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Civility , and kindness, to our models: and a hug to "Trolls" ;-)


BSB Addict
Jul 15, 2009
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Hey, guys,

I guess I am (to a certain extent) "rising to the bait", but. . . I have noticed that, since I was last regularly posting, a few "trolls" have popped up. (And I don't mean lovable garden-gnomes, either ;-)

To those trolls *and they know who they are* ~ while this is no doubt exactly the kind of your response you were looking for. . . just, think again. Think about what you're doing. Think about where you're going. Think about who you are.

Trolls, no one here is listening to you, apart from feeling a moment's irritation at the nasty comments, you write. (It's like a mosquito that bites you - it hurts, and you slap it, and kill it. Or, at worst, like a wood-tick: that you have to pry from your skin, with a needle, or an ignited match. And SQUASH, while you drain your own ill-gotten blood, from it.)

People here are (mostly) nice; and (mostly) kind; and just want to be friends, and enjoy life and each other's company, a little more. This is a pretty generous forum. Sometimes people like particular scenes; sometimes they don't. And no one is ever afraid to say so.

However, I think it is always important to respect the models who are here for us, on this site. You might love some; feel indifferent to others; and really dislike, still others.

But, it is important to remember that all these people, these models, are people ~ they're human beings, just like us. Maybe they are not perfect, maybe they have problems, maybe they need a little income. . . but. . . isn't this true of all of us??? Anyone who has signed up for this site is not here because his life is PERFECT - he is here because he wants a little inspiration, and a little company.

My maxim in life is: treat another human being AS a human being, and you will enjoy a little more happiness, than you EVER had before, just by opening up to him. Get past your worries and fears and anger, and just be DECENT - and however many years you have left in your life, they will be better ones.

Our models are not products; they are people. They are human beings with families and friends, hopes and dreams, loves and sorrows, just like our own. I have never had the good fortune to meet any of our models from Broke Straight Boys, as some members have - - - but I have met and known some very beautiful models from both Canadian and Russian sites: and, you know what?

They were mostly ordinary, very nice people, working their way through university or community colleges, and desperate to get a better life, for themselves. Some of them were straight (and some of them are now happily married, with kids, and with good jobs, too): some of them were gay (and have likewise found good partners, and gotten educational credentials, and made wonderful lives for themselves). In all cases, being an "Internet icon" was never their first choice ~ but it helped them get through a tough time, in their lives.

And let's be clear, "trolls" - if you didn't need the help of our models, or want it: you wouldn't be here. You'd be happily drinking endless fizzy carafes of Veuve Clicquot, with your statuesque boyfriend (or boyfriends), in a palace, in Monaco ;-)))

I get it, and it makes me sad. Some aging guys, who have been rejected in love (again and again) become thoroughly and completely EMBITTERED by life: and seek to embitter everyone else, too, with their cynicism and pain.

"Trolls", I GET this. I might very well have been one of you, too. I had a very tough time, and was rejected in every opportunity I had, for. . . hmmmm. . . about 30 years. Only in the last THREE years have I met someone who has truly loved me, and who is dedicated (in his beautiful words) to "mending my heart."

But, "Trolls", I will tell you something. Even if I had not found this wondrous man - I would not be taking my anger and disappointment out, on OTHERS. I think this is the wrong way to go ~ the way that you are going ~ and I'll tell you why:

MAKING OTHER PEOPLE SAD, will NEVER MAKE YOU HAPPY. Sure, you can succeed in this task - it's simple as pie! But, at the end of the day, what you're left with, is YOUR being sad and angry; a lot of nice people who met you and got to know you, being sad and angry, too; and EVERYONE (generally) left in a state of despair :-((( I do not think this is the best way to proceed.

"Trolls", if you need a good cry - go and HAVE a good cry. (I've been there.) If you think your life is hopeless, because you're so old and ugly and unappealing that you could never even venture to give the LEAST of the models on Broke Straight Boys a hug, without him pushing you aside - I've been there, too. And if you think these guys are ALL bad, just because they are too young and beautiful to be attainable, for YOU. . . just take a step, back. And, give yourself a chance to know that some of THEM are nice people, too.

"Trolls", I am guessing y'all won't take my advice, because (as trolls) you KNOW you are smarter than I am, and you have invested a lot of effort in making other people unhappy, so far, and proving that EVERYONE has got to be just as unhappy, as you are, now. . . . but, come on, think about it.

Making other people wretched with your hurtful and awful words might make you feel a little glimmer and a little joy in your heart, for an hour or two. But next week, next month, next year. . . you are going to have to go on to find OTHER people to hurt, on still other sites, to make yourself feel better - because this little "high" you get, from slagging Broke Straight Boys models and members, isn't going to LAST. (And, you know, at this rate, when you shuffle off this mortal coil - who's going to mourn you? Maybe - hopefully - some family and friends who didn't KNOW all the awful things you said: but NOBODY GAY, LIKE YOU.)

Where are you going to go next??? To fashion-week, in Milan, or Paris??? IF YOU CAN GET A TICKET, to sit in the front row, and spit upon the models, and shout at them, that they are only beautiful, for MONEY???

The sad fact is, "Trolls", you are making yourself SAD for MONEY ~ and choosing (as part of the bargain) to make OTHER PEOPLE sad, as WELL. I feel very sad and very worried for you, because, while I will doubtless die YOUNG, you will die miserable, unhappy, and friendless, if you keep this stuff UP.

"Trolls", I would suggest that you go home, have a nice dinner, and a glass of wine - and re-think your approach. Have a good sleep, and then re-sign here under different name(s). And then - see (however hard life is for you) if you can find a little JOY in being kind to the models, and other members, and letting a little of that cynicism (which you think is so smart, but which I think is so SAD): drop to the wayside, while you meet some real, caring, friends.

I BET you have had a hard life. Probably it has been much harder than mine. But you are letting it BEAT you now, and you are becoming a laughingstock and very much disliked, by people who don't even KNOW you. For all I know, you have all sorts of good qualities - but, I DON'T know, because I haven't seen or heard any of them, as yet.

But please, don't be so MEAN to people, you haven't even met - just because YOU don't know them, yet. Models, members, staff. . .there are a lot of good people on this site, and if you care to, you can make some wonderful friendships here. I suggest you re-think all of this, and give it a second try.

On the other hand, if you are completely and FINALLY dedicated to being wicked to people, forever - then, God help you, and my prayers for you and your family: because you are gonna need them ;-)


Karma.jpgSorry Ambi, I'm more of a "visual learner.":bump:
Well, ambi, I would say that you really rose to take the bait and then some, but I don't think whoever you are addressing really cares what you, I or anyone else think. I think you made some excellent points about the models, the forum and its members, and about the site. But I feel your dialectic's effect is lessened by engaging in some of the same behavior you are criticizing.

First of all, instead of using a collective name ("trolls") - identify these people. I can infer one of them to be nobelegg given the exchange you two have had on another thread. But who are these others? Name them. Naming them might give substance to your argument.

Secondly, you make ad hominem assumptions about them (trolls, old, bitter, rejected, embittered, etc.). While these might not sink to the level of some of the things nobelegg has said, the methodology is the same.

I'm just saying, ambi, that the nobility of your message is somewhat clouded by some of the methodology you employed.
Hey, Stowe ~

All cool. We're not friends, personally, and so I am not greatly grieved if you dislike my rhetoric, or my logic. (I'll confess: I was not my philosophy professor's favorite student: though I did get through the course ;-)

So, no harm done, if you think I have DONE harm, in this post! You just keep on doing what you do, and I'll do the same: and never the twain shall meet, I imagine ;-) I choose my words just as I see fit, and I know you do, likewise.

Mr. Ambivalent and Mr. Stowe: I appreciate your intellect and your willingness to show them off to those who may be lacking in such wit. I agree with Mr. Stowe that you, Mr. Ambivalent, that you are indeed practicing the very poison you spew, whereby that hardly makes you any better than those of us, undoubtedly me in particular (and I laugh at your pious effort) you chided. As I am confident you have learned years back when you were still thinking your defecation rendered no odoriferous emanation whatsoever, how much better it is for one to stand there and look the fool than to open his mouth and remove all doubt. You can be sure, Sir, I hardly doubt you. Along this same line, your diatribe hardly alit upon persuading me to desist, although I have toned my language down extensively, as 'suggested' to me by those who cried to the higher mucky-mucks to have me banned all because I did not chap my lips on their behinds, much as I refuse to do yours. Mr. Stowe was correct in his stating nothing you can say shall stay this "Troll" from voicing his opinion with the proper candor and rights due me - these very same rights you freely exercise. I am getting off my soapbox now. I invite you to step from behind your pulpit and preach your gospel to someone who actually cares about what you have to say. I can assure you I am NOT he. Enjoy your evening, and when you think of me, think kindly.
Is there any way that nobelegg could start his own dedicated thread here? Using the "view all posts" menu is becoming a chore.

The basement-rate Capote persona has me in stitches and I'd like to find out how his porn studio endeavor goes.

Please TPTB, don't ban nobelegg, just preserve him in his own special enclosure.
After hearing ambivalent's take on civility, i must be one of the trolls! Because i believe as a paying member, i have right to express my dissatisfaction with a particular model when merited and to show praise when merited! Models need to learn very quickly that in the real world, there will always be distracters
Mr. PascalBrutal: I would love to start my own thread on here. However, being a man of extended years and quite computer illiterate (yes, I can admit my fallacies), as well as being a "Troll" as so nobly expressed by Mr. Ambivalent, I am unfamiliar with the process. Regardless, and just so people can know, I have been humbled by Mr. Canon this morning, and have opted to soothe and calm the speeding waters of discontent herein. I realize I use words others may not comprehend, but I am a college-educated, having studied hard and long, and by this, I do not think I should relinquish what I have strove so diligently to achieve and procure in order to make me feel a phony. One last thing for those who may/not be interested: I have powerful opinions that often differ from most others on here. When I express them, I would greatly appreciate if those who are disgruntled by my opinions and even by my vernacular to kindly refrain from taking personal pot-shots at me. I shall do the same for you well beforehand, so Quid Pro Quo, Agent Starling. Thank you all for your patience.
Mr. PascalBrutal: I would love to start my own thread on here. However, being a man of extended years and quite computer illiterate (yes, I can admit my fallacies), as well as being a "Troll" as so nobly expressed by Mr. Ambivalent, I am unfamiliar with the process. Regardless, and just so people can know, I have been humbled by Mr. Canon this morning, and have opted to soothe and calm the speeding waters of discontent herein. I realize I use words others may not comprehend, but I am a college-educated, having studied hard and long, and by this, I do not think I should relinquish what I have strove so diligently to achieve and procure in order to make me feel a phony. One last thing for those who may/not be interested: I have powerful opinions that often differ from most others on here. When I express them, I would greatly appreciate if those who are disgruntled by my opinions and even by my vernacular to kindly refrain from taking personal pot-shots at me. I shall do the same for you well beforehand, so Quid Pro Quo, Agent Starling. Thank you all for your patience.
As an aficionado of this forum, who has been here "forever", I do find you Nobelegg to be one of the more fascinating posters I've encountered in my time here. If you actually stick by your pledge this morning to get off Paul's case, and respectfully offer your opinions, I can see myself becoming a fan of your writings.

I too get bored with "ass kissing" posts about this site and the models employed here. I admire diversity and most of all honesty in what folks have to say. As long as we all remain respectful in our tone, I do not see any topic or opinion as being unsuitable for comment here. However I do question your ability to remain civil, but if you do, then I look forward to your continued involvement in this little "fantasy land" corner of my world known as The Broke Straight Boys Forum.
Mr. Ambivalent and Mr. Stowe: I appreciate your intellect and your willingness to show them off to those who may be lacking in such wit. I agree with Mr. Stowe that you, Mr. Ambivalent, that you are indeed practicing the very poison you spew, whereby that hardly makes you any better than those of us, undoubtedly me in particular (and I laugh at your pious effort) you chided. As I am confident you have learned years back when you were still thinking your defecation rendered no odoriferous emanation whatsoever, how much better it is for one to stand there and look the fool than to open his mouth and remove all doubt. You can be sure, Sir, I hardly doubt you. Along this same line, your diatribe hardly alit upon persuading me to desist, although I have toned my language down extensively, as 'suggested' to me by those who cried to the higher mucky-mucks to have me banned all because I did not chap my lips on their behinds, much as I refuse to do yours. Mr. Stowe was correct in his stating nothing you can say shall stay this "Troll" from voicing his opinion with the proper candor and rights due me - these very same rights you freely exercise. I am getting off my soapbox now. I invite you to step from behind your pulpit and preach your gospel to someone who actually cares about what you have to say. I can assure you I am NOT he. Enjoy your evening, and when you think of me, think kindly.


Dear Mr. Nobelegg ~

With *blushes*, I must tell you - you've hit the nail on the HEAD, and, soundly!!! While I masquerade as a tedious sermonizer, I take my tea, daily, in the antechambers of Mephistopheles, himself! (Just last week, the demon Belial was asking me, "A", how shall I corrupt a new generation of legislators, and turn them to our common will??? I said, "Not to worry, they're doing a pretty good job, all of their own accord!")

Yes, Mr. N. ~ I am evil, noxious, and thoroughly VENOMOUS ~ an arctic-circle rattlesnake, if you will! I am wicked to the CORE, wicked to EVERYONE. and NO ONE who has ever KISSED me, has ever survived ;-) There are graveyards all over the world, from Baton Rouge to old Britannia, stocked chock-full of my hapless and unsuspecting victims! Honestly. . . I'm not a man, but a MONSTER - and yet. . . .

Sometimes. . . on quiet autumn afternoons, when the raindrops are pattering on the windows of my (rather close, and hot) enclosure, here in the depths of Hell. . . (they SIZZLE, you know, because of the HEAT): I DO pray that someone wise, and good (as you are!) might pray me forth, from my infernal sufferings - and RESCUE me from being the devil, I am.

Perhaps this is to much, to hope for? (It is a long-shot, I know ;-) But, just as you requested, I shall think of you very kindly, and pray for YOU always. . .even though (you know) MY prayers are so intincted with sin and utter wickedness, they are a virtual INVITATION to the further. . . lower. . . Dantean depths. . . .

But I hope that YOU shall pray for me, also - - - because, I am much in need of the intercession of someone who is good, kind, wise, and gracious - - - and who might show me the way??? At any rate, I am grateful for your kind thoughts, toward me.

"The Dev. . . err - "Ambivalent" XOXOXOXO

Mr. Mikeyank: It is my full intention to uphold my word, for there are times all a man has left is his word. I may still express differing opinions, but I shall do so with finesse, even a delightful challenge to possibly incur thoughts toward another direction someone had not discovered prior. I thank you, Mr. Mikeyank, for your willingness to give me a better chance to be a better chatterer on these forums. And as for you, Mr. Ambivalent: You speak too well of yourself, and I tend to doubt your own integrity when you speak of your taking tea with Faust's Mephistopheles himself. You impress me as being someone who is ever trying to keep up with the proverbial Joneses. Well, Sir, I have bad news for you: I AM the proverbial Joneses, and you are three tridents behind. I would hope in time you shall discover how an ego portrays a man as being cock of the walk. Sad news again, my friend: It is not difficult being cock of the walk...when you are on the walk alone. And one last thing, at least for now, Mr. Self-proclaimed disciple of Beelzebub: Those who pretend to be better than everyone else, such as you, make it far more difficult for those of us who truly are. (Thank you, Hyacinth Bucket!) Please, Sir, enjoy your happily-ember-after.
Those who pretend to be better than everyone else, such as you, make it far more difficult for those of us who truly are. (Thank you, Hyacinth Bucket!) Please, Sir, enjoy your happily-ember-after.

It's Bouquet! :flame: :devil:
Bravo, Tampa24. BRAVO! I tried to slip one in and you caught me with my hand-painted periwinkle china still in the sink. Good form!