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Attack on porn


BSB Addict
Nov 29, 2008
Reaction score
brooklyn ny
I've been seeing more and more criticism of porn even the Republican platform has something on it to ban it in the country. I worry about it.
Neither the Republicans or Democrats could ever get away with a ban on porn. Believe me they are both using it as much as we do if not more.:porn: Plus as "business people" they probably are investors in some areas of the porn industry:pornshoot: through deeply covered up companies or investment holdings.They will never ban anything that they are making money from, just look at the healthcare industry, prescription drug industry and gun industry, they (both parties) make money in some way or another from these industries. They may not get the money from being an actual investor but they are surely getting kickbacks or some other form of payment.:smiley-sex022: If they are not I am sure that these industries would have been regulated, sanctioned or in some other way taxed due to the vast billions they are reaping or should I say "raping" from the American public on an annual basis.
Just my opinion.:2c:
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Neither the Republicans or Democrats could ever get away with a ban on porn. Believe me they are both using it as much as we do if not more.:porn: Plus as "business people" they probably are investors in some areas of the porn industry:pornshoot: through deeply covered up companies or investment holdings.They will never ban anything that they are making money from, just look at the healthcare industry, prescription drug industry and gun industry, they (both parties) make money in some way or another from these industries. They may not get the money from being an actual investor but they are surely getting kickbacks or some other form of payment.:smiley-sex022: If they are not I am sure that these industries would have been regulated, sanctioned or in some other way taxed due to the vast billions they are reaping or should I say "raping" from the American public on an annual basis.
Just my opinion.:2c:
Glad you are still here lpdude86. You make some very good points. Maybe if you post more? You will have more fun. And not leave ?
Glad you are still here lpdude86. You make some very good points. Maybe if you post more? You will have more fun. And not leave ?
I agree Johnny. This forum is more fun when we have more voices being heard. I'd love to see lpdude stick around and post more often as the more the merrier............................Oh and I also heard that they also show porn scenes here three times a week in addition to the forum. lol :blush:
Neither the Republicans or Democrats could ever get away with a ban on porn. Believe me they are both using it as much as we do if not more.:porn: Plus as "business people" they probably are investors in some areas of the porn industry:pornshoot: through deeply covered up companies or investment holdings.They will never ban anything that they are making money from, just look at the healthcare industry, prescription drug industry and gun industry, they (both parties) make money in some way or another from these industries. They may not get the money from being an actual investor but they are surely getting kickbacks or some other form of payment.:smiley-sex022: If they are not I am sure that these industries would have been regulated, sanctioned or in some other way taxed due to the vast billions they are reaping or should I say "raping" from the American public on an annual basis.
Just my opinion.:2c:

Words of wisdom, to be sure Lpdude. haha :)
Neither the Republicans or Democrats could ever get away with a ban on porn. Believe me they are both using it as much as we do if not more.:porn: Plus as "business people" they probably are investors in some areas of the porn industry:pornshoot: through deeply covered up companies or investment holdings.They will never ban anything that they are making money from, just look at the healthcare industry, prescription drug industry and gun industry, they (both parties) make money in some way or another from these industries. They may not get the money from being an actual investor but they are surely getting kickbacks or some other form of payment.:smiley-sex022: If they are not I am sure that these industries would have been regulated, sanctioned or in some other way taxed due to the vast billions they are reaping or should I say "raping" from the American public on an annual basis.
Just my opinion.:2c:

Well I hear what your saying, but don't forget what they have done to big Tobacco.....They may not have shut it down, but they sure did regulate the Hell out of it and make it so expensive that a lot of folks quit smoking, banned advertising, etc......hurting that market tremendously !!!!

I would also bet that some of the folks in washington were invested in that product, especially in the south
Glad you are still here lpdude86. You make some very good points. Maybe if you post more? You will have more fun. And not leave ?

Sorry but my last day with you guys will be August 5th. I will continue to add my 2 cents on topics I feel I need too until that date.

My subscription has been terminated and my current cycle ends on the 5th. In my heart I know I have made the right choice and wish you all my best.
I agree with you Rafe. They did regulate the tobacco industry. In my opinion and many others it had to be. Look at the people who have died horrible deaths from tobacco and look at the people suffering from it. Most of the previous generation of my family smoked, it was cools when they were younger. They all have since quit but now suffer from everything from heart disease to emphysma (spellling:confused:).

I really do not see people suffering horrible illnesses from the porn industry, not with today's health testing. The only suffering that may be linked to porn is decreased vision, hairy palms, loss of sleep, and sore genitalia (gotta use the lube dudes!).

I am sure many of the political fat cats had holdings in the tobacco industry before they regulated it but it had to be done, they knew as do we. I am sure they did not want to be linked to the horrible deaths that tobacco has and is still causing.
Well, porn is such a part of the internet I don't see how anyone could regulate or stop it. If its outlawed someplace there are still plenty of other countries producing it, plus underground stuff. And any time the government has made threats toward censoring the internet they have been crushed by public outrage, so I'm not worried about this one. They might try to tax it or somehow regulate porn, but they'll never shut it down. Look at something like Chaturbate -- basically live porn 24 hours a day. Too many issues like freedom of speech tied up with this one. Never gonna happen.
Well, porn is such a part of the internet I don't see how anyone could regulate or stop it. If its outlawed someplace there are still plenty of other countries producing it, plus underground stuff. And any time the government has made threats toward censoring the internet they have been crushed by public outrage, so I'm not worried about this one. They might try to tax it or somehow regulate porn, but they'll never shut it down. Look at something like Chaturbate -- basically live porn 24 hours a day. Too many issues like freedom of speech tied up with this one. Never gonna happen.
Money,Money, Money, Makes the World go round.The World go round. Agree with ScottA. Never gonna happen.
Thanks for reassuring porn will stay.
BTW. The usual suspects tried to change the whole meaning of the post but it got back on it's own. It could have been sent as PMs
I agree with you Rafe. They did regulate the tobacco industry. In my opinion and many others it had to be. Look at the people who have died horrible deaths from tobacco and look at the people suffering from it. Most of the previous generation of my family smoked, it was cools when they were younger. They all have since quit but now suffer from everything from heart disease to emphysma (spellling:confused:).

I really do not see people suffering horrible illnesses from the porn industry, not with today's health testing. The only suffering that may be linked to porn is decreased vision, hairy palms, loss of sleep, and sore genitalia (gotta use the lube dudes!).

I am sure many of the political fat cats had holdings in the tobacco industry before they regulated it but it had to be done, they knew as do we. I am sure they did not want to be linked to the horrible deaths that tobacco has and is still causing.

Sorry to see you are leaving lpdude, always enjoyed reading your point of view !!!....Do I believe they can outlaw porn, NO...not at all....But I do believe that the extreme right, the Religious sector of the GOP would gain control of the party that they will be able to push their personal agenda and bring regulation to the porn industry....Regulation to make it more expensive to create and to sell, which in turn would drive costs for all of us...and I believe reduce paid membership to sites like this....
Best wishes where ever you wide up.....
Like other posters, I doubt porn would ever completely be banned in America, but... We shall never ever take anything for granted!
I don't wanna get too off-topic or inflammatory, but last December, I told a pal that if Sharia law ever became law of the land in America, LGBTs would lose all freedom. I also thought to myself there'd be dead bodies left & right in gay communities...

He replied to me that Sharia law could never be law of the land. Well, just 5 weeks ago, Sharia law DID become law of the land at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida, and ISIL left 49 dead (and wounded 50 more). Omar Mateen has pledged allegiance to ISIL (as evidenced by his 911 call transcript), and ISIL has claimed the attack, specifying in its propaganda material a "nightclub for homosexuals" was "targeted", and also inviting its followers to show up at Gay Pride events and fire bullets at "sodomites".

My point is, we can never take anything for granted. Persia used to be quite liberal. Women could go unveiled, and LGBTs were actually tolerated. There was even talk of same-sex marriage there way back in the seventies!

Under the rule of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the last monarch of the Pahlavi Dynasty, homosexuality was tolerated, even to the point of allowing news coverage of a same-sex wedding. In the late 1970s, some Iranians even began to talk about starting up a gay rights organization, similar to the Gay Liberation movement. Until the revolution, there were some night clubs in which gay behavior was tolerated. During the Shah's time, however, homosexuality was still taboo everywhere, and often one could not turn to family or friends for support and guidance. There were no public agencies to assist youth or people who were confused or questioning their sexuality.

Janet Afary has argued that the 1979 revolution was partly motivated by moral outrage against the Shah's regime, and in particular against a mock same-sex wedding between two young men with ties to the court. She says that this explains the virulence of the anti-homosexual oppression in Iran.


In 1979, Persia became the Islamic Republic of Iran (ruled by Sharia law), and everything changed overnight! 4000 human beings (incl. teenagers) accused of "sodomy, the vice against nature" were put to death ever since.

Another example... Until four years ago, poppers were still legal in Canada but were all banned in 2013. And there have recently been efforts in the US to restrict production of bareback (or condomless) porn. Besides, some bareback films have been banned in the UK (reportedly because of apparent drug use in the films).

Groups such as One Millions Moms and evangelists such as The Vigilant Christian Mario do everything in their can to undermine our freedom. Mario claims he's respectful of other people's difference of opinions and freedom, yet he opposes YouTube uploading pro-LGBT videos on their own site, and he does not want the LGBT reality to be portrayed as sane, healthy and positive in movies, music, TV, books... Lots of contradictions going on. Tireo, another on YouTubevangelist, even claims God appointed Omar Mateen to mass-murder people in that nightclub. Tireo also believes one should have the legal right to "kill Devil worshippers".

Theodore Shoebat believes the State, not vigilantes, should put "sodomites" to death. Attorney Matthew Gregory McLaughlin believes that too, and even tried to pass such a bill. As for pastor Scott Lively, he believes LGBTs who refuse so-called "conversion therapies" should be jailed. I could go on and on. All of this to tell you we shall never let down our guard!
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