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Broke Google Boys


BSB Addict
Nov 28, 2008
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State of Confusion
Hey everyone, I have been noticing recently that we have a wealth of members who appear to reside in other exotic and/or romantic places than just the old US of A. I thought it might be kind of neat if our international members would be interested in telling us a litte bit about themselves, and maybe their locations/towns, etc. I know that there must be some really fascinating stories to hear out there. Any takers?:thumbup: I thought, we could call this thread "Broke Google Boys"

I am,
You guys know more than you probably want to about Palma. But it would be great to hear about Scotland and France for example, as well as the other newbie's locations.

And did Her Majesty maybe mean to include a link to google earth?
You guys know more than you probably want to about Palma. But it would be great to hear about Scotland and France for example, as well as the other newbie's locations.

And did Her Majesty maybe mean to include a link to google earth?

I totally agree. A lot has changed since I have been to France I am sure. I still have Scotland and Ireland on my list of places to visit. I especially want to visit St. Claire castle. I have this thing about following the roots of dogma. The Templar Knights and the Free Masons trace their teachings back to the Essenes who were know as the White Brotherhood "no racial slurs intended" or the Priests of the Order of Melchizedek. Melchizedek was the First high Priest of God mentioned in the Bible. He anointed Abraham and his wife Sarha. In the book of Hebrews it talks of Mechiizedek as being with out Mother and or Father yet he was known as the Priest King of Salem. It also eludes to Melchizedek being androgynous (or an Angelic being) Edgar Cayce claims that Melchizedek was one of the incarnated lives of Jesus. The Bible gives further evidence of this when Jesus says know ye that Abraham has stood before me as I have stood before him. Whew! Powerful connotation there. How did the Catholic Church miss that??? LOL Anyway, the Masons/Templar Knights are said to live by the teachings of Melchizedek taught in the Gnostic scriptures berated by the Roman Catholic Church. Strange, Jesus was persecuted for teaching the teachings of Melchizedek which went against the Levitical order. So, I feel there is much to learn there and or perhaps trigger some past life memories. Kewl stuff. I also think it is interesting that we have people from France and Scotland to learn from. At least from my perspective. The King of France conspired with the Roman Catholic Pope to dissolve the order of Knights Templar and the Fled to Scotland. interesting coincidence. Again, I say I don't believe in coincidences and that everything happens for a reason.
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Aussie Here

I don't know how many of us are subscribers to Broke Straight Boys or this forum but I am from the land Down Under :banana04: . The northern part of Australia, where the weather is warm all year round (I hate the cold). Not quite broke, not straight & no Spring chicken (I guess that rules me out on all counts to do any modelling work for Broke Straight Boys :crying:
Scottish lad here

Well as you know I'm from "sunny" Scotland, although that's not really an apt name since it's usually bloody freezing cold or raining with no end in sight.

I live in a little village just outside the capital city of Edinburgh, been living here since I was 2 years old and I love it. Not one for the big city life, I like to take my time and admire the scenery more than I like to rush around in crowds breathing in pollution :wink:

We've got some really nice architecture in Scotland and a lot of good historical sites to see, we're a country of alcoholics (though I myself don't drink too often), our most recent change in the country was that we eventually after years of fighting for it were given the right to have our own parliament again. Since then however things haven't really gone up for us, what with the Parliament building costing around 4 billion pounds, that's about 8 billion USD. Then the Scottish Nationalist Party took power in the last elections replacing Labour and they've only made things worse. Their focus is on making Scotland an independent country, but with the recession that's hit the world all they are doing is driving us further into debt, luckily their is a general election in a month or two and I have a feeling they will be getting taken out of power. Wow, did I really just talk about politics?

Ok, I dislike politics so I'll change from that now lol. We do have pretty good equality rights for gay people in Scotland now. It's illegal for restaurants, hotels, banks or any other organisation to turn away same sex couples. Adoption agencies (provided they aren't run by the church) now have to treat same sex couples with the same respect and processes as heterosexual couples. And the biggest is that same sex partners can now be legally joined in a civil partnership ceremony which is amazing as although it's not marriage and thus not regarded in the eyes of the church, it is legal and respected by the government.

The only place I would advise against going in Scotland is Glasgow and the reason for that is it's kind of the hot spot for vandalism, knife crimes, bottling, killing OAP's etc. I'm not even joking with that last one lol.

Anyway, can't think what else to say and I fear I've rambled on far too long and not answered any of the questions you probably had. So now I'll leave you with two pictures, the view from my bedroom across the surrounding fields (it's great living in the country). One picture is from this winter, the other is actually a few years old now but it still looks pretty much the same.


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I live in Bedford, about 20 miles out from Cambridge, in the UK.

What can I say about the place?

Well, if you go to Britiain, don't go here. The people are rude, the restaraunts and services are either terrible or dangerous, the bus station is a hazard area, drug addicts pretty much roam free, and homophobia and racism rule here.

Which is why I'm moving ASAP
You guys know more than you probably want to about Palma. But it would be great to hear about Scotland and France for example, as well as the other newbie's locations.

And did Her Majesty maybe mean to include a link to google earth?
Her Majesty would most certainly have included such, except that We need aTomTom, just so we don't get lost in the castle, and We cannot even operate that device properly. So if one of our loyal subjects could be so kind as to create this link, We would be most grateful!

We are also enjoying the stories as well as the photographs, and would encourage the continuation of same, by all willing members of Forumland!

God Bless the good people of Forumland! We are,
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Well as you know I'm from "sunny" Scotland, although that's not really an apt name since it's usually bloody freezing cold or raining with no end in sight.

I live in a little village just outside the capital city of Edinburgh, been living here since I was 2 years old and I love it. Not one for the big city life, I like to take my time and admire the scenery more than I like to rush around in crowds breathing in pollution :wink:

We've got some really nice architecture in Scotland and a lot of good historical sites to see, we're a country of alcoholics (though I myself don't drink too often), our most recent change in the country was that we eventually after years of fighting for it were given the right to have our own parliament again. Since then however things haven't really gone up for us, what with the Parliament building costing around 4 billion pounds, that's about 8 billion USD. Then the Scottish Nationalist Party took power in the last elections replacing Labour and they've only made things worse. Their focus is on making Scotland an independent country, but with the recession that's hit the world all they are doing is driving us further into debt, luckily their is a general election in a month or two and I have a feeling they will be getting taken out of power. Wow, did I really just talk about politics?

Ok, I dislike politics so I'll change from that now lol. We do have pretty good equality rights for gay people in Scotland now. It's illegal for restaurants, hotels, banks or any other organisation to turn away same sex couples. Adoption agencies (provided they aren't run by the church) now have to treat same sex couples with the same respect and processes as heterosexual couples. And the biggest is that same sex partners can now be legally joined in a civil partnership ceremony which is amazing as although it's not marriage and thus not regarded in the eyes of the church, it is legal and respected by the government.

The only place I would advise against going in Scotland is Glasgow and the reason for that is it's kind of the hot spot for vandalism, knife crimes, bottling, killing OAP's etc. I'm not even joking with that last one lol.

Anyway, can't think what else to say and I fear I've rambled on far too long and not answered any of the questions you probably had. So now I'll leave you with two pictures, the view from my bedroom across the surrounding fields (it's great living in the country). One picture is from this winter, the other is actually a few years old now but it still looks pretty much the same.


Thanks for sharing your thumbnail tour of Scotland. My folks several years ago spent a few days visiting. The closest I've come is to the UK. Twice last summer, as far north as Harwich (from which I took a cruise to Norway). One day I hope to visit the rest of the British Isles.

In the meantime, what can you tell us about Nessie?

Live Long and Prosper,


Thanks for sharing your thumbnail tour of Scotland. My folks several years ago spent a few days visiting. The closest I've come is to the UK. Twice last summer, as far north as Harwich (from which I took a cruise to Norway). One day I hope to visit the rest of the British Isles.

In the meantime, what can you tell us about Nessie?

Live Long and Prosper,


Why thank you. You should visit at some time, it's a place everyone should visit, even if only to decide they don't want to come back lol.

As for Nessie, well we all know she has to exist obviously :p She's just shy lol.

kham those pics of where you live look amazing! So green!

Yeah the camera captured it rather well lol. It's why I love living here, I get to look out my window every day to see fields and hills and trees instead of seeing cars and buildings or factories spewing out clouds of smoke lol.
Well as you know I'm from "sunny" Scotland, although that's not really an apt name since it's usually bloody freezing cold or raining with no end in sight.

I live in a little village just outside the capital city of Edinburgh, been living here since I was 2 years old and I love it. Not one for the big city life, I like to take my time and admire the scenery more than I like to rush around in crowds breathing in pollution :wink:

We've got some really nice architecture in Scotland and a lot of good historical sites to see, we're a country of alcoholics (though I myself don't drink too often), our most recent change in the country was that we eventually after years of fighting for it were given the right to have our own parliament again. Since then however things haven't really gone up for us, what with the Parliament building costing around 4 billion pounds, that's about 8 billion USD. Then the Scottish Nationalist Party took power in the last elections replacing Labour and they've only made things worse. Their focus is on making Scotland an independent country, but with the recession that's hit the world all they are doing is driving us further into debt, luckily their is a general election in a month or two and I have a feeling they will be getting taken out of power. Wow, did I really just talk about politics?

Ok, I dislike politics so I'll change from that now lol. We do have pretty good equality rights for gay people in Scotland now. It's illegal for restaurants, hotels, banks or any other organisation to turn away same sex couples. Adoption agencies (provided they aren't run by the church) now have to treat same sex couples with the same respect and processes as heterosexual couples. And the biggest is that same sex partners can now be legally joined in a civil partnership ceremony which is amazing as although it's not marriage and thus not regarded in the eyes of the church, it is legal and respected by the government.

The only place I would advise against going in Scotland is Glasgow and the reason for that is it's kind of the hot spot for vandalism, knife crimes, bottling, killing OAP's etc. I'm not even joking with that last one lol.

Anyway, can't think what else to say and I fear I've rambled on far too long and not answered any of the questions you probably had. So now I'll leave you with two pictures, the view from my bedroom across the surrounding fields (it's great living in the country). One picture is from this winter, the other is actually a few years old now but it still looks pretty much the same.


That was beautiful. I feel much closer to you now my friend. I do encourage everyone to research history. Please, note that until the Spanish Inquisition same sex couples were legally married under the eyes of the church under most denominations. It is so sad to see what has become of the sanctity of two people betrothing their love for each other before God. Hey, at least Hand-fasting is still widely accepted. lol. I have married 7 same sex couples under the eyes of my church and with their blessing. One day same sex marriage will be legalized. I am glad for the Gays/Lesbians that say, “Stop placating us. We are equal to heterosexuals everywhere. We don't accept your compromise. It is all or nothing." I do realize that is one way that the States would accept Gay/Lesbian marriage. However; it is to placate the heterosexual majority. Who really cares what they think. They have no authority to pass judgment in regards to the holly union of marriage. It is there precious egos that have convinced them to believe that they are better than somebody else because they are heterosexual. When will they learn that human rights are not subject to being voted upon by man? They are God given.

I don't ever care about the bogus bureaucracy of the whole thing. lol I can and will continue to Marry/Hand-fast either or couple I feel like until I die. The conservative right wing advocates who tell me I cannot can kiss my arse. I do not recognize their authority to make any such ruling. I don' need to worry about it anyway, my church is probably one of the most marring churches out there. Since, everyone is equal in Gods eyes. We just don't have to deal with all of that ridiculous political dogma.

That was beautiful. I feel much closer to you now my friend. I do encourage everyone to research history. Please, note that until the Spanish Inquisition same sex couples were legally married under the eyes of the church under most denominations. It is so sad to see what has become of the sanctity of two people betrothing their love for each other before God. Hey, at least Hand-fasting is still widely accepted. lol. I have married 7 same sex couples under the eyes of my church and with their blessing. One day same sex marriage will be legalized. I am glad for the Gays/Lesbians that say, “Stop placating us. We are equal to heterosexuals everywhere. We don't accept your compromise. It is all or nothing." I do realize that is one way that the States would accept Gay/Lesbian marriage. However; it is to placate the heterosexual majority. Who really cares what they think. They have no authority to pass judgment in regards to the holly union of marriage. It is there precious egos that have convinced them to believe that they are better than somebody else because they are heterosexual. When will they learn that human rights are not subject to being voted upon by man? They are God given.

I don't ever care about the bogus bureaucracy of the whole thing. lol I can and will continue to Marry/Hand-fast either or couple I feel like until I die. The conservative right wing advocates who tell me I cannot can kiss my arse. I do not recognize their authority to make any such ruling. I don' need to worry about it anyway, my church is probably one of the most marring churches out there. Since, everyone is equal in Gods eyes. We just don't have to deal with all of that ridiculous political dogma.

So, Jayman, how do you really feel??

I do not believe that any government has any right to tell individuals how they may or may not live their lives. What two consenting adults do is no ones business except theirs. PERIOD! END OF DISCUSSION!!! What we need is a constitutional amendment to get government out of our private lives.

It could and should be as simple as;

28th Amendment - Discrimination

The rights of citizens of the United States shall not be denied or abridged due to discrimination by the United States or by any State.

Congress shall have the power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

If you define discrimination as, " treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in favor of or against, a person or thing based on the group, class or category to which that person or thing belongs rather than individual merit", is broad enough to cover every possible situation. It should be supported by everyone, as almost everyone can/would be covered (ie, women, gay/lesbian, African-American, Hispanic, Physically Disabled, etc., etc., etc.). It is a win/win for all.

If religious groups choose not to marry individuals, that would be their right under the separate of Church & State.

This Nation as well as all the nations on this planet have far more pressing issues to deal with as opposed to who(m) is sleeping with who(m). If all the energy that is channeled into who can marry who or do what to who, was channeled elsewhere, perhaps the homeless and hungry would finally be taken care of.

Hopefully, the Great State of California will be the leader when our Supreme Court finds proposition 8 unconstitutional.

I do believe this will be a non issue within our lifetimes. It is time to move on.

Live Long and Prosper


Jayman, you keep right on marrying any couple coming to your door. It is the right thing to do.

Love you and bless you man.