Let me introduce to you our newest hottest Broke Straight Boys...his name is Leon. Watch for him in future episodes of Broke Straight Boys
Let's see. This is nearly September, so, based on processing time, editing and the unfortunate back log of hot boys on celluloid, I'm betting...... Christmas??? Oh please say it's so! Any takers? Tell ya what, I'd unwrap his package! And, if he needed training, well, I'd take the reins, dear! LMAO. Where do ya find 'em David?
Let's see. This is nearly September, so, based on processing time, editing and the unfortunate back log of hot boys on celluloid, I'm betting...... Christmas??? Oh please say it's so! Any takers? Tell ya what, I'd unwrap his package! And, if he needed training, well, I'd take the reins, dear! LMAO. Where do ya find 'em David?
Let me introduce to you our newest hottest Broke Straight Boys...his name is Leon. Watch for him in future episodes of Broke Straight Boys
Dave is that still the old studio hottie Leon is posing in?
That is the new studio...its still kind of looks the same...but once the new footage with the new studio starts to get posted on the site, you will see a difference in filming and such.
Hey MarkyMark!
I was kind of regretting posting his pics and not waiting...yes its going to be a while for him to be up on the site. He have a back log of scenes and other new hot boys to display...but he will be up!!!!
I have no problem getting the preview still shots months early. I like getting my appetite whet. Please continue to give us a "sneak peak" when you have shot a hot new guy. Perhaps with age comes patience. Thanks.I cannot see the point of putting a pic of a guy who isn't going to appear until prob the new year..
Hey Slim! Everything I have been filming in the past several months have been in the new studio. We took a break to move and get everything situated in the new office and studio and we started filming College Boy Physicals first...so the footage you see is in the new College Boy Physicals studio but that is temporary at the moment. We are actually building a real exam room at the moment in the next door studio so that will take a while. We have in the larger studio we have the Broke Straight Boys set and the College Boy Physicals set at the moment.