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about those statues etc.


Well-known Member
Jul 1, 2015
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put the confederate statues in a museum wherein they can be examined from multiple perspectives and assessed with some academic rigor...the vast majority of confederate statues were erected in response to a Reconstruction - a brief period after the Civil war where especially in the South new-constitutionally protected Black citizens held government posts and most importantly erected the foundations for comprehensive public education for all those people who had previously been excluded and/or deterred from gaining an education ----- poor Whites and 99% of Blacks whether slave or nonslave....the confederate statues came at the same tome that the Ku Klux Klan in the South and in many parts of the North was considered a respectable civic organization that policed public morality --- no interracial opposite sex sexual relationships and no interracial relationships based upon mutual respect and humanity. Gone with the Wind and Birth of a Nation psychopathic morality of lynching was the "respectable" standard enforced by laws and enacted everyday to humiliate and degrade Black Americans while falsely allowing White Americans to believe that they were naturally born superior to Blacks and had a right to kill them....
US History is complex and ugly and it would be interesting to kow how many of these alt-right White Supremacists are LGBTQers...