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America's Pornographic Parade of Illogical Stupidities, Dingbat Hopes, Moronic Fears


Well-known Member
Jun 13, 2011
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well the time has arrived for the quadrennial display of having our hopes, prejudices, fears, cherished lies, selective memories, and illogical stupidities re-packaged and re-sold to us by a bunch of wannabe Jesuses/ Barnums/ Dr.Ozes/ Oprahs/ Houdinis/ Batmen/ WonderWomen has returned...all claiming to have leadership abilities and experiences that somehow have prepared them to take the elected political helm of the most militaristic yet biggest substantial defender of peace nation on Earth...
Which ones actually have some measurable INTEGRITY?
Which ones are telling calculated half-truths?
Which ones are closet psychopaths and sociopaths?
Which ones have decided which groups they can fuck over without regard?
Which ones have decided already that people who look like you, act like you are expendable?
politics is about doing deals/being a willing whore while telling rabid fervent supporters that one has remained pure&chaste in negotiations...
CATEGORIES of Candidates
already one can see crazy hyper-religious nutters/drag queens[Cruz/Huckabee/Graham] +
dirtyharryesque gun-fetishists[Perry] +
super-rich believes he is entitled to the job remorseless arrogant turds[Jeb!Bush/Trump/Ben Carson] +
rich and did a TammyWynette so I deserve it dammit[Hillary Clinton]
along with a lone genuinely humble 90% honest human(Sanders)
off topic BUT KRU it says you only have 373 posts. Is it the same KRU every time? I would think your number of posts much higher.
It just seems like it - lol !!!