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De Plain De Plain, or not so plain!!! upto you!


BSB Addict
Jan 9, 2009
Reaction score
Castle Rock, CO
Okay, I am opening up a (hopefully), fresh, and YUMMY can of proverbial-well you know!
Here's the idea, long time members have an advantage here, I think, but I would like all to participate!
Given BSBv1 and BSBv2, with WHOM would YOU like to do a scene(no matter if a one/two/three parter), if given carte blanc/WHY/and what would the 1,2, or 3 scenes end up looking like? Keeping in mind, (as in the past), it has NOT just been one-on-one, so it could be a PROGRESSIVE thought! Would there be anythingh that Broke Straight Boys v1 or 2 has NOT covered/you have not seen, that you would LIKE to see, (within reason?) Have fun with this idea, and HOPEFULLY it can/will give Mark/Chuck some 'ideas', if not actual scenario selection that we, the members, can say YES WE made THIS scenario/series of updates how we would like to see future updates!! Going with the 'openess' of some models, and the 'close-mindedness' <~~~~(That is in NO WAY meant negatively!!), of others is something to also keep in mind. Some people have their steadfast opinions, and we all must respect that! Having said this, let's have fun with this, hopefully, and maybe something can will materialize! (-:
First to bite the worm!

what a kooky idea, Bob! I love it! You've not only opened up a can of worms, but you have unleashed a hurricane of fantasies in this fanciful forumite!!! So, I guess I'll bite( only if you want me to, that is)!!

My three-parter would start with a jerk off/kissing/rimming scene with the well-endowed and gorgeous Diesal from BSBv1; and, the sensual and delicious Chad from BSBv2!! We would start by having Clay do an introductory interview that would go something like this:

Clay: Well, here we are with two of my favorite models, Chad, on the right! Say hi to our viewers, Chad! (Chad flashes a seductive smile at the camera with his whole face and casually waves) and on the left we have Diesal, the proud caretaker of our studio's mascot, GIGANTOR! Say hi, Diesal. (Diesal smiles shyly and waves two fingers at the camera) And in the center we have a special guest. I'd like to introduce Tequila69 to our Broke Straight Boys audience. Tequila hails from the great state of Texas, specifically from (Tequila interrupts)

Tequila: Shut up, Clay! You're going to bore the members with so much talking! Besides, if we don't get started my Viagra is going to wear off!!!

(At this point, I undress each model slowly and deliberately! Then, I let them undress me.)

Clay: OK, guys work it up and get(Tequila interrupts, again)

Tequila: Sorry, Clay, but this is my fantasy!! I'm taking over!! (To the models) guys, I want you to kneel on the futon next to each other, close and tight, and spread those buns, I'm going to give you a such a rimming that your assholes are going to be wet for weeks!!! (I start rimming each model going back and forth from each ass. This goes on for 30 minutes, until the models are hard as thick, peppermint candy sticks! I then tell them to turn around and sit down. I, of course am in the middle. I grab both their dicks and start jerking them off, while they take turns on my dick. All of a sudden, I turn to my left and start locking lips with Chad! I deluge him with wet Willys! I.kiss every part of his face and lick every pock mark I can find! Meanwhile, Diesal is stroking my cock like a cue stick, while jerking himself off as well. I start to furiously jerk Chad off, while my tongue nicks Chad's tonsils. I give him one more passionate kiss and he comes, physically shaking and holding on to me for dear life!!! I gently separate myself from Chad and kiss him on the cheek, one little peck of sincere gratitude! I then go to work on Diesal and the results are almost similar!! After the scene is over we hear Clay speak)

Clay: Well, guys that was certainly hot! You guys really (He is interrupted.)

Chad, Tequila, and Diesal: SHUT UP, CLAY!!!

And this is all I can share with you tonight. I have to go to sleep. Gotta go work tomorrow! I'll post Parts 2 and 3 tomorrow night. Sweet dreams, everyone!!:thumbup:
LOL......WHY THANK YOU Tequila, for being the first to 'bite! I LOVED your first part!! (...and look forward to the second)
what a kooky idea, Bob! I love it! You've not only opened up a can of worms, but you have unleashed a hurricane of fantasies in this fanciful forumite!!! So, I guess I'll bite( only if you want me to, that is)!!

My three-parter would start with a jerk off/kissing/rimming scene with the well-endowed and gorgeous Diesal from BSBv1; and, the sensual and delicious Chad from BSBv2!! We would start by having Clay do an introductory interview that would go something like this:

Clay: Well, here we are with two of my favorite models, Chad, on the right! Say hi to our viewers, Chad! (Chad flashes a seductive smile at the camera with his whole face and casually waves) and on the left we have Diesal, the proud caretaker of our studio's mascot, GIGANTOR! Say hi, Diesal. (Diesal smiles shyly and waves two fingers at the camera) And in the center we have a special guest. I'd like to introduce Tequila69 to our Broke Straight Boys audience. Tequila hails from the great state of Texas, specifically from (Tequila interrupts)

Tequila: Shut up, Clay! You're going to bore the members with so much talking! Besides, if we don't get started my Viagra is going to wear off!!!

(At this point, I undress each model slowly and deliberately! Then, I let them undress me.)

Clay: OK, guys work it up and get(Tequila interrupts, again)

Tequila: Sorry, Clay, but this is my fantasy!! I'm taking over!! (To the models) guys, I want you to kneel on the futon next to each other, close and tight, and spread those buns, I'm going to give you a such a rimming that your assholes are going to be wet for weeks!!! (I start rimming each model going back and forth from each ass. This goes on for 30 minutes, until the models are hard as thick, peppermint candy sticks! I then tell them to turn around and sit down. I, of course am in the middle. I grab both their dicks and start jerking them off, while they take turns on my dick. All of a sudden, I turn to my left and start locking lips with Chad! I deluge him with wet Willys! I.kiss every part of his face and lick every pock mark I can find! Meanwhile, Diesal is stroking my cock like a cue stick, while jerking himself off as well. I start to furiously jerk Chad off, while my tongue nicks Chad's tonsils. I give him one more passionate kiss and he comes, physically shaking and holding on to me for dear life!!! I gently separate myself from Chad and kiss him on the cheek, one little peck of sincere gratitude! I then go to work on Diesal and the results are almost similar!! After the scene is over we hear Clay speak)

Clay: Well, guys that was certainly hot! You guys really (He is interrupted.)

Chad, Tequila, and Diesal: SHUT UP, CLAY!!!

And this is all I can share with you tonight. I have to go to sleep. Gotta go work tomorrow! I'll post Parts 2 and 3 tomorrow night. Sweet dreams, everyone!!:thumbup:
Great idea Bob, however I think it's telling that nearly 7 months after the launch of Broke Straight Boys 2.0, we still find ourselves constantly talking about Broke Straight Boys 1.0. There are frequent posts from newbies asking "Whatever happened to [insert Broke Straight Boys 1.0 model name]", or "Can you bring back [insert Broke Straight Boys 1.0 model name]" type threads.

Looking at the member favorites, currently only 2 out of the 12 are Broke Straight Boys 2.0 scenes. After nearly 7 months, only 16.66% of the "new Broke Straight Boys" are represented.

What does this mean?

Are we as the scene voters full of crap and don't know what we like to watch?

Are only members who like the old scenes better doing the voting?

Or, as a membership do we generally seem to like the old Broke Straight Boys better than the new Broke Straight Boys

While there are some really hot Broke Straight Boys 2.0 scenes in my opinion, some of which I've voted 5/5 on, I'm wondering again if Broke Straight Boys has lost its magic and appeal and has lost its way.

I wonder if it's time to make some major changes. And I don't mean paint the walls a different color, change the bedspread and God forbid more models and staff posting questions to the forum asking if they like popcorn. :crying:

Bob, as much as I think you had a great idea asking who from 1.0 and 2.0 we'd like to see paired with whom, here is what I'd like to see:
  • A scene that begins in the shower and ends on the bed. Wash each other up as an ice breaker, and see what happens next!
  • Borrow from the premise of College Dudes, and introduce new scenarios such as offering the boys to do some odd jobs with a bonus if they have sex with each other.
  • Stage a fake photo shoot, where the director wants the boys to pose for some really generic type photos. But as the photo session progresses, consistently get more and more racy (i.e. "get close to each other, act like you're about to kiss, put your arms around each other and look seductively at the camera. Take all your clothes off except your underwear. Ok, put your arms around each other and look each other in the eyes like you're about to kiss. Ok both of you take your underwear off. Hmmmm, looks like you boys aren't minding this too much. That looks hot. Just do what comes natural!"
  • Have a locker room scene, where 10 guys come in sweaty after playing basketball. Give us plenty of eye candy to watch, and make sure at least 2 of the guys are at least semi hard from the get go, and whatever you do, show us plenty of ass shots and communal shower shots and do not hide the semi hard cocks from the view of the camera!
  • Do an outdoor sex scene, and be sure to get the lighting right so the guys aren't washed out from too much natural sunlight (hard to do I know...many outdoor sex scenes are horrendous because the lighting is so bad and the camera and lighting people don't seem to know what they're doing).
  • Do a public sex scene similar to what's being done on outinpublic.com , however not as cheesy. Outinpublic has the potential to be hot, but it's so obviously staged you'd swear it was complete amateurs doing the scene planning and filming. I mean they did one scene in a laundromat where the guys were fucking in full view of the "customers" who were folding and washing their clothes as if they didn't even notice the fucking going on 2 feet away from them. Come on, I know they were extras they hired to pretend to be laundromat patrons, but you can't be so obvious about it that people literally walk by while you're fucking as though you're completely invisible...there has to be an element of believability to it. The hottness of public sex is the possibility of getting caught without actually getting caught...not fucking in full view of everyone as though you're invisible.
My list could go on and on and on but these are just a few ideas that come to mind.

I love Jimmy and love how believably straight he is, you know without a doubt that he is genuinely straight. Which is really hot, but I think Jimmy's shelf life has expired (this is way more noticeable because of how many scenes he's been in lately...I'm not saying it wouldn't always be a pleasure to see Jimmy if he was spaced out way more).

Genuinely straight guys doing gay porn should be the exception, not the rule...and should be used in careful moderation.

Too much of a good thing can become disastrous after awhile. It gets boring quickly as there are only so many times you can relive the same fantasy over and over again due to the "seen one seen em all" effect.

AJ is also totally believable as being straight, and I'm really looking forward to seeing much more of him. But I sincerely hope that AJ progresses, and eventually begins to do more than fuck and get sucked. I have high hopes for him, and hope he is not ruined by refusing to progress. If he does, he needs to only be used in moderation before his shelf life quickly expires and peoples' interest in him quickly wanes if he only fucks and gets sucked from this point forward.

Rocco is a gold mine in my opinion, because he is believable as a straight guy (even though personally I highly doubt that he is straight...but he is believable as being straight which is better suited for gay porn than truly straight guys like Jimmy who literally hate doing gay sex).

Anthony is well suited for Broke Straight Boys because he wants to please his partner, yet he doesn't seem overly gay which is a good thing.

Seth is also somewhat well suited, because he wants to please his partner but to me he seems too gay to be in too many scenes so I hope he doesn't become over used. He moves like a gay boy, just the way he was taking off his clothes in his last scene with AJ was too flowery and effeminate for my tastes. But, that's just my opinion as is everything written in this post.

Colin, perfect match. Whoever recruited him knocked it out of the ballpark. While I agree with some who have mentioned this before, he talks about his wife too much on the forum to the point it's overkill and to that I would only comment "less is more". But other than that, Colin is a joy to watch and he is so loveable on the forum it's almost impossible not to like the guy.

Chad - PERFECT find. Whoever recruited him should be paid a bonus, and he is amazing in everything he does. I love his looks, he is so handsome. He's got a hot body, and a HUGE cock! He seems to enjoy himself, and while I wouldn't say he's as believably straight as others, he's not in your face gay acting either so he could become a really versatile and mega hot performer for a long time to come.

Mick - Great guy, amazing performer, incredibly sexy and hot. And, in spite of the fact Mick has done a lot of gay porn work elsewhere prior to coming to Broke Straight Boys, he is likeable enough and believably straight enough that he is one of the few professional porn stars who people don't seem to tire of watching...myself included. And he seems to be such a humble and genuinely nice guy, that you find yourself rooting for him every time you see him. BUT, I fear that Mick's reputation precedes him, and he's simply worked for far too many studios prior to coming to Broke Straight Boys that his days of filming on here have come to an end. Which, I applaud Broke Straight Boys's efforts to keep the models fresh, and not recycled models from other studios.

Jason - Great guy, very versatile, very hot, very fun, very loveable. But, Jason has worked in porn for quite some time...originally as a Broke Straight Boys 1.0 model and then he went on to film some College Dudes scenes prior to Blu Media's acquistion of College Dudes, then came back to Broke Straight Boys as a 2.0 model. His days on Broke Straight Boys may be over simply because of his exposure elsewhere.

Vinnie - Hot guy, but his "foot scene" with Jimmy may have killed his porn career forever. That scene, I believe, is the lowest rated scene in the history of Broke Straight Boys Which is in no way the fault of neither Jimmy, nor Vinnie. That was probably an experiment gone bad, and I fault the extincts (or lack there-of) of whoever the brainiac was that came up with such a ridiculous idea. For which Vinnie appears to have paid the price.

Jack - Personally, I think he's better suited to College Dudes. I really liked him a lot at first, however in his first Broke Straight Boys scene where he was told to kiss, I immediately realized he is a TERRIBLE kisser! Ever since then, I completely lost interest in him. He has a hot body and he is good looking, but even though he's a terrible kisser to me he's not believably straight. And a guy who isn't believably straight but is also a terrible kisser is a really bad combination and thus renders his shelf life expired in my opinion.

Bobby - His glory days are over unfortunately. And it has nothing to do with the loss of his adorable curls nor the opinion of others that he had "become fat" (which I never once even remotely believed nor agreed with). I think he's just a bad performer in front of a camera, he is visibly being directed and following a script. He is not natural in front of the camera, he knows he's being filmed and it's become obvious in his most recent scenes. While I'm glad his mouth wasn't visibly moving while others were reciting their lines, he looks to the production crew for direction too often thus rendering him unbelievable as having "unscripted sex" in my opinion. While this is as much the director's fault as the performer's, other performers can easily overcome bad directing on their own. I'm definitely willing to give Bobby another chance, but I was disappointed in his last couple scenes after we the forumites begged for more of him. Mark himself told us he wasn't pleased with Bobby's performances prior to Slimmie's poll asking if we'd like to see more Bobby, and this speaks to Mark's instincts as well as his willingness to listen to our feedback and make adjustments against his better judgment to make his customers happy.

I do hope Bobby does at least one more scene, and is able to redeem himself as a performer.

But in my mind this whole exercise with Bobby seems to cement my much earlier opinion that Broke Straight Boys doesn't have a performer problem, it has a production crew problem.

Ok I have rambled on far too long, and I'll shut up with my thoughts...for now. :scared:
what a kooky idea, Bob! I love it! You've not only opened up a can of worms, but you have unleashed a hurricane of fantasies in this fanciful forumite!!! So, I guess I'll bite( only if you want me to, that is)!!

My three-parter would start with a jerk off/kissing/rimming scene with the well-endowed and gorgeous Diesal from BSBv1; and, the sensual and delicious Chad from BSBv2!! We would start by having Clay do an introductory interview that would go something like this:

Clay: Well, here we are with two of my favorite models, Chad, on the right! Say hi to our viewers, Chad! (Chad flashes a seductive smile at the camera with his whole face and casually waves) and on the left we have Diesal, the proud caretaker of our studio's mascot, GIGANTOR! Say hi, Diesal. (Diesal smiles shyly and waves two fingers at the camera) And in the center we have a special guest. I'd like to introduce Tequila69 to our Broke Straight Boys audience. Tequila hails from the great state of Texas, specifically from (Tequila interrupts)

Tequila: Shut up, Clay! You're going to bore the members with so much talking! Besides, if we don't get started my Viagra is going to wear off!!!

(At this point, I undress each model slowly and deliberately! Then, I let them undress me.)

Clay: OK, guys work it up and get(Tequila interrupts, again)

Tequila: Sorry, Clay, but this is my fantasy!! I'm taking over!! (To the models) guys, I want you to kneel on the futon next to each other, close and tight, and spread those buns, I'm going to give you a such a rimming that your assholes are going to be wet for weeks!!! (I start rimming each model going back and forth from each ass. This goes on for 30 minutes, until the models are hard as thick, peppermint candy sticks! I then tell them to turn around and sit down. I, of course am in the middle. I grab both their dicks and start jerking them off, while they take turns on my dick. All of a sudden, I turn to my left and start locking lips with Chad! I deluge him with wet Willys! I.kiss every part of his face and lick every pock mark I can find! Meanwhile, Diesal is stroking my cock like a cue stick, while jerking himself off as well. I start to furiously jerk Chad off, while my tongue nicks Chad's tonsils. I give him one more passionate kiss and he comes, physically shaking and holding on to me for dear life!!! I gently separate myself from Chad and kiss him on the cheek, one little peck of sincere gratitude! I then go to work on Diesal and the results are almost similar!! After the scene is over we hear Clay speak)

Clay: Well, guys that was certainly hot! You guys really (He is interrupted.)

Chad, Tequila, and Diesal: SHUT UP, CLAY!!!

And this is all I can share with you tonight. I have to go to sleep. Gotta go work tomorrow! I'll post Parts 2 and 3 tomorrow night. Sweet dreams, everyone!!

LMAO Tequila, I LOVED it! If this isn't fan fiction, I don't know what is! :thumbup:

Also, I definitely took note of your subtle but not hidden theme as well...hopefully Clay did too. :sneaky2::wink::001_tongue:
Thank you Abe

Abe, you are a gem. I absolutely loved reading your brilliant observations on the state of Broke Straight Boys, with a thorough review of many of the players in the troop. While I don't agree with all of your points, I totally appreciate your usual candor and attention to detail.

I am a big fan of this site, and I enjoy reading about things that interest me, including my favorite sports teams, presidential politics, the radio industry, as well as other topics. There are many places to read about most of my favorite subjects, but Broke Straight Boys never comes up in the Sunday Times magazine section. This is what makes the forum so valuable to me, for the topic of Broke Straight Boys is discussed here, and this is the only place to find such commentary.

My only direct comment on your study for now, is that you did not comment on Jamie. I wonder if his time is done here too, and I would still like to see more of him. Besides having a handsome face, and a kick ass body, he too is a very believably straight guy, although he has shown us from the start that he is perfectly willing to do some very "non-straight" things, although he protests liking it, his hard cock tells a different story. I used to think that it was kind of funny, when member's of the forum were so offended by Jamie saying "fuck you" and "giving the finger" to Clay and to us, the gay audience. To me it was clearly his defense mechanisms kicking in, to protect his straight image, but again his words and hand gestures did not speak nearly as loudly as his cock sucking mouth, his willing ass and stiff cock, did.

But kudos to Abe for his post. I think it is a must read for any aficionado of Broke Straight Boys
Hmmmmmm, my Fantasy Island.............

I get to direct the CHAD/COLIN Double Feature. Chad/Colin 1, the oral scene and Chad/Colin 2 the Flip Flop.:001_tt1::001_tt1:

..........And if Chad really is straight, and we hang out while we are there, and one thing leads to another, that's all good too.:001_tt1:
Hmmmmmm, my Fantasy Island.............

I get to direct the CHAD/COLIN Double Feature. Chad/Colin 1, the oral scene and Chad/Colin 2 the Flip Flop.

..........And if Chad really is straight, and we hang out while we are there, and one thing leads to another, that's all good too.:001_tt1:

OMG Ms. K, that is HOT!!!

I for one now share the fantasy of you and Chad hanging out while you are there Ms. K, and for one thing leading to another!
