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eye-gougingly tedious is ABFT scene this week must be conversion therapy plot


Well-known Member
Jul 1, 2015
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this week's edition of ABFT was hurtfully painfully tedious that one might consider Ted Cruz or Bobby Jindal or Bristol Palin and, yes, even consider Trump's hair as attractive objects of desire...
hell after watching this Hillary Clinton made my dick hard PLUS I think this was planted by gay conversion therapist from Liberty University or produced by Kentucky Clerk who refuses to do same sex marriage...
one is left wondering how fucked up can a penis look?
one is left wondering whether that smile is welded on?
one is left wondering if that should even be defined as a "fuck" as opposed to a "fucking over of the audience"....
All crazed hyperbole aside, it's called vitiligo. My ex had it. It is a pigmentation issue, not a texture issue or anything like that. I can say it had NO effect on how awesome our sex was or how much I enjoyed him. It may not be photogenic, but it didn't diminish anything for me! The dudes in the ABFT video both seemed to have a great time and it was FAR from the worst ABFT scene I've seen... What I've seen out of Liberty University is considerably more terrifying. Especially the Palin speech AT Liberty University.

Take a breath and find something a bit more legitimate to be traumatized by.
All crazed hyperbole aside, it's called vitiligo. My ex had it. It is a pigmentation issue, not a texture issue or anything like that. I can say it had NO effect on how awesome our sex was or how much I enjoyed him. It may not be photogenic, but it didn't diminish anything for me! The dudes in the ABFT video both seemed to have a great time and it was FAR from the worst ABFT scene I've seen... What I've seen out of Liberty University is considerably more terrifying. Especially the Palin speech AT Liberty University.

Take a breath and find something a bit more legitimate to be traumatized by.

Thanks for the post and explanation of the condition. And, by the way, I agree with the entirety of your post especially the final sentence.
All crazed hyperbole aside, it's called vitiligo. My ex had it. It is a pigmentation issue, not a texture issue or anything like that. I can say it had NO effect on how awesome our sex was or how much I enjoyed him. It may not be photogenic, but it didn't diminish anything for me! The dudes in the ABFT video both seemed to have a great time and it was FAR from the worst ABFT scene I've seen... What I've seen out of Liberty University is considerably more terrifying. Especially the Palin speech AT Liberty University.

Take a breath and find something a bit more legitimate to be traumatized by.

"It was obvious that Michael’s skin grew more pale during the mid 1980’s. The media, in their frenzy to print anything Michael, without any proof, stated that Michael bleached his skin and changed his features to appear European. Though there was no proof of this, the public, by now becoming more and more immune to the blurring lines of journalistic integrity, swallowed this lie whole, without question."

“It is well documented that in 1986, Michael was diagnosed with Vitiligo and Lupus. Vitiligo is a chronic disorder that causes depigmentation of patches of skin. It occurs when melanocytes, the cells responsible for skin pigmentation, die or are unable to function. The cause of vitiligo is unknown, but research suggests that is may arise from autoimmune, genetic, oxidative stress, neural, or viral causes.”
All crazed hyperbole aside, it's called vitiligo. My ex had it. It is a pigmentation issue, not a texture issue or anything like that. I can say it had NO effect on how awesome our sex was or how much I enjoyed him. It may not be photogenic, but it didn't diminish anything for me! The dudes in the ABFT video both seemed to have a great time and it was FAR from the worst ABFT scene I've seen... What I've seen out of Liberty University is considerably more terrifying. Especially the Palin speech AT Liberty University.

Take a breath and find something a bit more legitimate to be traumatized by.

Thanks Sloopy,

It's nice to see you posting again. :)
Vitiligo is a chronic disorder that causes depigmentation of patches of skin. It occurs when melanocytes, the cells responsible for skin pigmentation, die or are unable to function. The cause of vitiligo is unknown, but research suggests that is may arise from autoimmune, genetic, oxidative stress, neural, or viral causes.”

I am pure Anglo-Saxon, yet I have spots where the melanin just has ended its function and the flesh tone is almost white. It is not facial. Instead, following a long family history of it happening, especially to males on my mother's English side, I've begun developing what the plastic surgeon/skin specialist said is commonly known as "age spots". Now that really sux!

In late July I had a squamous cell carcinoma removed from my left nostril. Biopsy showed they didn't get it all. Three weeks ago I went in for more surgery and they got it all after one more incision. Was sent directly to a plastic surgeon awaiting my arrival 4 miles away. He reconstructed my nostril. I asked him about the white spots (form of vitiligo) and the age spots which he labeled "solar lentigines". He said they are a direct result of my being a lifeguard for three summers (before sunscreen) of putting iodine into baby oil and rendering in the sun for 8-10 hours a day. He can fix them. Anywhere from $3500 to $12K - dermal abrasion, some lotions that have bleach, etc. Sounded painful and I am just not that vain. I'll get a mask or paint one on like Heath Ledger as the Joker. I like to believe if they expand or get dark, people will look beyond them. Call me Alice? (this world ain't wonderland).
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Yes Ertas,

We all pay eventually if we spend too much time out in the sun without protection. :sun:
(this is NOT in regards to your reply JC, it was in regards to the original comment, but I wanted to include yours with my remark)

just goes to show how superficial and/or shallow some can be. If I was able to have a 2nd signature, it would be, "PHYSICAL appearance fades with age, whereas INNER BEAUTY is ETERNAL". A creed I live by. Just saying

I didn't find it terrifying but it was a slight distraction.
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