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Advice for HIV+


Active Member
Mar 11, 2009
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Hey guyse. I'm not sure if any of you know but World AIDS Day is coming on December 1. I think it is very important to continue to show efforts to reduce the spread of this disease as it kills millions of people every year. I definitely think that it should be spoken of since so many Broke Straight Boys videos are bareback. I am HIV+ I have to take medicines for the rest of my life all because of a decision I made for one night of passionate sex and deciding not to use protection. But I am very fortunate. Many people will go years and never know they have it, while me on the other hand I found out that I had it immediately, which is better. I am writing this for myself as well as to any member who may be HIV+. Do you all have any advice to people who have HIV and they still want to live normal lives such as dating, marriage, children? Is there ways that we can prevent the spread of this disease?

Take care. Be smart. Protect yourself.
Thank you for sharing that Zayboy. Wise words indeed. I'm so sorry that you have joined the ranks of the positive. We have spoken at length about the issue of BBing here. You are welcome to keep discussing it now if you feel the desire to share your views. I think you'll find that there are many here who are very wary of the reintroduction of BBing in the industry. And of course Broke Straight Boys in particular.