Hey, Peter -
I don't follow the Seahawks, or American football, or Canadian football, much at all. However - I'm glad for you that the Seahawks made their way into the Superbowl. . . and I DID hear about this game, because it was extensively covered on Canadian news. . . as Jon Ryan, a Seahawks punter, managed an ingenious little feint, and threw a touchdown to get some momentum going, for the 'Hawks.
From what I understand, this is a pretty rare kind of play in American football, generally, and especially rare in the playoff season. I know that people in Saskatchewan (Jon Ryan's home province) were RAPTUROUS about it. (Saskatchewan is one of Canada's smallest provinces, by population, and formerly one of the poorest - before they discovered lots of oil, and potash. It is flat as a pancake, and formerly the most rural and agricultural province in the nation. It is also home to Canada's most fanatical football fans - fans of the Saskatchewan Roughriders - and so, that touchdown was a cause for national rejoicing.) *I never met anyone I didn't like, from Saskatchewan, but. . . in full disclosure, my best straight friend comes from there, and. . . my Daddy was born there, too ;-)*
As a writer, of course. . . even though I am not really a sports-fan: I can't help but love "come-from-behind" surprises, and "miracle-manoeuvres", like this one. It was a great story, and a really sweet moment.