oh no. I was referring to models around the same age as Austin. He’s 34 or 35 now, but still looks great. I just think a model with Austin’s current look is more believable as a “doctor” than some of the quite younger looking models. Just a thought. I certainly am not suggesting a son/step father type thing. Role play scenes aren’t particularly my thing, especially if there’s a family member (Family Dick) type theme to it, but I can dig a doctor/patient scene for sure. Physicals are hot. But it has to be believable to me for me to get into it.
Austin Grant is now older...he is now 34yrs old, looks great and knows how to suck, fuck both top and bottom and he doesn't hold back.
Back in the older days, we had an older doctor named Dr. James, and we got great reviews and it seemed that members loved seeing the older guy with younger guy scenario. Now with having Austin Grant back playing the doctor, and is older, but not too old, what do you guys think if we bring in a doctor that is fit and in shape but closer to 40yrs old playing another doctor so when Dr. Grant is not available we can use a new older doctor to treat the younger patients...your thoughts??
Also what would be your thoughts on Nurse Stevens?? Are you guys interested in having a younger twink type guy play the nurse along with other younger guys or would you guys prefer to see two Doctors like Austin Grant and another guy?? and less Nurse Stevens??? Your thoughts on this subject???
Yes! Dr. James! Loved the guy!
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He was older. Sure. But he was also fit AF, as the younger kids would say nowadays.He was wasn't some gray haired, pot-bellied old geezer pawing on the younger guys. hahaha He made a very good (and sexy) contrast with the younger models, rather than looking creepy and out of place. haha Much like Austin does now albeit at a younger age than the good doctor was at the time. I loved all of Dr. James' scenes even if not every younger model he was paired with was my cup of tea. He had such a positive, happy and sexy energy that came across very well on camera. Hi scenes are still well worth watching. (Even if they may take you longer to find because he was filmed much closer to the beginning of the site.)
Here's a good one just as a for instance
thanks! I’ve been making these silly things to pass time...lol. Here’s a clearer picture. It’s my favorite because of the shirt he’s wearing and the background I chose.OK we are on the same page then. I'm surprised that Austin is in his thirties. He looks in his late twenties to me. Nice pic of Jos Alvarez, who should have been the one to pop Masyn Thorne's anal cherry in his gentle way that makes them come back for more. After taking Calhoun's cock, Masyn Thorne may never bottom again!
Yes! Dr. James! Loved the guy!
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View attachment 22175
He was older. Sure. But he was also fit AF, as the younger kids would say nowadays.He was wasn't some gray haired, pot-bellied old geezer pawing on the younger guys. hahaha He made a very good (and sexy) contrast with the younger models, rather than looking creepy and out of place. haha Much like Austin does now albeit at a younger age than the good doctor was at the time. I loved all of Dr. James' scenes even if not every younger model he was paired with was my cup of tea. He had such a positive, happy and sexy energy that came across very well on camera. Hi scenes are still well worth watching. (Even if they may take you longer to find because he was filmed much closer to the beginning of the site.)
Here's a good one just as a for instance.
Thank you for enjoying the scene...wait until you see Austin Prince and Austin Grant together in some upcoming scenes....HOT!!! HOT!!! HOT!!!
We had a semi preview today of the College Boy Physicals debut of Austin Prince with Nurse Zach Stevens. Young baseball jock Austin Prince has his groin pull thoroughly treated by Nurse Stevens, who sucks and fucks the young jock making all the groin pull pain go away. Young Austin is smoking hot and should be a star addition for College Boy Physicals
Austin Prince is a real hot guy....wait until you see him with Dr. Grant...HOT!! HOT!!! HOT!!!
Austin Prince is a real hot guy....wait until you see him with Dr. Grant...HOT!! HOT!!! HOT!!!
Austin & Austin almost burn down the clinic with their heat. Thank you for a great scene at College Boy Physicals. HOT!!!
I merged the thread. For the members who don't know you get College Boy Physicals for free with your current Broke Straight Boys membership. Just click the link below to enter.
College Boy Physicals
It is very good. Can’t wait for the upcoming scenes.