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Being "Bi" The New Normal?


BSB Addict
Feb 16, 2013
Reaction score
New York
I thought I would start this thread because of the increase of models introduced who identify as "Bi" and the recent Supreme Court rulings. It is my opinion that "Times are a changing" not only for this site "Broke Straight Boys" but, all over the country in general. I find more and more sites where the guys who want to pursue a career in the gay porn industry, are identifying themselves as Bi, curious or even straight but, admit that they've either been curious about sex with other guys, or have had a least some experience, even a one time encounter, with another guy. For those individuals, I don't think it changes who they are as people, it's just not as "taboo" anymore or looked at as negatively as it once was. The other thing is, if a guy performs gay sex with another guy, even for the money, on camera over and over, after a while, it becomes obvious to me at least, that he couldn't function sexually unless there was some degree of pleasure derived from it, hence a totally straight person could not have sex with the same sex? Again, just my opinion! But, I think that being Bi, has become the new normal. And on this site: Broke Straight Boys, even if 1 out of 5 guys introduced in a solo jerk off video, came (pun intended) and was never seen again on this site in another performance because he was totally straight,.....then, there you have it. He was broke, straight and the site name has given you the viewer exactly what you've paid for! It never said.....they were all going to be "Straight" .

Well, that's my opinion, feel free to share yours! There is no right or wrong in an opinion.....::001_rolleyes:
The Kinsey Scale seems more and more to reflect the reality of sexual experience (not necessarily sexual orientation). Younger people today, especially in urban areas and on College campuses feel less pressure to conform and freer to experiment.

I had several relationships with women before I came to the realization that I was homosexual. I enjoyed sex with women and with men, but found sex with men more satisfying. I thought I had to choose. In today's world, I could be jumping back and forth between the sexes and eventually meet a person to fall in love with. Maybe a woman, maybe a man. Probably a man, although I find the emotional connection with women more nurturing and trusting, and not in a fag hag way. I am admittedly more attracted to men, but am also attracted to some aspects of sex with women. I think we all thought it had to be either, or. There was "bisexuality", but most people scoffed at it as a precursor to coming out. We were so oppressed by society and our own fears that the pressure to admit to same sex attraction was truly daunting. So, we faced the reality of our attraction and came out... as gay. But, were all of us the same? Or were we pushed into a cookie cutter identity that didn't allow for further exploration?

I envy the teens of today and those to come. They have chances at self exploration and affirmation that we never had. People today actually talk about homosexuality at the dinner table. Nobody bats an eye. At least, not here in Seattle. It's such a non-issue. Just another bit of info about someone. Not a definition.

The times, they are a changin' !!!
As I've been saying since I first began posting on this forum, I believe that the same percentages of the population today, as going back in history have had the same inclinations to being gay straight or variations in between.

But whereas gay and bi inclinations were considered something to be ashamed of and acts performed behind closed doors needed to be kept a deep dark secret, today's atmosphere in society is tearing down those walls, and letting people openly be who they are and I think it's a wonderful, healthy change and I see it improving even moreso as society moves forward! :thumbup:
When I was in high school and in college there were a lot of guys who were more than willing to experiment and even regularly engage in sex play so long as no one knew what was going on. The label of gay was attached to anyone back then who so much as let a guy touch their dick and they knew it. Most of the guys I knew form back then have gone on to be married and lead completely heterosexual lives and this did not surprise me because women were their primary sexual interest. When I lived in Latin America and even in Asia the line was a lot more blurred. In virtually every Latin country I was ever in the truth was if one was a "macho" one could fuck anything and so long as you did not take it up the ass you were "straight". I even heard guys boast to their straight friends how they had some gay guy pestering them for sex so they gave it to him hard and long and now the gay guy was in love with them. They took it as a show of how manly they were, that not only women but men desired them sexually. In most of the Pacific Islands where families keep a close reign on their daughter until marriage it was not uncommon for guys to come by at night and "hang out" at my place when I lived on Guam, Saipan, Yap, Ponape, Kosrae, Majuro, and Truk since they knew they could have a good time. It was similar in the Philippines, Taiwan and Singapore.

The truth is that sexual orientation is very much a spectrum and different people fit on that spectrum at different points. Cultural bias might have an impact on how one handles this and how open one is about it but it is obvious it is there.
The Kinsey Scale seems more and more to reflect the reality of sexual experience (not necessarily sexual orientation). Younger people today, especially in urban areas and on College campuses feel less pressure to conform and freer to experiment.

I had several relationships with women before I came to the realization that I was homosexual. I enjoyed sex with women and with men, but found sex with men more satisfying. I thought I had to choose. In today's world, I could be jumping back and forth between the sexes and eventually meet a person to fall in love with. Maybe a woman, maybe a man. Probably a man, although I find the emotional connection with women more nurturing and trusting, and not in a fag hag way. I am admittedly more attracted to men, but am also attracted to some aspects of sex with women. I think we all thought it had to be either, or. There was "bisexuality", but most people scoffed at it as a precursor to coming out. We were so oppressed by society and our own fears that the pressure to admit to same sex attraction was truly daunting. So, we faced the reality of our attraction and came out... as gay. But, were all of us the same? Or were we pushed into a cookie cutter identity that didn't allow for further exploration?

I envy the teens of today and those to come. They have chances at self exploration and affirmation that we never had. People today actually talk about homosexuality at the dinner table. Nobody bats an eye. At least, not here in Seattle. It's such a non-issue. Just another bit of info about someone. Not a definition.

The times, they are a changin' !!!

Well said STRIPE, you said what I was thinking and you said it better than I could.
Some really good, insightful comments! I really like what some one said, and to paraphrase it for my own perspective, identifying as Bi, speaks more to one's sexual experiences than one's sexual orientation! I like that a lot.
I look forward to commenting on this later. But I'm too tired right now to do it justice. Somebody please post here again so the thread doesn't slip away from me. haha
I agree with everything stated here......For 1000'sd of years we lived in fear of our sexuality because of the bite from the apple in the Garden of Eden...to be embarrassed of our bodies, to only having sex for procreation....Finally decade by decade thru the 20th century those barriers, walls, have slowly fallen, and now that we have made it in to the 21st century where you can truly follow your heart and be who you are and be with the one you truly Love. I to am envious of what the younger generation has before them, I think back to the middle 70's and wonder if my first love then were now what would it be like....would we have made it, no more sneaking around, being able to show your love openly....It's funny, but there are still nights I can smell his Brute cologne in the air......I may never really get to reap the rewards of these changing times, but it is still Glorious to see them happen in my lifetime....
I agree with everything stated here......For 1000'sd of years we lived in fear of our sexuality because of the bite from the apple in the Garden of Eden...to be embarrassed of our bodies, to only having sex for procreation....Finally decade by decade thru the 20th century those barriers, walls, have slowly fallen, and now that we have made it in to the 21st century where you can truly follow your heart and be who you are and be with the one you truly Love. I to am envious of what the younger generation has before them, I think back to the middle 70's and wonder if my first love then were now what would it be like....would we have made it, no more sneaking around, being able to show your love openly....It's funny, but there are still nights I can smell his Brute cologne in the air......I may never really get to reap the rewards of these changing times, but it is still Glorious to see them happen in my lifetime....
Extremely well stated Rafe!!! :thumbup1:
I agree with everything stated here......For 1000'sd of years we lived in fear of our sexuality because of the bite from the apple in the Garden of Eden...to be embarrassed of our bodies, to only having sex for procreation....Finally decade by decade thru the 20th century those barriers, walls, have slowly fallen, and now that we have made it in to the 21st century where you can truly follow your heart and be who you are and be with the one you truly Love. I to am envious of what the younger generation has before them, I think back to the middle 70's and wonder if my first love then were now what would it be like....would we have made it, no more sneaking around, being able to show your love openly....It's funny, but there are still nights I can smell his Brute cologne in the air......I may never really get to reap the rewards of these changing times, but it is still Glorious to see them happen in my lifetime....

That was really nice Rafe! Since you were dating Daddies can you still smell the Vitalis also lolololol
Tampa asked for responses to keep this thread alive.

Men get horny. Regardless of their sexuality sometimes they just want to get off in the hands of another rather than simply masturbating. Face it, men are lazy at times and want someone else to do the work. They'll sit back, close their eyes and let someone give them a hand job or some oral. Why do you think the glory holes have survived so long in adult bookstores? A great number of patrons in these stores just want to run in, put their dicks through the hole and get off. Today, society is more aware of the diversity that actually exists. Straight, Bisexual and even Gays feel more free to express and act out on their sexual desires without fear of being ostracized or persecuted.

I do not have enough fingers or toes to count the number of straight guys I have serviced in my life. Many have returned for a second or a third. Are they bi? Are they closet gays? Maybe they are just horny guys!
That was really nice Rafe! Since you were dating Daddies can you still smell the Vitalis also lolololol

That reminds me of a former coworker of mine from my restaurant management days. She was a beautiful black trans woman in a decade when that was still pretty edgy and even dangerous. She was early 30's and so self-confident and bold in her personality though that I loved her and her antics to bits. haha She had cheek implants and eye makeup that made her look stunning. I understood that even some of the 16 and 17 y/o straight male employees were intrigued by her. I heard tell that occasionally (while I wasn't there) that a couple guys did trash runs with her where they went out to the confines of the trash dumpster closet after dark. Why it took two people to take out the trash, I have no idea. haha

Anyway though...she seemed to be interested in only the 16-40 y/o crowd. One night in particular an older gentleman came in and started flirting with her. She was polite but not interested. After he left, she tossed that limp wrist forward and she said, "Chihhhld! I dohhn't change nohhh Depends!!!" Without missing a beat, I said, "No. But you'll change diapers!!" haha A group of about 5 of us were cracking up.
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The Kinsey Scale seems more and more to reflect the reality of sexual experience (not necessarily sexual orientation). Younger people today, especially in urban areas and on College campuses feel less pressure to conform and freer to experiment.

I had several relationships with women before I came to the realization that I was homosexual. I enjoyed sex with women and with men, but found sex with men more satisfying. I thought I had to choose. In today's world, I could be jumping back and forth between the sexes and eventually meet a person to fall in love with. Maybe a woman, maybe a man. Probably a man, although I find the emotional connection with women more nurturing and trusting, and not in a fag hag way. I am admittedly more attracted to men, but am also attracted to some aspects of sex with women. I think we all thought it had to be either, or. There was "bisexuality", but most people scoffed at it as a precursor to coming out. We were so oppressed by society and our own fears that the pressure to admit to same sex attraction was truly daunting. So, we faced the reality of our attraction and came out... as gay. But, were all of us the same? Or were we pushed into a cookie cutter identity that didn't allow for further exploration?

I envy the teens of today and those to come. They have chances at self exploration and affirmation that we never had. People today actually talk about homosexuality at the dinner table. Nobody bats an eye. At least, not here in Seattle. It's such a non-issue. Just another bit of info about someone. Not a definition.

The times, they are a changin' !!!

I'm so glad you're back Stripe! :)

And Betu... :nicethread:

All of the responses so far have been so good and interesting in their points of view.
I think that with gay civil rights coming to the fore in this more enlightened era that for the straight population in particular there is just not the stigma of experimentation. The world is not going to run out of straight people. And the legalization of gay marriage doesn't mean that the whole straight population is eventually going to go to the bi side.

We just see or hear of more examples though where many people are willing to try gay sex at least once, and most importantly, not have some internal identity crisis or scars of guilt and shame over it. I can picture a world where more so now than ever, a straight married guy might admit, "Ya know... Back in college I got drunk a few times and a few guys asked to suck my dick. I let them once in a while. Most of them were pretty good at it. But it just wasn't my thing."

I do foresee people's sexuality becoming more fluid though and less easy to put convenient labels on.
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