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BSB Addict
Jul 15, 2009
Reaction score
Well, JASON ~

Where, where, where do I start??? Except to say, we missed you, SO MUCH!

(And Mark and Clay and Sha, why, why, WHY did you make us WAIT so long to see JASON again? Do you all have copies of Donatien Alphonse Francois, le Marquis de Sade's Collected Works secreted in your glove compartments??? This long Jason-less period was so PAINFUL, it exceeds the cruelty even of an absolutist Bourbon monarch! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ScyTHuKDCFc )

From the first moment you appeared on the screen, once more, my heart melted - and when you broke into a SMILE, it positively ERUPTED!!! Tempus es iocundum, indeed!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0OGPso1rbx0

Jason Matthews, you have, and are, and always will be, for me - the GREATEST model who has ever graced the screen. Your beauty is incomparable; your charm, immeasurable, and your erotic skills OCCULT in their perfection. (Apart from all the reasons which are obvious, I watch your videos, taking NOTES, to STUDY how to please my boyfriend, better!)

I am ALMOST speechless. (Even though I am never REALLY speechless, and I'm sure some friends will have a laugh at the idea.) But I have followed you assiduously, from the start of your career. From the very first instant, you bewitched me, utterly. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zkbuxzh9YqY

You know, I guess I am just a sucker (don't take that too literally, but, oh well, whatever ;-) for a man who is both beautiful AND brilliant. You are CERTAINLY both those things, and incredibly charming, too. Not to mention, the most accomplished lover, of your generation.

So - parenthetically, but not unimportantly - please keep all those things in mind, as you go about your quotidian rounds. You're not just a star, on video ~ I have a sense that you are a star in real life, too. When it comes to what pan-sexual people want and need, in romance, I must confess that I am an utter innocent, but I do insist upon this, for you, Jason: that you hold out for the very best. Because I know that you richly deserve her, or him, or. . . whomever your heart desires, who is truly (and I mean TRULY) good to you.

Now, this is getting tedious for other members of the board, who are likely laughing at the utter SAP I am: but you DESERVE this little "mash-note", J. I have followed you forever, wherever you've appeared, and always will. (If you showed up on the "Homes and Gardens channel, I'd subscribe ~ just to see you SMILE, and say, "These FERNS accentuate the walkway, PERFECTLY!" LOL!!!)

There is no accounting for the many lonely arctic nights (frozen, boyfriendless) when you, and you alone, brought a little warmth and JOY into my life. For ALL YOU'VE done for me, I'll ALWAYS love you, as the greatest friend I've never met! You've always been there, for me: and I will always be there for you, as your faithful fan. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7j4CGta0j9Y

I was away from Broke Straight Boys for a long, long, time - and I came back just for you. And I am so glad I did, because so many good things have happened: it has been a wonderful opportunity to re-connect with old friends, and to meet fantastic new ones, too. But, Jason, you were and ARE the reason, and I am so thankful to you.

Now that you are back, I hope that Mark and Clay and Sha are planning many, MANY new scenes with you - with PAUL (and you and Paul have a GREAT thing going: I think you guys are only getting STARTED): but also with Adam, and (in my fondest wishes) with Bryan and with Tom, from College Dudes, too! (Would you appear with Bryan, or with Tom, if you were asked???)

ANYWAY, I digress, but thanks for coming BACK, dear JASON. Seriously, from the bottom of my heart, I want to thank you, wish you love, and every happiness with work and friends and happiness, in YOUR own real life, and loves.


Your loyal fan always, and forever,

P.S. Nobody, but nobody does it, for me, like Jason Matthews. He is the only model I know who is as beautiful as MY beautiful K. ~ and he's the only model who can make me ****, just by winking at the CAMERA ;-)
Jason, you have once again shown why you are probably the all-time favorite on Broke Straight Boys 1 & 2. Your performance with Paul was superb. I know you said you were tired at the start of the scene, but when the action began, you dug deep and pulled off a masterful performance. You are the ultimate pro. You have so many admirers here and every bit of that is well deserved. If I may, from all of you devoted fans....Thank You for another truly great performance. You are the BEST !!!

I suggested to Paul in another thread that he have a nice long talk with you if he is seeking a long and successful career in this business. He has the talent and, with some direction from a class act such as yourself, he too may be able to enjoy such a career.

Thank you for your efforts and for being your wonderful self.
Jason, you are bar none one of the most talented and amazing models on Broke Straight Boys You bring so much to each and every single scene you're in. I can't help but feel a pang of jealousy towards your partner for being lucky enough to be with you!! You have a truly beautiful personality that transpires on screen. Your good looks don't hurt either... haha... ;)
Nyways, I want to see MORE of you in the coming updates. As you may have read in the review of your scene with Paul, you have ben missed. By the way, your scene with Paul ot rave reviews and it was well deserved as it is one of the hottest, most sensual and sexual scene I've ever seen on Broke Straight Boys!!! You set the bar high with that one. You have real chemistry with Paul and I can't wait to see you guys paired up again!! :)
I WANT MORE HOT PASSIONATE KISSING AND FUCKING LIKE THAT from you and the other models who should definitely take example on you! You could teach them the ropes.. :)

I hope you don't mind my 'knighting' you in the 'Paul and Jason' thread. You are now known as JASON
Jason, you have once again shown why you are probably the all-time favorite on Broke Straight Boys 1 & 2. Your performance with Paul was superb. I know you said you were tired at the start of the scene, but when the action began, you dug deep and pulled off a masterful performance. You are the ultimate pro. You have so many admirers here and every bit of that is well deserved. If I may, from all of you devoted fans....Thank You for another truly great performance. You are the BEST !!!

I suggested to Paul in another thread that he have a nice long talk with you if he is seeking a long and successful career in this business. He has the talent and, with some direction from a class act such as yourself, he too may be able to enjoy such a career.

Thank you for your efforts and for being your wonderful self.

You said it all so well Chase. It's late and I haven't much time. But Jason did a superb job here. So did Paul of course. After a long drought of no Jason, once he comes back we get the highest rated video of Broke Straight Boys of all time. I think there's a lesson in there somewhere. haha

I've never seen a video hold a 4.9 rating more than a few hours. This one may just be the Broke Straight Boys vid that will hold will steady at a near perfect 5.

Bravo Paul and Jason!
Well, JASON ~

Where, where, where do I start??? Except to say, we missed you, SO MUCH!

(And Mark and Clay and Sha, why, why, WHY did you make us WAIT so long to see JASON again? Do you all have copies of Donatien Alphonse Francois, le Marquis de Sade's Collected Works secreted in your glove compartments??? This long Jason-less period was so PAINFUL, it exceeds the cruelty even of an absolutist Bourbon monarch! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ScyTHuKDCFc )

From the first moment you appeared on the screen, once more, my heart melted - and when you broke into a SMILE, it positively ERUPTED!!! Tempus es iocundum, indeed!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0OGPso1rbx0

Jason Matthews, you have, and are, and always will be, for me - the GREATEST model who has ever graced the screen. Your beauty is incomparable; your charm, immeasurable, and your erotic skills OCCULT in their perfection. (Apart from all the reasons which are obvious, I watch your videos, taking NOTES, to STUDY how to please my boyfriend, better!)

I am ALMOST speechless. (Even though I am never REALLY speechless, and I'm sure some friends will have a laugh at the idea.) But I have followed you assiduously, from the start of your career. From the very first instant, you bewitched me, utterly. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zkbuxzh9YqY

You know, I guess I am just a sucker (don't take that too literally, but, oh well, whatever ;-) for a man who is both beautiful AND brilliant. You are CERTAINLY both those things, and incredibly charming, too. Not to mention, the most accomplished lover, of your generation.

So - parenthetically, but not unimportantly - please keep all those things in mind, as you go about your quotidian rounds. You're not just a star, on video ~ I have a sense that you are a star in real life, too. When it comes to what pan-sexual people want and need, in romance, I must confess that I am an utter innocent, but I do insist upon this, for you, Jason: that you hold out for the very best. Because I know that you richly deserve her, or him, or. . . whomever your heart desires, who is truly (and I mean TRULY) good to you.

Now, this is getting tedious for other members of the board, who are likely laughing at the utter SAP I am: but you DESERVE this little "mash-note", J. I have followed you forever, wherever you've appeared, and always will. (If you showed up on the "Homes and Gardens channel, I'd subscribe ~ just to see you SMILE, and say, "These FERNS accentuate the walkway, PERFECTLY!" LOL!!!)

There is no accounting for the many lonely arctic nights (frozen, boyfriendless) when you, and you alone, brought a little warmth and JOY into my life. For ALL YOU'VE done for me, I'll ALWAYS love you, as the greatest friend I've never met! You've always been there, for me: and I will always be there for you, as your faithful fan. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7j4CGta0j9Y

I was away from Broke Straight Boys for a long, long, time - and I came back just for you. And I am so glad I did, because so many good things have happened: it has been a wonderful opportunity to re-connect with old friends, and to meet fantastic new ones, too. But, Jason, you were and ARE the reason, and I am so thankful to you.

Now that you are back, I hope that Mark and Clay and Sha are planning many, MANY new scenes with you - with PAUL (and you and Paul have a GREAT thing going: I think you guys are only getting STARTED): but also with Adam, and (in my fondest wishes) with Bryan and with Tom, from College Dudes, too! (Would you appear with Bryan, or with Tom, if you were asked???)

ANYWAY, I digress, but thanks for coming BACK, dear JASON. Seriously, from the bottom of my heart, I want to thank you, wish you love, and every happiness with work and friends and happiness, in YOUR own real life, and loves.


Your loyal fan always, and forever,

P.S. Nobody, but nobody does it, for me, like Jason Matthews. He is the only model I know who is as beautiful as MY beautiful K. ~ and he's the only model who can make me ****, just by winking at the CAMERA ;-)

Gee, I'm starting to get the feeling you like Jason. "Jason, where are you? Ambi needs another "play date!":001_wub:
Well I havn't seen him online for ages and the last time he was on F4F, according to the site was 21 Jan. Maybe the haters have driven him into hiding - I hope not.
Jon, I "hate" when you use the word "HATERS".

What would you consider the proper way to express our lack of satisfaction with a model, both physically and in his personality? Is it best to just ignore his scenes, and his comments? I believe the forum is a useful place to both praise and express our lack of enjoyment with certain models. Without naming names, you have expressed your lack of desire for certain modles. Does that make you a "hater"?

I am not a fan of Lucas, either in his scenes or in his postings. If in your mind, that makes me a "hater", I think you are being unfair in not allowing me to freely express myself.

Wow, we have turned Ambi's thread devoted to worshiping Jason into a Lucas discussion. Sorry Ambi. :confused1:
Jon, I "hate" when you use the word "HATERS".

What would you consider the proper way to express our lack of satisfaction with a model, both physically and in his personality? Is it best to just ignore his scenes, and his comments? I believe the forum is a useful place to both praise and express our lack of enjoyment with certain models. Without naming names, you have expressed your lack of desire for certain modles. Does that make you a "hater"?

I am not a fan of Lucas, either in his scenes or in his postings. If in your mind, that makes me a "hater", I think you are being unfair in not allowing me to freely express myself.

Gee, I'm starting to get the feeling you like Jason. "Jason, where are you? Ambi needs another "play date!":001_wub:

LOL, Beth - you are so kind and cruel, all at once!!! Are you of SCOTS descent, by any chance???? ROFL!!!

P.S. Yeah, I could sort of use a good play date in the near future - the last one was (I think) in 2001. (But I am very monogamous, and very, VERY FUSSY, too ;-)

P.P.S. You may be onto something, suspecting I like this Jason dude. . . hang on, Helen Mirren! Beth is soon replacing you, as lead detective on Prime Suspect!!! LOL!!!

(***All in fun, and lots of love, Beth ~ you are SO sweet and funny! :)))****)
Sorry Ambi but I like L too

Dear Jon (How's THAT for a prefatory salutation ~ LOL!) ~

Why apologize??? I see no error in this thread, requiring penance?!?!?!

Of course I love JASON: he's beautiful, brilliant, charismatic, and utterly irresistible. (If you want to blame ANYONE for all my insufferably tedious posts, on here, you ought to blame Jason ~ because he lured me BACK.) As is VERY well-known, whithersoever goest JASON, there goest Ambivalent, ALSO.

However, Jon, I shan't fault you for liking Lucas - because I like Lucas, too. I think L. is cute, cuddly, and absolutely adorable. My only regret about (and really FOR) Lucas, is that he was prompted to HIDE a good deal of his adorable nature, behind a facade of implacabe straightness, in his first scenes. I believe that, as people get to KNOW the REAL Lucas, they will love him more and more.

I know that I, personally, would take Lucas out for lunch ANY day of the week, and give him a great big HUG, as well. I am really happy that he's here on Broke Straight Boys, and look forward to his future appearances, when he is able to be (more fully) HIMSELF.

I have to say this scene was very, Very, VERY HOT !!! Love Jason and he was awesome as always and Paul did a great job too.
Dear Jon (How's THAT for a prefatory salutation ~ LOL!) ~

Why apologize??? I see no error in this thread, requiring penance?!?!?!

Of course I love JASON: he's beautiful, brilliant, charismatic, and utterly irresistible. (If you want to blame ANYONE for all my insufferably tedious posts, on here, you ought to blame Jason ~ because he lured me BACK.) As is VERY well-known, whithersoever goest JASON, there goest Ambivalent, ALSO.

However, Jon, I shan't fault you for liking Lucas - because I like Lucas, too. I think L. is cute, cuddly, and absolutely adorable. My only regret about (and really FOR) Lucas, is that he was prompted to HIDE a good deal of his adorable nature, behind a facade of implacabe straightness, in his first scenes. I believe that, as people get to KNOW the REAL Lucas, they will love him more and more.

I know that I, personally, would take Lucas out for lunch ANY day of the week, and give him a great big HUG, as well. I am really happy that he's here on Broke Straight Boys, and look forward to his future appearances, when he is able to be (more fully) HIMSELF.


That's good, because I like them both too.