The video works on so many levels for me.
First, there's the ebullient, boyish cheekiness
of the blond--whose 'Bro' made me think of
cherished, missed Spencer--and his endearing
clowning around. (He is the astral opposite
of Lucas, who, in his sex-video performances
here, sends out a sense of saturnine heaviness
and negativity.)
The slim brunet with delicate features--who's
more my type--doesn't crowd him, but responds
to him. Of all the places on his body to receive
cum, whatever inspired him to suggest his face?
Divine inspiration, some might say. He comes
across as a man made to bottom--whether for
his nagging girlfriend or for another man.
Their energies are completely complimentary.
Nice to know we all like the same stuff in
this one!