Hello everyone. Chad here. I have been reading all your comments that you have been posting about my videos and I want to say thank you to all my fans out there. Your comments are appreciated so keep them coming.
Dearest Chad,
Nothing goes better with freshly popped popcorn than the warm melted-butter poured generously on top in large loads to get one's hands nice and warm and sticky! Furthermore, it is "protein enriched" when you heave your last few drops of your load onto those hot and thirsty kernels just begging for more. Why else would they offer napkins at the refreshment stand?
As a word of warning, just don't get to close of the hot popcorn as you release your hot melted-butter because of a possible "splash-back burns " requiring medical attention in the "burn unit" for your "UNIT", no doubt. First of all, I don't think this is covered by "Workman's Comp". Next, the intake person at the nearest ER may not be quite so understanding and, then, the retelling of your unique cirCUMstances as they pass you around to each of the ER staff member may get a bit tiring.
Best Wishes (in the event your Unit gets burned) for a speedy recovery! Remember to say "cheese" and smile and don't be alarmed as they pull out their i-phones! It's standard medical procedure required by your insurance!
Stimpy, MD-ER
Well Stimpy,
What can I say; you always have such a way of CUMunicating with everyone. I really feel you're a hands on guy who would be willing to nurse Chad should he have to seek treatment. Whether Chad rises to the occasion and "butters" for all his CUMstomers or just you, I think you would be well served...Chad is indeed yummy enough to eat! What's that Stimpy, "extra butter, please?!"
Dearest Beth,
You have a way with my horny thoughts! My complements to the chef!
Charmed, no less,