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Broke Straight Boys TV show ideas


BSB Owner
Oct 15, 2008
Reaction score
Orlando Florida
The show's concept has changed a bit. The show can now be best described as Real World (seasons 1-4) with a twist of porn -- all against the backdrop of the gay porn biz. In the first season, viewers will get to know the boys on a more personal level. You'll discover the truths behind what led them to consider gay porn in the first place (no matter how difficult the subject matter), what gets them off, and what makes them tick.

In the inaugural season, viewers will also go deeper behind the scenes and learn what it takes to run a gay porn company. This will include everything from how we discover new talent to the inner workings of the actual site.

Now I'm asking "you", the members, for your ideas on what you would like to see on the show. Your ideas can include anything from topics you would like to see explored within the first season to anything you've ever wanted to know about the porn biz.

Please note: We are not looking for specific episode ideas, but more of what you would like to see on the show from a member's viewpoint. We will also not be able to accommodate and/ or respond to every request. Our producers will decide the final outcome of the show

We value your input and looking forward to what you have to say. :)

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Hi, Mark -

This is an interesting question! And honestly, I feel a little conflicted about it.

As you and I both know (and I am sure your producers would say so, too): what usually sells on "reality TV" is either conflict (as in MTV's Real World) or sheer whimsical eccentricity (as in Honey Boo Boo). And conflict is ALWAYS a best-seller, whether on reality TV, or on the evening news. A THIRD model for success is kind of the "Oprah" model - featuring lots of self-disclosure, confession, and self-improvement ventures. (This works VERY well with female audiences - but how well would it work with gay male audiences??? I dunno???)

So, hey, I am conflicted because, all the Broke Straight Boys models I have had the chance to chat with on the board are such nice people - I would hate to see them set up to be fighting with one another on-screen: even though there is no doubt that that would boost ratings, and subscriptions. That's kind of the DARK SIDE of TV, but it's a fact, and the elephant in the room, and so I thought I would just deal with it, right away. (Of course, if you get a bunch of young guys living under the same roof, day after day, some conflict is going to happen, naturally, anyway.)

So, Mark, as a human BEING, and liking the models as I do, I would be loathe to see a lot of situations for conflict set up, artificially. On the other hand, if I were your amoral PRODUCER, I'd probably say - "Go for it! Make sure there isn't enough food in the fridge! Set impossible and unbalanced chores in the house! Make the two guys who dislike each other the most share BUNK-BEDS!" LOL! That's the way The Real World and Big Brother made money. Because THAT kind of stuff - along with as much near-nakedness on TV, as is possible - always makes MONEY. (These are enduring human fascinations, from the Neanderthals through Shakespeare through The Real Housewives of Los Angeles.)

SOME of that is, for sure, going to be part of the show - whether you plan it that way, or not. However, the SECOND successful "Reality-TV" model (the Honey Boo-Boo model) is one that you might be able to adapt, in part, with some success. Models showing off their crazy, silly, and eccentric sides, for all the world to see. I think people would really enjoy that - the only problem is, I don't know if any of the models is QUITE as eccentric as "Mama June", or "Sugar Bear". But some of them might be: I dunno. But model-romps, hunting or mudding or doing funny stunts at amusement-parks, eating monster sandwiches or mooning people at shopping-malls might work for you - at least as a diversion, for part of the series.

I think what might work very well for all of you, as an option for this series, is kind of the "Oprah" model. (As a close second to the "conflict" model, supra.) I would be very interested to hear what other members have to say, but, remember that extended interview that Sha did with Lucas??? I found that riveting, and I think a lot of other people did, too. The prime audience for confessional interviews is usually female - but I think gay men might be a close second. A lot of gay guys spend their whole lives fantasizing about their favorite sites, and models, never knowing the REAL STUFF that is going on behind the scenes - in the industry, and in the models' lives and experiences.

This sort of "Oprah" opening-up component could add a good bit of drama, and real narrative, to the series - IF the models feel that they want to SHARE that much.

Those are all my thoughts on this at the moment, Mark - except that the models have to have their shirts off, as much as possible. Bare pecs equal more views. . . LOL!!!

"A" ;-))))

P.S. That is my thought about the business part of it. As to what I would really want to see, personally. . . I dunno!!! I am kind of pretty content with all the great videos from Jason, Paul, and Adam, and when they take the time to write to us, on the board.

P.S. What channel in Canada is this show going to be airing on, Mark???