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Does anybody remember smoore29 and koddaaa


New Member
Jul 17, 2013
Reaction score
Hey wondering if anybody knows what happened to them? They just disappeared off the face of the planet. I wish they'd come on the futon :(
Welcome to the forum Military! :welcome:

I don't know what happened to them after they left here. I got pretty close to Kodaa before he left. Really like him too! But there was all kinds of drama going down around that time. Some of it self-inflicted on their parts. Some of it just the naivete of youth. It is a shame though that neither of them made it to the Broke Straight Boys futon after wanting it so badly.

I wish them both well wherever they are.

I hope you enjoy the forum Military. :)
Who are these people?
Hey wondering if anybody knows what happened to them? They just disappeared off the face of the planet. I wish they'd come on the futon :(

Hi there; welcome to the forum. I'm not sure who you are asking about; do you mean Kodi?
Who are these people?

Hi there; welcome to the forum. I'm not sure who you are asking about; do you mean Kodi?
They were two young guys who joined the forum, and posted their pictures, and wanted to appear on Broke Straight Boys One was a blonde twink type, and the other a good looking black kid. There was all kinds of interaction with David on the forum, as he spoke to them on the phone and perhaps received audition pics or videos from them, but it never came to be. There was all kinds of drama and it ended ugly with at least one if not both of them badmouthing David, etc.

But as my friends here know, I do love some real drama on the site, and that was a rather interesting period of "Broke Straight Boys Forumania". We had a couple of other young guys who also said they were young and sent pics and wanted to go on the other side of the camera. I remember Casper, who I believe was a fraud, after praising and then trashing Tyler, and we had Phillionaire who shared some very hot stories and pics of himself and his friends as he was experimenting with some gay sex with his buddies.

All of their threads are still here if anyone cares to hit the search box on the forum, they can all be found.
Hey wondering if anybody knows what happened to them? They just disappeared off the face of the planet. I wish they'd come on the futon :(
Hi Militaryswag, and :welcome: to the forum.

I find it interesting that you know of this forum duo from the past. I assume you were a member then who read the forum, but did not post, unless you were here under a different screen name. Please tell us a bit about yourself, and your history with Broke Straight Boys, if you'd like.
I find it hard to believe that these guys were really who they are and put them in the same league as Casper. It's interesting when you get new guys appear on the forum, especially those who seem to post lots for a while, maybe upset a few people, then just disappear into thin air. There was a suggestion that these people maybe frauds from another site trying to upset the "harmony" of this forum.
No. They were never in the same league as Casper. That wouldn't be fair to them. Casper was a middle-aged creep who misrepresented himself and his age to deceptively gain the trust of the model Tyler and even much younger forumites in their late teems to early 20's. Apparently he hoped to get steamy convos or even compromising pics from them.

Smoore and Kodaa may have fudged names or locations a bit. But I never doubted that their pictures and ages were accurately presented.
No. They were never in the same league as Casper. That wouldn't be fair to them. Casper was a middle-aged creep who misrepresented himself and his age to deceptively gain the trust of the model Tyler and even much younger forumites in their late teems to early 20's. Apparently he hoped to get steamy convos or even compromising pics from them.

Smoore and Kodaa may have fudged names or locations a bit. But I never doubted that their pictures and ages were accurately presented.

Well I did.. sorry.. It will be interesting if they showed David their passports etc or even went on cam to verify who they were
Who are these people?

They were two young guys who joined the forum, and posted their pictures, and wanted to appear on Broke Straight Boys One was a blonde twink type, and the other a good looking black kid. There was all kinds of interaction with David on the forum, as he spoke to them on the phone and perhaps received audition pics or videos from them, but it never came to be. There was all kinds of drama and it ended ugly with at least one if not both of them badmouthing David, etc.

But as my friends here know, I do love some real drama on the site, and that was a rather interesting period of "Broke Straight Boys Forumania". We had a couple of other young guys who also said they were young and sent pics and wanted to go on the other side of the camera. I remember Casper, who I believe was a fraud, after praising and then trashing Tyler, and we had Phillionaire who shared some very hot stories and pics of himself and his friends as he was experimenting with some gay sex with his buddies.

All of their threads are still here if anyone cares to hit the search box on the forum, they can all be found.

Thanks, mikey, for givng the info and for being around FOREVER - lol!!!