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Ex-Gay Therapy REALLY WORKS!!!!


BSB Addict
Jul 15, 2009
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*Ahem - yeah, right*

This is a hilarious video (which is a little tragic, too) that went viral on the Internet recently, featuring a young man called "Andrew Caldwell" shouting, "I'm not gay anymore! I don't love MEN anymore!"

Now, I don't want anyone getting up in arms with the Black churches (or thinking I'm trying to do that) because I'm posting this. If you are an atheist, it's fine to take issue with Christianity for all sorts of reasons (and with me): but - at its best (just like all of Christianity, at its best): I think the Black (or African-American, as they are known in the U.S.A.) churches have been about the restoration of hope and human dignity.

The EX-gay movement, in all sorts of churches, is about DENYING human dignity. (It is a little-reported fact that much of the discriminatory theology which is preached, and lethal legislation which is promoted, in countries like Uganda and Nigeria, is completely bankrolled by WHITE fundamentalists in North America.)

And while there is legitimate dispute amongst historians about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s commitment to gay rights, his widow, the late Coretta Scott King, appealed to her husband's followers, saying: "I appeal to everyone who believes in Martin Luther King's dream, to make room at the table of brother- and -sisterhood for lesbian and gay people." And the history of Gospel music - as ALL of Christian music - is eloquent testimony to the love and devotion of gay and lesbian Christians. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/wallace-best-phd/gays-and-gospel-music_b_3313866.html

No, this particular video is just one more instance (funny, but also profoundly sad) of the way people get bribed or scared into thinking that being straight. . . is the ONLY way God (or society, or your family) can LOVE YOU. And it just isn't true. I don't care if you are an atheist or agnostic (like my b/f); or a Christian or a Jew or a Muslim or a Hindu or a Buddhist - - - but if you believe in being kind to other human beings, I agree with YOU.

Unlike poor Mr. Caldwell, Jesus never told ME to stop being gay. (He never, as per the last and awful portion of the video, gave me $100, either!) All I know about my religion - and most of the others I know - and principled, agnostic or atheistic humanism, too - is that caring for (and loving) other people is the most important thing we have to do. (Let the theologicial chips fall, where they may.)


The guy in the video is a con artist who has been arrested. I think he did it for money either way if you are saying that you can pray the gay away, can you also pray the straight away.

Thanks, Keylo. I'm glad the guy has been locked up. And you're totally correct on the theological point, I think.
