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BTS - Getting To Know Rick Hazard


Long time forumite
Oct 24, 2008
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Brooklyn New York
Well, that surprised me the way it went down. It was wise of Sha to add on the ending as we would have found out and perhaps some "pseudo ex fraternity member" would have started a thread that he saw Rick fucking or getting fucked on this other site, and so it is best for us to be told upfront and not later.

He doesn't really impress me in his clothes, but perhaps naked he will. He is confident not in the way that I usually like, with no charm, just telling us how good he is and how athletic his body is, etc. I like confident, even cocky guys who can back it up, so we shall see, starting with his solo tomorrow night. One note though, when Rick was asked what he had to bring to Broke Straight Boys and he told Sha, "I am actually a Broke Straight Boys", and Sha said he knew of some members who would like that without mentioning names, my ears itched, lol.

I didn't love Rick from this interview, either before or after the "great reveal", but I am open minded and I hope I will love him, as I have a lot of love to give, and with Damien and Ashton already on my "love list", I am hopeful to add another to the stable, but as of this moment, I don't feel that confident, but I hope I am wrong. Time will tell........:confused1:
I guessed the former Broke Straight Boys producer was Clay and I searched and found that Rick Hazard has already been fucked. I won't post it here out of respect for Broke Straight Boys, but it is already out there on the net. Disappointing for me, but I'm sure Sha was disappointed too and wouldn't have paid to fly him to Atlanta if he had already known. Oh well, I still have my Damien and my Ashton, lol :smiley-love021:
Well, that surprised me the way it went down. It was wise of Sha to add on the ending as we would have found out and perhaps some "pseudo ex fraternity member" would have started a thread that he saw Rick fucking or getting fucked on this other site, and so it is best for us to be told upfront and not later.

He doesn't really impress me in his clothes, but perhaps naked he will. He is confident not in the way that I usually like, with no charm, just telling us how good he is and how athletic his body is, etc. I like confident, even cocky guys who can back it up, so we shall see, starting with his solo tomorrow night. One note though, when Rick was asked what he had to bring to Broke Straight Boys and he told Sha, "I am actually a Broke Straight Boys", and Sha said he knew of some members who would like that without mentioning names, my ears itched, lol.

I didn't love Rick from this interview, either before or after the "great reveal", but I am open minded and I hope I will love him, as I have a lot of love to give, and with Damien and Ashton already on my "love list", I am hopeful to add another to the stable, but as of this moment, I don't feel that confident, but I hope I am wrong. Time will tell........:confused1:

I guessed the former Broke Straight Boys producer was Clay and I searched and found that Rick Hazard has already been fucked. I won't post it here out of respect for Broke Straight Boys, but it is already out there on the net. Disappointing for me, but I'm sure Sha was disappointed too and wouldn't have paid to fly him to Atlanta if he had already known. Oh well, I still have my Damien and my Ashton, lol :smiley-love021:

Sha and all of Broke Straight Boys Management knows its members very well. I thought it was interesting, too, when Sha told Rick at the beginning of part two that it was (paraphrasing) best to be transparent and truthful now because "the members will find out....":001_cool:
Well I would not have expected that last moment of drama and intrigue. lol It was pretty obvious to me right away that Clay was the other producer he had worked with. David or Johnny whatever their departures here were truly like, would not have potentially ruined a model's chances of working here. Clay knows what he did here. He knows how staff, management and even many members feel about what he did while he was here.

And Clay was actually trying to do Rick a favor by warning him not to say anything about any past working relationship with Clay. I'm sure in Clay's mind he was sure he was doing Rick a favor by encouraging him to lie. I'm glad it's all out there in the beginning because members would have found out eventually anyway. Then there would have been more controversy and negative feedback from members. While I'm sure they were not pleased to get this news, I'm glad that Sha and the staff gave Rick a chance to come clean to the members on that and not just send him packing. So we'll see how he does as a performer here. lol :)
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" These guys need money and without an exclusive contract they will go where the money is. "
So far I like him.. Like his voice, his smile and his personality... He looked really sad (or embarrassed) on the second interview... And I think he might still be truthful about being Broke and straight and he is definitely a boy...

He is not the first boy here who worked to this other producer... And it doesn't make me like him any less... At least we know all about it.
" These guys need money and without an exclusive contract they will go where the money is. "
We all watch porn as we view everything in life through our own perspective, and to my perspective there is a big difference between the situations with Ashton Taylor and Damien Nichols and the situation with Rick Hazard.

Both Damien and Ashton filmed solo scenes for another site prior to, but within several weeks of the time they performed their solos on Broke Straight Boys And Sha told us that he knew about it and that they told him that they would do more here. And it was revealed yesterday on the forum that Damien also received oral on another site in a scene released earlier this month, and so their "stories" on Broke Straight Boys remain consistent with the evidence of their work elsewhere, and their progression into gay porn remains the same as what we've been told and witnessed here.

In the case of Rick Hazard, he obliviously duped Sha or he wouldn't have taken the unusual step of editing in a post script to the BTS after Rick had already filmed his solo and another scene here, because his words in those scenes were untruthful, including telling us in his BTS that his biggest fear to doing gay porn was "getting fucked", because he was afraid that it would hurt, whereas he had already done it on camera well prior to arriving at Broke Straight Boys We've had similar situations here before, most notably to my recollection with Jake Tipton who also said it was his first time on set here, when he had already had full sex for another site.

To my sensibilities what Damien and Ashton did are just going where the money is to pursue their careers, whereas Rick, (and Jake) initially lied to Broke Straight Boys management and to us the viewers, but that's just me..........
So far I like him.. Like his voice, his smile and his personality... He looked really sad (or embarrassed) on the second interview... And I think he might still be truthful about being Broke and straight and he is definitely a boy...

He is not the first boy here who worked to this other producer... And it doesn't make me like him any less... At least we know all about it.

Well, again. I wish I'd said that.

I like this kid. While I do NOT believe he's straight, I believe he's "believably straight". At least not nelly.

I understand why he didn't tell us about his previous shoot. He was advised NOT to, by people who were in the trade, and a kid like him wouldn't know what to do. I do NOT put much credivility into ANYTHING he says. This is show business, however pornographic it might be. People present themselves like they wish you would see them. And, that's OK with me. Somehow I doubt that this kid is only 18. He looks and acts older. But, who cares.

My theory is that he has an impressive dick. I don't know if its big, or pretty, or fat, or what. But people in the porn industry all seem to like him and think we will like him. (But they thought we would like TIM HAYNES - LOLOLOL! And incidentally, I DID like Tim - he had a great dick, and he loved to get it sucked and he was a really great fucker and could blow a load across the room - and I have no other standards to guide me in my perverted life!)

I know there's been a lot of talk about this lately. But this is a camera business. And why wouldn't ANYONE know not to suoot a camera with great light behind your subject. We saw the windows. Great. But you could hardly see Rick.

This kid could blow us away. I'm looking forward to his scene. I wonder who they put him with. And I am obsessed with my theory that he has some kind of impressive dick.

As the British would say, LOVELY!
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I just saw the trailer he is in on the other site. It is really something. I look at him in a whole different way. lol It was kinda hot. Straight.. No way.
The boy is going to have no trouble at all taking a Tanner or Ben with no trouble at all. Maybe even both at the same time. And he is a cum eater.
But he is broke. Maybe he was just real hungry?
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I guessed the former Broke Straight Boys producer was Clay and I searched and found that Rick Hazard has already been fucked. I won't post it here out of respect for Broke Straight Boys, but it is already out there on the net. Disappointing for me, but I'm sure Sha was disappointed too and wouldn't have paid to fly him to Atlanta if he had already known. Oh well, I still have my Damien and my Ashton, lol :smiley-love021:

I couldn't find it. I wish you would give us a hint but it doesn't surprise me he has been fucked he was already talking about it in his interview. The best friend he referred to might be his boy friend! Could we have another Paul and Damian? Anyway his twitter account says he does porn and dances. I think he should have been up front with Sha. It's not like they haven't used guys that aren't virgin to porn. It just goes to show that even management can be taken in by these guys stories. Who wouldn't be excited about a straight boy willing to do porn and get fucked? I think that's why we subscribed. The bad part is that this old producer told him to lie to get the part. It's never a good idea to miss represent yourself for work. How many people do you know got fired for lying on their resume? If this guy had come to Sha and said: I tried porn with this guy who used to work for you. It wasn't that bad. The money isn't bad and I feel like I could be an asset to your site I bet they would have hired him anyway. That being said, if you check out his twitter account you can see he has a nice big dick and I can't wait to see him get fucked virgin or not. I used to say if all the boys I fucked had really been virgins, like they said they were, I would be in the Guinness Book for the record in male cherry popping. But it was always fun to think it was true. There is something magic about a guy giving it up and then getting turned on by it. It's even better when it's filmed for posterity.
Okay, I'm not going to get into the whole discussion regarding "which came first, the chicken or the egg" whether or not a model jerked off on another site or got fucked before they were featured doing the same act on Broke Straight Boys or not, but, this is not the first (and I dare say the last) model who has filmed for the former producer Clay (whom everyone seems to despise) either before or during the period of concurrent featured scenes on Broke Straight Boys! And I say concurrently because, when a scene is released is not always reflective of when it was shot. I guess it just doesn't affect my libido as much, when I watch a featured model knowing they've performed any sexual act either in their private life or on another site or (me only) whether or not they've disclosed that information to get paid for doing it on this site. I'm not saying it doesn't matters to others' it's just how I see it. Eventually, if you stick with it long enough, you will find that a good majority of models who present have something not disclosed and if it was disclosed before they filmed, "Damage control, PR" has already been done or is in the works.

I enjoy the porn and I enjoy the models who I'm fortunate enough to get to watch on this site. Even if I've seen them before. I enjoy the production relative to the production of MAJOR sites! It still gives an almost "armature" feel and I suspect the models do actually get to know each other a little better thus making their scene performances a little better too! If you need a Blog Fix and stay current with "who's doing what"? I strongly suggest bookmarking the site called MEN OF PORN II. It will let you know who's changed names, who's appearing on what site and any scandal you might need to know about going on in the porn world! Maybe Broke Straight Boys should read it too? LOL
Call me the skeptic, but this interview just didn't set right.The only reason I'm saying this is because the "initial" interview was so unlike previous interviews. The others are interviewed sitting high up on a nice stool and not on the bed. They didn't ask the same types of questions that they usually ask, and they didn't ask anything about his family. They also seemed to talk a lot about him getting fucked, moreso than usual. To me, it felt like the interview Part I was done specifically to set up the big announcement of Part II. I'm not questioning anything about catching Rick in a lie about his previous experience, but I think they took some artistic license with the announcement. They also did something to make the initial interview uncomfortable and ominous...

*WARNING* I'm about to bitch about something I've bitched about a lot recently.

They kept rolling the camera to and fro! Goddamsonofabitchshit!!! Enough already! At one point they rolled to the right so far I was expecting poor Rick to slide off the bed! And at one point Rick was actually out-of-focus. Show me where they have done this in another BTS. Granted, I only went back to the last four BTSs, but none of this was present. If this wasn't done to make the viewers wary of Rick and the impending reveal, then Sha better get the foundation of his condo checked out. And it's really too bad because, except for the lie, Rick seems like a pretty nice and talented kid.

Rick was well spoken and didn't hesitate when answering questions. He doesn't really strike me as my "type", but I would have loved to have heard more about his involvement in theater and music. And maybe hear something about his family. The one thing I found telling, and it was in the interview Part II, was when his immediate response to the lesson he learned was, "Don't do drugs". What that showed me was that Cliff was more than happy to supply his models with drugs while in his employ, and that if he had never followed that lure Rick may not have done what he had done. As far as telling Rick to lie about it, was that Cliff's way of ensuring that Rick wouldn't have any other place to go? You can't lie about past performances these days and not get caught. I can't believe Cliff was acting in Rick's best interest.

But all is well. Sha and Broke Straight Boys have forgiven Rick and he is the wiser for his poor judgement. Now I'm looking forward to seeing Rick tonight and in many scenes with Broke Straight Boys I'm glad they've taken the course they did. But then it's not everyday that a kid with a 9 inch dick cums your way.
On the thread dedicated to his upcoming bts, I commented that he looked a bit nelly to me. And to me that's what I got from the picture. But seeing and hearing him in real life, he's not nelly at all. He reminds me of street trade from back in the day whether it was in NYC, DC, and especially here in the 'Burgh. And that's not a bad thing, believe me!!

As to the whole truthfulness issue, one takeaway for me is that it is evident that Broke Straight Boys heretofore relied solely on the answer to the question about past experience given by the model. Talk about a weak system. But perhaps after being embarrassed by some forumites who did even just rudimentary digging on the internet (and some did Sherlock Holmesian investigation - lol) and found all kind of information about models past, mgmnt has decided to get more aggressive in checking out past experience. Although I have to say that is not evident in this video, just that after three questions Rick finally caved. I can only hope that Broke Straight Boys does some of the types of internet searching on prospects; because let's face it, no one always tells the truth, especially when money is concerned.

I guess the only thing that really bothered me was at the end of part II when sha asked him if he had anything to say to the members, he said everything except express regret that he hadn't been truthful from the get-go. Still, this is not felony homicide, so I'm willing to give him a second chance with the hope that he is truly sorry for lying.

Quaere: My hearing isn't all that it should be, and the sound quality was not all that it should have been in the second part of this bts, so I might have missed it. But did he say it was Clay who was the previous director? If so where is it on the tape so I can go back and hear it. If not, what led you guys to infer it was Clay. Thanks.
On the thread dedicated to his upcoming bts, I commented that he looked a bit nelly to me. And to me that's what I got from the picture. But seeing and hearing him in real life, he's not nelly at all. He reminds me of street trade from back in the day whether it was in NYC, DC, and especially here in the 'Burgh. And that's not a bad thing, believe me!!

As to the whole truthfulness issue, one takeaway for me is that it is evident that Broke Straight Boys heretofore relied solely on the answer to the question about past experience given by the model. Talk about a weak system. But perhaps after being embarrassed by some forumites who did even just rudimentary digging on the internet (and some did Sherlock Holmesian investigation - lol) and found all kind of information about models past, mgmnt has decided to get more aggressive in checking out past experience. Although I have to say that is not evident in this video, just that after three questions Rick finally caved. I can only hope that Broke Straight Boys does some of the types of internet searching on prospects; because let's face it, no one always tells the truth, especially when money is concerned.

I guess the only thing that really bothered me was at the end of part II when sha asked him if he had anything to say to the members, he said everything except express regret that he hadn't been truthful from the get-go. Still, this is not felony homicide, so I'm willing to give him a second chance with the hope that he is truly sorry for lying.

Quaere: My hearing isn't all that it should be, and the sound quality was not all that it should have been in the second part of this bts, so I might have missed it. But did he say it was Clay who was the previous director? If so where is it on the tape so I can go back and hear it. If not, what led you guys to infer it was Clay. Thanks.
Well stowe1..My Friend. If you see the trailer some of us are talking about. It is Clay's porn site.
If you have seen that site? The cock Fucking him or the cock he is sucking or the hand slapping him around. It is all Clay. Also the voice.
So I guess that is why some of us think it is Clay..