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Extension of the Bush cuts for the richest


BSB Addict
Oct 26, 2008
Reaction score
The island next door to Ibiza
I know that many forumites are in the top 2 or 3% of Americans as far as wealth is concerned. Chuck and Stephane are both rich beyond most peoples' dreams, as is Diesal

But this little fantasy projection, even though the prose is a bit convoluted at the very beginning, brought home to me, in the most graphic way, why Obama must not buckle at the tea party's demands that Bushy's pressie to the wealthy be extended.

I very much agree

I know that many forumites are in the top 2 or 3% of Americans as far as wealth is concerned. Chuck and Stephane are both rich beyond most peoples' dreams, as is Diesal

But this little fantasy projection, even though the prose is a bit convoluted at the very beginning, brought home to me, in the most graphic way, why Obama must not buckle at the tea party's demands that Bushy's pressie to the wealthy be extended.


Dear Slim,

Unfortunately Obama, who I supported for President, has been too willing to negotiate in good faith with others having no good faith at all. There has been no honest responses to his willingness to negotiate.

I so think, now is not the time to negotiate as this willingness has been interpreted as "weakness" by the Tea Party and the Republicans. It has resulted only in "self-serving" politically expedient responses not in the best interest for the country at large. I recently heard an interview with Ronald Regan's former economic advisor stating that "tax cuts" back then were warranted but he expressed that the Republican Party has only one mantra "cut taxes", only one solution to deal with all issues. This, he warned, is completely out of step with the current financial climate. He agreed that too much has been done for the highest income earners, and to little has been done with promoting the middle class.

I feel that a strong middle class in the US is the most essential element of our democracy and without it we are little more than a "Banana Republic". This former financial advisor further stated that we have had essentially a "coup d'état" of our government by the banking and financial industry "fiasco" with their having little regard for the health of our country.

Once bailed out, the banking industry has made record profits and have done next to nothing to alleviate the housing foreclosure crisis. Their banking charter should be revoked, as I see it! Their doors should be closed for good unless they start acting appropriately to speed up the financial recovery to "main street" level, at least.


Cumrag27, aka Stimpy
Hell Yes! I'll take Fareed any day or night!

Dear Slim,

Perfect!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "This Week on GPS: 11/28" interviewing David Stockman. It is wonderful stuff and it should be required viewing for all voting Americans before watching "Sports". We have this double-speak from Fox and we have the truth coming from both CNN and BBC. Why, then, would anyone with the potential news resources available be so blind to only submit to the pablum coming from Fox Semi-Creatively(not Broadway quality however) Interpreted Politically Expedient Quasi-News only sacrificing the "TRUTH".

Now on with other revelations: It wouldn't take much prompting for me to want to marry Fareed! He is wonderful, isn't he! I don't know if he is married or not OR what side of the "bed" he is on sexually speaking. Regardless of these temporary minor obstacles, I think I would even willingly submit to a sex change if it would help to land him!

I used to have salatious thoughts over the ever-allusive and ambivalent "Anderson Cooper". Now, I've moved on and I am craving something a bit more ethnic, tastewise. Fareed fits the bill, don't you think? He has a beautiful mind! And he is absolutely hard hitting where it really counts while being brilliant too! I think he would have to be similarly inclined in bed. Very hot where it really counts while being brilliant too between the sheets! Count me as a vestal virgin, if it is required, as Fareed really lights my fire!


Sincerely, wish me well and hope it won't require cutting any thing off I've "grown accustomed to..."!


Cumrag27, aka Stimpy
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I really get tired of hearing people talking about the middle and upper class and how those two groups are struggling to get by. Well, what about the group, as myself for example, where I don't fit into any of the other two groups. It appears and is obvious that us low class citizens don't really count in society. Seems as if neither political party is willing to help ones out like myself. We are just left there hanging and seems like our politicians and elected officials don't give a shit about the "poor class".

Any response on this post would be appreciated as long as you don't say, "Well, that's your problem".

Sorry I was not highly educated with three or more degrees from college. I am not knowledgeable in today's high tech world. I am working for nearly minimum wage and less than twenty hours a week, if that, and not many employers are going to hire someone that is in their mid 50's with hardly no experience in today's computer age.

Thanks for listening,
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I really get tired of hearing people talking about the middle and upper class and how those two groups are struggling to get by. Well, what about the group, as myself for example, where I don't fit into any of the other two groups. It appears and is obvious that us low class citizens don't really count in society. Seems as if neither political party is willing to help ones out like myself. We are just left there hanging and seems like our politicians and elected officials don't give a shit about the "poor class".

Any response on this post would be appreciated as long as you don't say, "Well, that's your problem".

Sorry I was not highly educated with three or more degrees from college. I am not knowledgeable in today's high tech world. I am working for nearly minimum wage and less than twenty hours a week, if that, and not many employers are going to hire someone that is in their mid 50's with hardly no experience in today's computer age.

Thanks for listening,

Gary, in the mouths of euphemistic US politicians who don't want a single voter to feel class-dissed, there is no such thing as a "lower class". You are part of the "middle class" like everyone else making less that $250000/year. It's more "democratic" that way. Welcome to the party.

I really get tired of hearing people talking about the middle and upper class and how those two groups are struggling to get by. Well, what about the group, as myself for example, where I don't fit into any of the other two groups. It appears and is obvious that us low class citizens don't really count in society. Seems as if neither political party is willing to help ones out like myself. We are just left there hanging and seems like our politicians and elected officials don't give a shit about the "poor class".

Any response on this post would be appreciated as long as you don't say, "Well, that's your problem".

Sorry I was not highly educated with three or more degrees from college. I am not knowledgeable in today's high tech world. I am working for nearly minimum wage and less than twenty hours a week, if that, and not many employers are going to hire someone that is in their mid 50's with hardly no experience in today's computer age.

Thanks for listening,

Gary, in the mouths of euphemistic US politicians who don't want a single voter to feel class-dissed, there is no such thing as a "lower class". You are, despite the irony of it, part of the "middle class" like everyone else making less than $250000/year.

It's more "democratic" that way.

I'm curious, as someone who lives outside the US most of the time, what the government is, and isn't, doing for you. And your ideas for what more could usefully done. And would the Tea Party go for it. Republicans just squelched Michelle's favorite bill that provides guidelines for free school food that would help the nation avoid the creation of yet more millions of juvenile fatties.

I really get tired of hearing people talking about the middle and upper class and how those two groups are struggling to get by. Well, what about the group, as myself for example, where I don't fit into any of the other two groups. It appears and is obvious that us low class citizens don't really count in society. Seems as if neither political party is willing to help ones out like myself. We are just left there hanging and seems like our politicians and elected officials don't give a shit about the "poor class".

Any response on this post would be appreciated as long as you don't say, "Well, that's your problem".

Sorry I was not highly educated with three or more degrees from college. I am not knowledgeable in today's high tech world. I am working for nearly minimum wage and less than twenty hours a week, if that, and not many employers are going to hire someone that is in their mid 50's with hardly no experience in today's computer age.

Thanks for listening,

Gary, in the mouths of euphemistic US politicians who don't want a single voter to feel class-dissed, there is no such thing as a "lower class". You are, despite the irony of it, part of the "middle class" like everyone else making less than $250000/year.

It's more "democratic" that way.

I'm curious, as someone who lives outside the US most of the time, what the government is, and isn't, doing for you. And your ideas for what more could usefully be done. And would the Tea Party go for it. Republicans just squelched Michelle's favorite bill that provides guidelines for free school food that would help the nation avoid the creation of yet more millions of juvenile fatties.
I think Slim has triple post syndrome. lol

God how embarrassing. I didn't realize my "send" was actually following through. The site has slowed to a snail's pace on my pc, and I kept trying to send the message again each time, after cancelling it, in the hope that it would eventually complete.
Hey Slimmie, I'm not so sure I'm in favor of Michelle's bill either. Having seen what kids eat (or don't), I'm not convinced that putting nutritious food in the school cafeteria will encourage them to actually eat it--which would mean a lot of wasted dollars that our economy can ill afford. On a personal level, I provide food for local high school kids who hang out at a youth center we created; they tend to love meats and carbs (did I say doughnuts and cookies???), stay away from vegetables, and aren't big on whole grain offerings. At least they like smoothies made from whole fruit...but that's because they like things that are sweet. I at least have the satisfaction that I can get them to eschew (albeit temporarily) the corn dogs, cup-of-noodles, and other questionable food choices of modern teens.

I also help cook/serve at a community dinner every Wednesday (originally for homeless, but it attracts elderly and poor as well) that exists because of the largesse of local stores that allow us to glean near-pull-date food; you would be amazed at what is thrown out. It's a challenge educating Americans to steer clear of fast food, processed food, high carb/high fat diets. They typically eat what is a convenient time-saver, is cheap, or doesn't require actual cooking.

I miss eating in France, where people buy food on a daily basis rather than use the Costco bulk purchase/freeze method. The food is higher quality because it does tend to be local (sustainability!), isn't gene modified, and doesn't rely on the colorings, flavor additives, preservatives, and other food enhancements typical of American selections. (That leads to another tangent on health care...)

Lucky you live in sunny southern Europe... ;p
I firmly believe that it's time the President stands up to Republicans and don't give the rich their 700 billion dollar tax cut. Use that money to stimulate the economy or bring down the deficit. If the President buckles under and give in, it will be a disaster for the Democratic Party. This will be one disillusioned democrat wondering whether Hillary Clinton was right that Obama was a novice senator and doesn't have the experience to handle DC politics. Grab your balls and show em that you're a man!