Speaking about Ebola, I have a few things to say, much of which are not too nice.
This morning I watched the Movie "Outbreak" released in 1995, starring Dustin Hoffman. It was a fictitious account of how this country would react to the introduction of this disease which inhabited a small town. In an attempt to eradicate this disease, the government was prepared to bomb the town of all it's inhabitants and the disease. The plot goes on. You have to see the movie to see the outcome.
My purpose for writing this is that I am embarrassed and sad to say that we have had the same sentiments in this country recently, especially from our congressmen. They were ready to stop any Ebola patients from entering this country and prevent planes coming in from Africa landing here.
This is so sad for me. I am embarrassed. This is not who we are. Politicians need a good slap in the face to remind them that it is not only about themselves but all the inhabitants of this Earth.