lol). So we have 12 weeks worth of episodes and try to maintain a 3-month rolling reserve. We try to mix the scenes up especially when we have new guys, so you won't have to wait 12 weeks to see new models. They'll start getting mixed in. It's all part of the secret sauce.

There isn't a real easy way to do just a gallery in our member's area or in this forum, but our blog uses WordPress which had a handy plugin I just installed. So here are the publicity shots from the shoot week we just finished today.


I'll continue posting galleries in the blog after our shoot-weeks conclude going forward.


p.s. The reason we use Twitter is that we can update people in real time. Most of the twitter posts you see popping up during shoot week are "in the moment". We are literally filming a scene and a staffer is posting what is happening in real-time. When we aren't in shoot-week we update the feed with publicity stills and updates. We have 35,000 followers on Twitter and many of them like to feel like they are in the studio with us during shoot week.

Good point. We'll try to do better about providing links to see the latest photo shoots. We now have 36 episodes in the can and will be shooting again in July. Shooting 3 episodes a week plus whatever BTS we manage to do is a pretty aggressive schedule. We try to stay ahead to prevent any hiccups should we have unforeseen problems (getting hit by a bus, etc. lol). So we have 12 weeks worth of episodes and try to maintain a 3-month rolling reserve. We try to mix the scenes up especially when we have new guys, so you won't have to wait 12 weeks to see new models. They'll start getting mixed in. It's all part of the secret sauce.

There isn't a real easy way to do just a gallery in our member's area or in this forum, but our blog uses WordPress which had a handy plugin I just installed. So here are the publicity shots from the shoot week we just finished today.


I'll continue posting galleries in the blog after our shoot-weeks conclude going forward.


p.s. The reason we use Twitter is that we can update people in real time. Most of the twitter posts you see popping up during shoot week are "in the moment". We are literally filming a scene and a staffer is posting what is happening in real-time. When we aren't in shoot-week we update the feed with publicity stills and updates. We have 35,000 followers on Twitter and many of them like to feel like they are in the studio with us during shoot week.

Thank you very much for taking the time to answer. I guess I am more than a little behind the times with computer stuff/social media. It never dawned on me that there were that many twitter followers. I guess I need to be a little more proactive with all this new stuff. I will try.
Thank you very much for taking the time to answer. I guess I am more than a little behind the times with computer stuff/social media. It never dawned on me that there were that many twitter followers. I guess I need to be a little more proactive with all this new stuff. I will try.
Shit SFPSO1 If I can do it ANYONE can. And it is kinda Fun. xo
Thanks for the explanation Bryce and thanks even more for that montage of photos from last week's models on site. I just counted 78 beautiful photographs of truly the handsomest mix of models that you guys have had since moving to your current location. Great mix of old and new models to Broke Straight Boys I can honestly say for the first time in years that I am really looking forward to watching the scenes from that mix of guys. I'm glad I resisted temptation to leave a few weeks back and am still here and will be to watch these new upcoming scenes. :smile:

P.S. And thank you to my friend Johnny for convincing me to stick it out a bit longer and not quitting. :sun: There is definitely light at the end of a long dark tunnel for me. lol
Thank you Bryce! :biggrin:

Big Hugs!

I really appreciate you responding and offering us these links. I wish I had the time to troll several online forums as well as twitter, FB, Snapchat, Redditt and the like. But there aren't enough hours in the day. Plus it is very time consuming and can also be very time wasting. I'm really trying to buck the trend in society of feeling like you have to be plugged in to all the latest online happenings all the time. There is another world out there away from our phones and PC's with real living and breathing people. And I for one at least would like some time to enjoy their company also. haha Many of us members would prefer to have a more convenient and less time consuming way to really keep up with the latest about the site and the models. :)
Thank you Bryce! :biggrin:

Big Hugs!

I really appreciate you responding and offering us these links. I wish I had the time to troll several online forums as well as twitter, FB, Snapchat, Redditt and the like. But there aren't enough hours in the day. Plus it is very time consuming and can also be very time wasting. I'm really trying to buck the trend in society of feeling like you have to be plugged in to all the latest online happenings all the time. There is another world out there away from our phones and PC's with real living and breathing people. And I for one at least would like some time to enjoy their company also. haha Many of us members would prefer to have a more convenient and less time consuming way to really keep up with the latest about the site and the models. :)

Well said Tampa24, the exact reason I started this post to begin with. I understand where mgmt is coming from and it makes since, but then there are those of us that really don't want to have to chase the many sites for current updates.
It's on Broke Straight Boys twitter page, but I am posting here just to the ones who doesn't have access to twitter...

New models on the way: Jos Alvarez and @NickHazardxxx

Thanks Bartirah for sharing those two new Broke Straight Boys models. Both are good looking and I look forward to learning their story. I also want to share a pic that I actually got from you Bartirah "elsewhere" of Tanner on snapchat, I think it's called. You say he is back again for another round of shoots and damn his body is looking so fucking good! The kid has improved his abs to go along with his already hot everything else.


Johnny has already seen it and I know that one of his other HUGE fans, elyot1 will really appreciate this pic of him. :drool:
It is my view that when Broke Straight Boys uses twitter and/or facebook to announce new models, management should simultaneously announce them on a thread on the website. For its paying members, I believe management has an obligation to do so. I would even go a step further and suggest that management should announcement new models here first, then the next day announce them on twitter and/or fb. I have no problem with management using those other sites for membership promotion, but we dues paying members should come first or at least at the same time.
It is my view that when Broke Straight Boys uses twitter and/or facebook to announce new models, management should simultaneously announce them on a thread on the website. For its paying members, I believe management has an obligation to do so. I would even go a step further and suggest that management should announcement new models here first, then the next day announce them on twitter and/or fb. I have no problem with management using those other sites for membership promotion, but we dues paying members should come first or at least at the same time.

I find nothing to disagree with here Stowe. lol You're preaching to the choir. I don't fault the site for marketing themselves to as many people on as many social media sites as humanly possible. Whether it's 5...or 55 sites. Have at it. We all want to see what for many of us is our top favorite site on the net, survive, grow and prosper in this business climate. I would not go as far as to say they should make sure that every single photo or "news" snippet shared elsewhere should be posted here. That would be a nearly impossible task for the marketing department to keep track of all the time. But as to your point and the main thrust of this thread, we dues paying members should not have to spend valuable time trolling other social media sites to find out what is happening or up and coming in here.

Dues-paying members should always be given priority over the general public in just about any business. I would cut them some slack if once in a while the marketing department got slightly ahead of the game and not every single photo or announcement was shared here. But the gist is that the site should be informing members in here of upcoming models, photos, news and the like. And members should be given nearly simultaneous access to that info, if not first access.

It would be nearly impossible to share that much info on the main home webpage where they announce upcoming scenes, favorites, etc. There's not enough space and it would be a total distraction. But... They could easily create a "Sticky Thread" here in the general forum for instance and post the same photos, captions and announcements which they submit or post themselves to other social media sites. They could post a small permanent announcement on the main site page telling other paying members (or even potential paying members who don't have access yet) that they can follow all the latest news and upcoming events (With Brand New Photos, News, Up and Coming Models, and More!!) here on the site...if they join the site, join the Broke Straight Boys forum and follow that particular sticky thread.

Or I'm open to any other idea(s) management might come up with which accomplishes the same goal. :)

Gosh, I just tickled myself a bit with the unintended pun of "Up and Coming Models" who we generally see UP and Cumming. haha
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Thanks Bartirah for sharing those two new Broke Straight Boys models. Both are good looking and I look forward to learning their story. I also want to share a pic that I actually got from you Bartirah "elsewhere" of Tanner on snapchat, I think it's called. You say he is back again for another round of shoots and damn his body is looking so fucking good! The kid has improved his abs to go along with his already hot everything else.

View attachment 18038

Johnny has already seen it and I know that one of his other HUGE fans, elyot1 will really appreciate this pic of him. :drool:

Dang! He's lost weight and turned some of that baby fat to muscle. Good for him! Way to go Tanner!! :smiley-love021: haha I already loved him just the way he was. But he sure is looking fine right now. haha
Signed up for twitter just to keep up with this stuff the members were talking about. I have all kinds of porn "stars" on there now. I understand what management is saying it's another promotion tool. I think they do pretty good about trying to keep members involved with the Twitter feed section of the web site but I'm sure it's more of an outreach to attract new viewers and paying customers. I like the big publicity shots. I just realized that Cage Kafig is a relative small guy in the middle of the model group a few days ago. From his individual scenes I thought he was bigger. You don't always realize that some of the guys like Chris who is such a bottom is so tall. I think it's funny how that happens. I'm a smaller guy and people were always surprised at how many big built guys I was climbing on top of. But getting back to the subject it's really nice when they do make some post about upcoming hotties that we didn't have to hunt down in our own. I'm sure there is more that can be done.
I agree with Stowe, Tampa, Repareur and all that there should be a place right here on the forum to share the pics of upcoming models and scenes. As they all said, we are the paying customers who keep the site going and as Tampa suggested, a sticky thread on the forum to at least repeat their promo pics from social media would be appreciated.