Two different approaches here. Peter obviously doesn't care what happens outside of the US however, Tampa as always, speaks with a clear mind. I am not in a desperate state over this: I am not losing sleep over this: What I am annoyed about is the West's lack of response with regard to sanctions against the Russians. The big mistake Ukraine made was not to join NATO however, what would NATO have done in response to this - Again I say probably zilch. We no longer have the great leaders that we had in WWII such as Churchill and of course JFK in the 60s who stood up to Russia. I am sorry but this isn't just about an aircraft being shot with 296 innocent lives lost, it's also about how much longer can we allow Russia to carry on arming rebels in their former satellites. If Ukraine falls to the rebels and once again becomes part of Russia, what next ? Belorussia ? Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania - Poland, Czechoslovakia.... Is there a pattern developing here..
It's obviously a pattern. Putin is an old KGB-man, but has concocted a particularly pernicious fascist ideology all his OWN. It is unlike the old Soviet ideology, but rather, is an odd admixture of statist corporatism, favouritism toward acquiescent oligarchs, a bullying use of energy resources to coerce neighbours, a fawning admiration for (and use of) the Russian Orthodox Church as a tool of the state, a dream-like love for the grandeur of the Tsars, and a poignant nostalgia for the military might and ruthlessness of the old Stalinist state. It's a very curious alchemy, but, to this point, it has worked, for Mr. Putin, so far. (Though, as the last Russian election-cycle showed: the plaster might be cracking, a little.)
The only two rules, with Putin, are:
Don't disobey ME!; and,
Let's make Russia a GREAT EMPIRE AGAIN - as it was, when WE were young.. *The second rule encompasses an endorsement of the annexation or subjugation, of all the nations which used to be part of the former Tsarist, or Soviet, empires.*
Though it is rather old, Jon, and pre-dates Putin's most recent "re-election": here is an excellent documentary which explains the formation of Putin's unique ideology:
Unfortunately, I fear, this is a new Cold War. The Iron Curtain has come down, again. Putin is a fierce ideologue, but an ideologue with fewer PRINCIPLES (in fact) than his Marxist predecessors. It's extremely interesting that his accession to power was preceded by a confected (but bloody) terrorist attack, a provocation which would unite the nation, behind him. Now, of course, Putin is famous for assassinating journalists; jailing his political opposition; ruthlessly persecuting gay and lesbian people; and - from time to time: invading other countries. (Putin has famously said that the dissolution of the Soviet Union was "the greatest tragedy of the 20th century" ~ and has made no secret of the fact that he would like to RESTORE Russia's dominion, over all its old provinces.)
Though Putin's Russia is not as strong as the old Soviet Union was, it still has a couple of very big cards, to play. #1- The world's largest nuclear arsenal (not to mention untold reserves of chemical, and biological, weapons); and, #2 - Tremendous reserves of natural gas, and oil, which KEEP EUROPE WARM.
The first, means that (sadly) no purely military response is available to the U.S, NATO, or anybody ELSE - when Volodya goes on his little irredentist holiday-expeditions, in Georgia, or the Crimea. The second means that economic sanctions, are VERY difficult to impose, upon him. . . the Europeans don't WANT THEM. . . and, Jon, one understands WHY. . . it would COST THEM A LOT. (And a lot more than it would cost the Americans - - - at least in terms relative to GDP.)
To his credit, Barack Obama has shown a good deal of leadership in initiating sanctions, against Putin.
The Europeans have been VERY slow to respond, but (I suppose) understandably so, given all their irons in the Russian forge. What is crucial, is what Angela Merkel, will do. (She has recently hinted that she is getting tired of Putin's
singspiel. . . but it will be DIFFICULT for her to take a strong stand.) Her country is Russia's biggest trading partner in the EU, and only SHE has the power to hit back at him, in a way that HURTS. I have no idea whether she will be able to screw her courage to the sticking-place, or not. . . especially in the wake of a worldwide recession, which is not really over, yet. But I HOPE she will.
What is for sure, Jon is - yes - Putin will try to invade or subvert or control every former Soviet satellite-country he can (without regard for human lives): WHEN and HOW, he can. The West will NOT be able to beat him back, in his sinister endeavours, by sheer force of arms, especially in his own backyard. But. . . stronger economic sanctions could make his SUCCESSORS think hard. (Not Putin himself - his course has been set, and he has cast the die for the kind of world he wants. . . which, I am sure, is nothing any one of US, wants.)
P.S. I hope everyone on this board realizes, Jon. . . I have many kind and lovely friends, IN RUSSIA. But I could never write a letter as frank and open as this, to them. I always CAREFULLY self-censor my letters, to them.
Because - do Americans think they have problems with the NSA??? Well, any of my friends in Russia (the country Mr. Snowden prizes as the freest on earth, and which is saving him from American tyranny) who got a letter like this, would have the FSB at their door within two weeks. (Not one week - because the Russian bureaucracy is notoriously inefficient, though the FSB is the MOST EFFICIENT part of it - but, after TWO WEEKS, there WOULD be the knock at the door, and they'd go to JAIL. And there'd be interrogations, and beatings. . . and who knows, if they'd ever go home, again???)