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Anyone assist an old fart with a memory issue?


BSB Addict
Oct 23, 2008
Reaction score
Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico
That would be me!

I have been having a movie scene replay in my mind over and again. It is driving me absolutely bananas since I cannot recall the name of the movie. It was a spy spoof comedy as I recall where in the opening scene a woman is at a funeral parlor where her deceased husband is laid out on display and a cast of shady characters come in and do things like stick him with a pin, hold a mirror under his nose and the like all to determine of he is really dead. It turns out he was a spy or such and she never knew it.

I cannot recall the name at all of the movie. So any old farts with a mind better than mine or film buffs who never forget a movie title, please assist if you can!

I am wondering whether you might be able to offer one or two more clues.
here is my best guess! 'Charade'!
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That would be me!

I have been having a movie scene replay in my mind over and again. It is driving me absolutely bananas since I cannot recall the name of the movie. It was a spy spoof comedy as I recall where in the opening scene a woman is at a funeral parlor where her deceased husband is laid out on display and a cast of shady characters come in and do things like stick him with a pin, hold a mirror under his nose and the like all to determine of he is really dead. It turns out he was a spy or such and she never knew it.

I cannot recall the name at all of the movie. So any old farts with a mind better than mine or film buffs who never forget a movie title, please assist if you can!


I am wondering whether you might be able to offer one or two more clues.
here is my best guess! 'Charade'!

It looks like someone already answered your question with their best guess...and they are correct...it is "Charade" with Cary Grant and Audrey Hepburn.